Sandbox - Not everything I hoped

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A hobo, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    When I first heard of Sandbox, I thought it would be like an enormous Foundry, with three floors and hugeness all around.
    That wasn't so much the case. For me, Sandbox was supposed to be perfect. With the great little textures just like foundry (which are very colourful and able to be used in different ways) and having perfectly flat, square, smooth objects. I first tried forging on it, and it basically was not that. The objects are bumpy and hard to work with, and trying to line up floors is way too hard now. The way the objects look are ugly (IMO), and forging on this is too daunting to get your brain working unlike in Foundry.

    For me, I won't be making very detailed maps, because there's too much to cover. The items they gave us is to line up our things, and not to detail them so much. When I make stuff on this, it'll be to mess around. I love to see great maps that people make that treat this exactly like Foundry, just for me, It'll never be too good.
    #1 A hobo, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Yea, Sandbox was kinda a letdown for me too...
    It doesn't give the item's I liked on Foundry, such as the fences, and Sandbox doesn't have that...
    It does have a Wall, Slit in it, which is nice, but not what I wanted...

    The Middle Tier is a bit too small to be useful for me, and the uneven walls and blocks are very annoying. The slightly curved walls of the Crypt are my biggest pain...

    It is worth it, even just for the Achievements
  3. Deaf Smith

    Deaf Smith Ancient
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    I too am a bit disappointed in Sandbox, but I prefer it over Foundry. I do wonder why Foundry's items aren't in the Sandbox listing of items to forge..
  4. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    I want a map, only for forge. Comes blank and max. oln. You don't play it in forge.
    Not unlimited money, because some like to work for that challenge.

    Every object ever seen, plus a lot more.

    But you could play this in customs
  5. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Yea i totally agree with this. Im still forging on foundry. i actually jsut released a new map(in my siggy) and its on foundry. but unfortunately, everyone loves sandbox now and wont give as many views/ comments to the old favorite.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    In all honesty i love the same textures on foundry it annoyed the crap out of me when stuff was blue/green/orange etc. Granted sandbox is something that makes a urban style map suck because its way to plain but for people who enjoy making maps like Warlock was and Sanctuary its perfect. I do want a map where you can use all item's that are off of every map. I really wish it was like H2V so you can create your own landscape.
  7. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    My hopes and expectations for Sandbox were way to high to begin with.

    I was hoping to create some cool urban maps, but now thats impossible.
  8. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    Maybe we wouldn't have this discussion if bungie did not boast about it as highly as they did?
  9. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I personally find it quite pathetic that so many people are STILL complaining. Bungie made Foundry to cater to forgers. Apparently, that wasn't good enough for you all. Foundry was "a letdown" because "it was too bland" or "too small" etc.

    So what does Bungie do?

    They took all the complaining people like you guys gave them, and gave you YET ANOTHER map for forgers. They made it three times larger than foundry, added tons of new objects, and gave you multiple environments to forge in.

    And now, you all are STILL finding things to complain and whine about.
    Use the Sky Bubble.

    It's a Forerunner map, not a human warehouse, there wouldn't be any trucks or shipping containers in a freakin' desert.

    Deal with it.

    There's something you people need to remember, and it's that Bungie (unlike most Developers) actually care for their community and listen to that sort of feedback.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (COD:4) has had one map pack in it's lifespan, and most players I play with hate the maps in it.

    Halo 3, has had four DLC Map releases so far.

    There's definitely a major difference there, and contrary to what some people may think, Forge was NEVER meant to be a Map Editor, but an Object Arranger, that allowed it's user to create different object and weapon layouts.

    So, suck it up and deal with it.... because we will never have a full-blown Map Editor/Creator in Halo 3.
    #9 The Cheat, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I do wonder why they made the decision to have the Crypt walls all curved. It seriously serves no purpose other than to annoy.
  11. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    That whole post made by The Cheat really annoyed me. If you think that it was just for pathetic stuff like that, this is freaken FORGEhub. I think if Bungie can't do it right, they need to try again. Take our complaints into account, and only change the things that we complained about. If they honestly did that, this discussion would never happen.
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    in all honesty you can look at it this way: It's not perfect so strain your abilities and make the maps perfect with imperfect item's. I'm not saying complaining is a bad thing, it does get results and i agree with alot that was said but each forge map or any map that a forger works on has problems so just work with them.
  13. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Well, from a logical standpoint, Bungie doesn't have to change anything.

    Yes, this is FORGE HUB, but that doesn't mean you can come here and whine and complain about things you can't change.

    Bungie never had to make a Forge Map.

    Bungie didn't have to make a second Forge Map.

    Hell, Bungie didn't have to even make Forge!

