This map is amazing & fun.There is many objects that you wood see in real skate parks.Oh & there is 3 game types...Go Skate/Skate,Go Skate/Zombie and Go Skate/Slayer i'll put the links by order : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details And the MAP to : Halo 3 File Details "I hope you have FUN"
One word: wow I have never seen a skate park that was so asthetically pleasing. The half pipe looks really smooth and if I had any interest in skate park maps, I would download it. 5/5
Looks clean, well done *clap, clap* I'm not into the whole "skating scene" but this still looks very nice... the interlocking looks very nice and smooth, although it's been done before... 4/5
This is amazing. This the best skate map I've seen since Doog Nit's map Doognitized. Great job! I love the aesthetics on the map, it's great. 9/10. Amazing job, man.
Personally, the skating thing on maps is really boring, but the geomerging in this map is incredible. Instant classic.
Loving the mini ramp with the roll in, too bad there isn't a skateboarding game type too! Maybe if you bug Bungie enough They gave us golf so why not? EDIT: Has anyone remade any of the old tony hawk's games maps/skateparks?
Given the fact that wooden planks are available on sandbox, the ramp isn't that amazing. Pretty basic thing to make, actually. If I were to make a skate park, I'd make the whole crypt area a park using various blocks to make one huge pool/bowl with various depths. Given all the options available with the scenery pieces on sandbox, a skate park could be so much more. For creativity, I'd only give you a 3/10 because your skate park is extremely basic. I can't see how this could be a bungie favorite. I could come up with something so much better in a couple of days if I weren't busy with another project.
Agreed. You didn't make anything that stands out as original. I have seen better skate maps, where they have been original. Like the little jumps to get onto ramps made by a pallet with a reciever on top of it and a grav lift underneath
Rilly dude...your tallking about my last skate park. And its not a grav lift its a sheald döre...your dum dude I love how you talk crap when you don't even no what your talking about. I've seen you maps thay look like thay wear mad by a guy that just lernd how to merge...oh and you need to lern how to jeyo next time you talk crap make shore you have your facts strate...and sorry for the bad spelling I'm on my iPhone
I know how to merge objects and geo-merge. ( I've modded a few maps as well ) Just didn't see much reason for it in my last map. A pyramid is made with blocks of rock... kind pointless to merge the blocks for a pyramid... like I stated in my post. Perhaps you should get your facts straight. If you had any brains, you'd realize that and learn to read. Hard to consider your map original. It's just a few items on a map related to skateboarding... my 5 year old niece could do that and she's never played Halo. My point was that if you're gonna create something like a "skate park", you should make it look more like this... at least that would be more original and worthy of a download.
ya dude I cude do that but there's not anof money to do that with...If you wark on a map with me and we can try to do that.just send me a message.
I agree. By you making this skate park showed how good skate maps can be on sandbox. Your half pipe is cool to me cus you used the wood over rock LOl! very well forged and mabey a game with me skating it some time.