Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I asked the same thing.

    His response: you may have read it somewhere, I just thought of this a few years ago, but there's nothing saying somebody else did not think the same thing.

    I'd rather take his word for it then start a fuss, seeing as how Nitrous already buried him, there's no need to redo it.
  2. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    For those who do not believe that evolution is happening now:

    While currently our physical appearence may not be evolving what about our way of thinking? 150 odd years ago we evolved into believing slavery was immoral. Then came along womens' rights, childs' rights...
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    What do morals have to do with evolution? Morals have always been objective. If evolution happens through natural selection, does your post suggest that through natural selection our morals change? You must know one thing before debating morality: they NEVER change. ALL morals are objective, not subjective. You can try me on that one.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    We have been evolving, the average height is rising.
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Average weight is too : /
  6. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Average height isn't a viable way to prove evolution. Height is so varied. Do midgets (no, not the ones that are have disorders, just really short people) disprove evolution? Saying that the average height is rising doesn't mean we're evolving. The average height in 2008 was 5'9 for males, and 5'4 for females. Now for 2003-2006, the average height of a male was 5'10, and the average height of a female was 5'3. It really can be often too varied to judge on. Which is why its not viable.
  7. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    The fact that we arn't all the same height is a form of evolution, because evolution is 2 things, adaption and mixing of genes. Kangaroos, adapted differently than Koalas which came from the same animal in the beginning. As me and some random person don't look alike is gene mixing which means we are evolving jsut it still doesn't answer Creation or Evolution.
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Mutation-Selection: It is a fact that with every mutation, DNA data is lost. Evolutionist have failed to explain how after millions and millions of years of mutations, we have more data.
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I'm not in the mood to do research right now, so I'll temporarily assume that you are right about that.

    Even if we don't have evidence of genetic data being gained, we do have documented proof of evolutions where chromosomes have merged together, and subsequently, the repeated data has been removed. I can imagine that the opposite of this is entirely plausible, but we just haven't found it yet.
    Still, I believe in evolution because it is the most established theory (really, the only theory).
    It will change over time as new evidence is found, as all scientific theories do.

    By the way, something making sense is enough to prove it in many cases (Don't misquote me here, read on). If I tell you that 5 times 5 is 25, you don't demand that I show you 5 groups of 5 objects each and then count them- it just makes sense. Evolutionary theory, as it stands today, makes sense. It is the basis that better adapted creatures survive (logically, this is completely true), and pass along their genes, meaning that over time this adaption is fine-tuned by automatic trial and error (this also makes complete sense).
    As far as I know, there is no part of evolutionary theory that claims to be correct and yet does not make sense. (Abiogenesis is different than evolution, remember)

    Anyways, bed tiemz for me.
    #349 RabidZergling, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  10. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    My only point was to deny that height will prove some sort of evolution, which I don't think it does.

    It makes perfect sense to me that if I see a rock sitting outside it was created and didn't come by chance. What I believe makes perfect sense to me. Of course if it made no sense, I wouldn't believe it. Though you can use 5x5 as an example of sense, it doesn't relate to other matters which are controversial. Math in this form is not a theory/opinion or subject to change.
  11. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    You dont need to individually prove that 5 x 5 = 25, the amassed evidence for that outcome is overwhelming.

    If however you were to claim that 5 x 5 = 26, I wouldn't begin to entertain your hypothesis unless you came up with convincing proof that not only is your claim correct, but that the methodology that proved 5 x 5 = 25 is flawed.

    Common sense is a dangerous thing. The human brain is subject to so many biases and faults in reasoning and perception that it is difficult to trust as an objective diviner of true or false. Greek philosophers believed that all you needed to ascertain truth was to think about something really hard, and they came up with a theory that light eminated from the eyes and touched everything around it. This was the accepted view for over a millenia.
  12. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The thing about many theories is that they don't strive to be completely right, just to accurately predict things.
    Let's say that we have a fact: John is in the park. That can't be proven by common sense, since it is a direct statement leaving no room for other possibilities
    This, however, is a true statement: If John has previously decided to go to the park and was not impeded on his journey there, then John is in the park.

