Giza GIZA by ZachIsBallin92 This Is My First Map Post On Forgehub. I think this map is very good for FFA but Team Slayer Could Work. It is built in the sky bubble, there is a tunnel system, a man cannon that shoots you across the map, a pyramid, a secret teleporter, and a bunch of jumps. Thanks Gobluewolverines GAMERTAG: ZachIsBallin92 Map DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details MAP DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details
please embed your pictures by uploading them to photobucket or going to and copying the img tag into you post Also there is a separate forum for mlg pm a mod
It looks really... casual... for a truly "MLG" map. There really isn't any cover (I don't know if I would call bends in the tunnel cover or not), and it looks kind of like a pain to maneuver around, too. I really like that temple-like structure.
if you dont know if its mlg find the mlg standards for weapons only brs carbines plasma pistols rockets and snipers no movable abject unless held own by a nonmovable one no equipment power ups are fine if i missed anything please tell me now for the map it looks like it would be unbalanced since mlg only plays team slayer and easy to fall off of and really small and teleporters are usually not accepted i dont think this would play well
^ Umm... punctuation fail? Lol, jk...^ Onto the map. If this is an MLG map, it should be posted in the MLG Section. This looks alright, but it's just not my kind of map. The pyramid looks pretty cool, but I loathe tunnel systems in competetive maps. Also, many jumps break up the flow of gameplay, and tele-camping is always an issue whan placing teleporters that have no structure around them. My last complaint is that it seems pretty open around Oversheild spawn. You might want to fix that. Overall, it's a 3/5 and a decent map. But like I said, it's just not the kind of map I would enjoy playing on.