    It's quite obvious you didn't even read my entire post, because I did say that Bungie makes forge and map packs because they care for the community.

    Yet, you still find things to cry about.

    I am down, because I fear if I keep going on about this, you will have stopped reading, and I will have wasted my time.

    Good Day Sir!
  14. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Although I admit that I was slightly disappointed with the lack of scenery objects and the overall bumpiness of the objects, Sandbox is as good as it's gonna get and I'm fine with that. I definitely would have liked an H2V-style editor, but I knew it wouldn't happen on a console.

    For those of you complaining about Sandbox, wait for Halo 3's PC version (that should come out in the next couple of years). I'm definitely waiting for H3PC to truly blow my mind. :D
  15. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That's alot of text for me to work with here, so if you don't mind, I'm just going to cut some parts out so people don't have to read as much before getting to my retort.

    So I see where you are coming from, and by all means you are entitled to your opinion. Then again, even idiots are entitled to their opinion, so that isn't saying much. I guess what I am getting at here, is that just because you can "have your say" it doesn't mean we want to hear it. If I wanted to hear bitching all day I'd just attend an elementary school PTA meeting headed by soccer moms. Now, I don't want to put words in other people's mouths, but I think it is safe to say that Bungie shares my attitude.

    The fact of the matter is, no matter what anyone does, there will always be the whiners. Face it, it's the truth and you're one of them. However, there is a difference between justified complaints, and complaints for the sake of complaining. In this case, you're general "mood" closely resembles mine that one time mommy and daddy said I couldn't have a lolly. I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with Sandbox, but you saying "I hate _______" is awfully similar to my saying toward my dad "You're fat" and telling my mom "her hair looked bad". While those may have been flaws, they served no overall importance and the only reason I said those things was because I hoped that my little tantrum would change their minds about the candy; just as you are now pointing out several little flaws in hopes that Bungie will give you your way.

    You open up with "Sandbox was meant to be perfect". No, it was never meant to be perfect. Already the fault is on you for letting your expectations to exceed that of reality. Nothing can ever be perfect, especially in the world of opinion. But let's just go forward with this "Utopian forge map" idea. What would be this "perfected" map? Well, I'm not sure, but according to the "hopes" addressed in sandbox thread, I think I can nail a couple of things.

    • Huge blank canvas with no scenery
    • Unlimited Budget
    • Diversity of Items
    • Being able to switch on and off "interlocking" mode.
    • Be able to place items into the ground to geo-merge them without effort.
    • No annoying geometry features such as the Foundry Crane.
    • Ability to set death barriers.
    The list goes on and on of unreasonable expectations of forge. Bungie gave us what we wanted that was reasonable, which was:

    • A huge canvas (3 tiers of it).
    • Diverse items
    • No annoying geometry features (no, the walls of the crypt do not count)
    They exceeded expectations with the large amount of diverse items, gave us 3 tiers to forge on, and many new glitches to exploit. And no, don't ***** about crypt's walls, because they are no where nearly as bad as the foundry ones. Sure geo-merging is harder, but I will not get into a rant about "if you are too lazy to make your map perfect, quit forging". Also, on the issue of the "middle tier being too small" that is a load of bullshit. It is twice the size of Foundry. People managed to contain their maps in Foundry, why can't people do the same now? Not to mention you have the entire sandy area beyond the main playing field if you really need size. So what if it is sand dunes, you can manage.

    You see, the reason you don't like what The Cheat is saying, is because you know your just complaining and don't like it. You want to think that you are making a stand, "sticking it to the man", when you Forge on Foundry, refusing to work with Sandbox. And you know what, that is perfectly fine, limit yourself to Foundry. Plenty of great maps have been made on Foundry, despite all the issues people had with it. So to think that Sandbox will be any different is being awfully short sighted. But, seeing as you aren't forging on Foundry because it better suits the needs for a particular map, then maybe that won't be the case. No, you're just there to cry in your corner and hope someone (Bungie) pities you.

    So, going back on what I said, nothing Bungie can do to appease everyone. It just won't happen. Bungie did what they did, and appeased many people (including myself). And while I may be upset that there are some annoying little glitches, I've found ways around them and have learned to deal with it. Because I am not like you, and don't ***** when I my candy isn't sweet enough. I take my lolly and enjoy it.