    Our theory may not be right and we can't cite evidence for it, but is is pretty likely to be true since there are no immediate fallacies with it.
  13. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    A concept

    About evolution, how does it explain the existence of God as a concept? Something non-existent (God (you say)) cannot start existing in someones mind, just all of the sudden. Like we can only see the light in the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves, different frequencies come out as different colors. If we were to try to imagine a new color, we would be limited to combinations of light we have already seen, we can't imagine a new color, it's impossible. So how would the idea of God be "imagined" if it doesn't exist?

    Also, some of you say we evolved to religion, that means I'm evolved than you! IN YOUR FACE!
  14. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    "Something non-existent (God (you say)) cannot start existing in someones mind, just all of the sudden."
    Hogwarts also exists. And Middle Earth. And the Boogie Man.

    Religion could have started in many ways. It was originally used to explain what we don't scientifically know (God of the Gaps). It also has been used to gain power and influence, in many cases, simply as a crutch to escape fears of death. For most people today, however, religion only exists because they have been told that it is true from birth and are reluctant to change their minds.
    We certainly did not evolve into religion. Evolution has absolutely no role in religion. We aren't genetically coded to accept religion, nor does it increase our chances of spreading our genes. Religion is an idea that we adopt after birth, not a genetically programmed variable (physical features, for example).

    By the way, stop posting all of your arguments in both religious threads. One is enough, everybody actively reads both threads...
    #354 RabidZergling, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  15. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Then we have to back to the god debate.
  16. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Just a question to all creationist subscribers: Why do I have nipples? When I got out of the shower this morning, there they were, staring me right in the face. What is the point of creating man nipples? When deciding how a man should be constructed, why did god include nipples that have absolutely no function? Oh, and since we were created in god's image, does god have nipples, too? Does he use his for anything? If we were created in God's image why would a god who's major responsibility was conceptual creation need opposable thumbs, or molars, or fingernails. It seems like these traits have become very useful for us down here as we interact with our earthly environment but why does god need any of these things. Does god really have an anus? And does he use it?
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    If we are made from god's image, whom is supposedly a spirit, why do we have flesh? If God is not a spirit? Why couldn't he show Moses himself instead of a fire? Why do we look so different? Why are there different races? I could on and on.
  18. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    God Crap

    Are you saying that when god shits it comes out as my words? Not really sure where you're going with that. Should I be honored that I am god's ass's messenger or should I be offended that my words are god crap? If your going to make a poop analogy about what I have to say, why compare my words to the greatest feces in the universe?

    Please just tell me why god gave me man nipples? They are pointless and obviously left over from some genetic dead end during the long course of evolution.
  19. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    none of this is ment for harm and i am not yelling at anybody. This a debate thread and im giving my opinion.

    First of all im for evolution.

    First, Creation doesn't make sense because how could one single person just say bam! Earth, or bam! human, that not logical in any way shape or form.

    Second, Christains and catholics claim that magic doesnt exist. How on earth would anybody be able to do this without magic!?!

    Third, Evolution doesn't happen a blink of an eye. You say we arent evolving. Its not like we will evolve over night.

    Here is a good example of evolution: Our pinki tow, over the past millions of years our pinki tow has become smaller and smaller because it is virtually useless to the human body.
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    You don't just "develop" the Y chromosome after a little why...

    and I think u meant to say chromosome, not hormone there.

    But no, from the moment of conception you are set to be what you will be. It isn't just like... well little hermaphrodite fetus... lets spin the wheel of what sex will you be and find out? Yes, as you develop in the womb you at first will not visibly be differentiable between sexes, but you always will be what you were determined to be at conception, before you are even close to resembling anything human. So nipples on men aren't because you were developing as a woman until you produced a Y chromosome, its a leftover gene from evolution, just like the little space in the corner of your eye where a third eyelid is more than likely to have been...
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