Sandbox UNSC Sandsnake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by D4ni3l G, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Hi again, i havent posted a map for ages now so i thought it was about time i posted my first sandbox map. This is a desert patrol and light engagement ship called UNSC sandsnake, based on the design of a Pelican, it took around 6 hours to make.

    The ship itself has two floors consisting of a cockpit and crew room on the top floor and troops quarters on the bottom floor. The main weapon on the ship is a light anti air (gaus) cannon and four heavy machine guns.

    And i know some peoples like the backstories i do so here ya'll go:
    Lieutenant Harmonds surveyed the new ship with pride. Turning to the captain he let a smile break over his face for what seemed like the first time in months. "She'll do just fine captain" he remarked. Lately things had been getting on top of him, four pelicans shot down on patrol in just as many weeks, the grunts were getting confident - but things were about to change.

    Walking a full circle around her, he run his hand across the metal surface. "Sand camoflage" came the captain's voice from the other side of the ship as if he had read the lieutenants mind. "it's a new prototype design". "If it stops the grunts tearin' another hole in our plans, then it works for me" replied Harmonds thoughtfully. "lets just arm up and get her active, the next run's scheduled in twenty minutes and i dont want to have to send another pelican crew to their death".

    Twenty minutes later, the ship was a hive of activity, soldiers running aboard and the whine of the engines warming up, they were taking no risks with this one, four full squads of soldiers and enough weaponry to take down three scarabs made that plain. Lieutenant Harmonds was leaning casually against a stack of suppies when he was approached by a sentry.

    "Sir! UAV scans of the area show a hostile camp twenty kilometers south-east of our position, they're heavily armed and possibly aware of our patrol route!" he reported. "thanks son" muttered Harmonds, not the least bit intrested. "And sir, the ship, she's ready for departure" added the sentry. "Then get on board and arm up!" yelled Harmonds, suddenly jumping to life. "if they know we're coming, then that just makes things harder!"

    And some pics:

    [​IMG] Overview

    [​IMG] Side view

    [​IMG] Light AA gun and cockpit view

    [​IMG] rear view

    [​IMG] the troops quarters

    [​IMG] and finally the grunt camp

    Thanks for reading and please DL ;) : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    I like the design but it looks a little bland and blocky, I think you should try to make a V2 of this or something, of which its not so, flat in a huge area and rather more interesting or something, you know what i mean? other than that it looks good! Great first post! You got your pictures up :p
  3. cooldog99

    cooldog99 Ancient
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    i love it, you should totally make a banshee camp and a infection setting for like a sky raid or a sky assault from the covenants. =D
  4. Dude2133

    Dude2133 Ancient
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    looks good but boxy but i will download
  5. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Thanks people =)

    yeah, il deffinately make a V2 on this, and i can see where you're coming from. Its not my first post altogether, just my first on sandbox =)

    Yeah, that would be quite cool exept you can't get a bashee into the skybubble from the ground, it'd have to be in the skybubble which would probably ruin the effect. =(

    Thanks for the download! As it's been said the ship is blocky before, Care to elaborate?
  6. AX7Irish nade

    AX7Irish nade Ancient
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    looks a little.. plain but i think you could turn the ship into a great race track :)
  7. Dude2133

    Dude2133 Ancient
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    i just played this map with my friend i like the cargo bay you could of made the ship a bit bigger and less boxer, not trying to say it too much good effort though 5/5
  8. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    ...okay....if you say so....xD

    Yeah, I'm not sure how you could make it bigger, although it does need something to make it less square, i understand and thanks for the constructive criticism.

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