    Oh, and for the record, issues that Foundry has had since day 1 and people still got over it:

    • Walls have protrusions
    • Crane
    • Items tilting
    • Small budget
    • Item Limit
    • Not enough diversity in item size
    • Missing Weapons and Vehicles
    • Items have a bland and distasteful texture (yes, people bitched about that, just as you do with Sandbox now).
    • "Soft" edges on items prevent you from placing them close together.
    • Double boxes with rounded edges.
    • Hard to make walls stand up perfectly straight
    • Too few of any given item.
    • U shape of the map often resulted in most items used to block it off.
    • Too short.
    • Too small.
    • Grating in the middle raised off the ground a tad.
    • etc.
    #15 X5, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  16. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    exactly, maybe people get the i want an h2v map editor because they believe that bungie did h2v which in some aspects they did but i believe the map creator is not from bungie at all.

    Consoles have map creators aka Farcry but Bungie didn't do it for their own reasons unknown to us. as i stated the map isn't perfect but test your limits and make it into something perfect.
  17. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    The Cheat:

    What you don't seem to grasp is that Bungie's first intention in creating Sandbox wasn't to do the community a favour. It was to make money. They realised how many people wanted a new, improved space to forge in, and decided that listening to them would be making the right financial call.

    We understand that the Forge will never be a map editor. It is and always will be a real time object editor. But that isn't to say Sandbox couldn't have been better.

    The Ground level is too small to build anything larger than a mid-sized map on. The existence of the Crypt shows Bungie's appreciation of the need to economise objects, what with its pre-built walls, yet in order to build a large map, you need to spend half the budget on a floor. This doesn't leave enough for the map itself.

    The Crypt walls are irregular. One of the main complaints with Foundry was the irregular map geometry; the crane, the slanted walls. Yet somehow, they have made that same mistake twice.

    It is extremely easy for objects to fall through the Sky Bubble. All it would have taken was an extension, depth-wise, of the gridded plane, and we wouldn't have had this problem. Somehow, this made its way through testing, and placing objects on the grid has become quite frustrating.

    The objects are ugly, irregular, and in my opinion, limited. The sandy aesthetic is bland and doesn't seem to have much relevance to the Halo universe, and many of the construction items seem to have had their edges chiseled at. The ends of large ramps, the corners of double blocks. And the large stone columns are completely lopsided!

    The Foundry theme may not have been a delight to the eye, but it was at the very least detailed, and actually felt like something from Halo; it resembled the level 'The Storm'. And most of the objects were, if not completely regular, then irregular in a regular fashion (the curved upper edges of double boxes, for instance).

    Another strong indicator that not enough thought was put into the map is that the way in which you rotate a double block, among other objects, affects how closely it can be pushed up against something else.

    But to top it all off, I feel that we are missing several staple objects from the scenery pallette. Crates, barrels, cones, camping stools. There are no scenery items that give a map a little charater, and barely any movable objects that came in handy when making elaborate switches as well as serving a purpose in maps of almost any kind.

    So I agree; sandbox is not as good as I hoped it would be.
    #17 porkstein, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  18. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    I've cut the first few paragraphs out due to their nature as mindless condescension.

    How are these hopes unreasonable? Understandably, the ability to toggle hit detection on and off was too much to ask for, but it wasn't something that the majority, including myself and the OP, were genuinely hoping for.

    As for wanting a huge blank canvas sans annoying geometric irregularities: why, it would have been easier for Bungie to create something like this. Sadly, it seems that Bungie are more intent in creating something aesthetically pleasing than something practical and effecient.

    The walls are not as bad as those in Foundry. But they do make it significantly harder to forge something accurately. Unless you geo-merge, there are also going to be gaps through which grenades and weapons can fall either sides of the pillars. We wouldn't have had to geomerge anything into these walls if Bungie had simply made them smooth.

    This is something you need to understand. People did manage to contain their maps in Foundry. People will manage to contain their maps in Sandbox. But should we have to? Should we have to forsake original designs because of map limitations? There is certainly no chance of seeing a map suited for big team. If Bungie had simply extended the floor further, we wouldn't have to limit our maps thus.

    Note: Foundry was too small; that fact is widely accepted. To defend Sandbox's size by comparing it to Foundry is not an effective argument.

    Or maybe he isn't as immature as you think. Maybe he forges on Foundry because he genuinely can't work with the aesthetic and irregularities of Sandbox. Maybe, just maybe, he isn't looking to be pitied.

    You think you have the OP totally sussed out. I think you're not as good as reading people as you like to think.
    #18 porkstein, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  19. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    personally, I like the challenge. It allows you to think...
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    It's SANDbox.
    Most of the objects are partly containing sand.
    Sand blows away like dust.
    A couple of years in the desert, and a square gets round edges.

    Also, think about it if it had straight walls.
    Tonnes of sand, with no slanted support which would properly hold it up.
    It would have collapsed ages ago.

    Also, with map varients like SandBlock, it GREATLY enlarges the map. And all those bumps and sand dunes? They make it perfect for a vehicle map.
    #20 Dreaddraco2, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009

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