I think we are going to have to cut down on the featured members guys. I dont know about the rest of the staff but I feel obligated to let each and every guest in on at least 1 episode. and we already have 13 guests so... What does the staff think?
you have to many infractions to be aloud into social groups. :[ Also i have RROD or E74 to be exact. Youre gonna have to do the third without me.
I am sure it didn't teach you a lesson either, because now with that grammar and the carelessness to even bother to type properly it shows that you've changed.
agamer and then amercan if im not back within this month well i dunno sharp. it wont let you join social groups
oh, lol, dude I got those infractions for ads not spam and when I'm typing really fast, I don't proof read. I am actually quite the elegant typist.
We need not tension between our members. Agamer, if this continues, I have no problem leaving this group. That includes you also Phreakie. k dogz get along now.
I have no problem with the way you talk it's just the matter that your posts were quite intelligent before getting warned. Now it seems as if you don't care. I don't know that is just what I see. But there aren't any tensions Xanon, no worries, be happy.
Now guys if you can't get along I may just start sing Why can"t we be Friends. Actually thats would be a good idea for a episode.
K well considering that there is, you wont see me in the next episode until you guys get your crap sorted out. kthnxbye.
Xanon, we're not angry with each other or anything. There aren't tensions, this series won't go anywhere without you. EDIT: Xanon, do you have Skype?
........................ Good, I hate it when you guys argue, and yes I do. But I dont use it. And when's the video coming?