Sandbox Drive or shoot. V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by chung_wii, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Drive and shoot
    Created by chung wii

    this is my first map to be posted on forgehub so any constructive criticism would help. =)

    Supported Gametypes
    drive and shoot

    Map Description
    This map is basically what it seems, you either get in a goose and drive to stay alive, or you shoot to stay alive.

    Humans - (magnum) 200% gravity, and 50% speed. (you need to drive. lol) Drive mongeese (gooses?) around the map with limited cover to keep themselves from dying. Their shields do not recharge, and they have normal shields.

    Zombie (sniper)-Has 4x overshield, 200% gravity, and 50% speed. he must stay in his sniper tower and shoot down the drivers as they go around the map. (It is difficult and can help with high speed sniping if you're into that...)

    Last man standing-Has 100% speed, 50%gravity, 2X overshield, and good invisibility. (it takes about 4 sniper shots to kill him, 2-3 headshots.) He can be seen by his overshield, and if you shoot his overshield, he goes invisible, making it hard to get the last shot, but still possible. he has to go to the back base (the one with no vehicles) and grab the grav lift. He looks down and see's a ledge, deploy the grav lift on it, back up, and run forward. He has to do this with precision and quick speed. Once he does that he will get a custom power-up, and then a shotgun. (custom power-up enables him to kill the sniper/hunter with one shot most of the time.) The pictures will explain the last man standing objectives.

    well, I got this idea when I was playing on sandbox, (team snipers) with my friend and his squeaker brother. His brother got in a mongoose and started driving in circles, it was fun trying to snipe him and I thought that the idea had some potential. It sparked the idea for my map.
    Now to some screenie's!

    Cover image [​IMG]
    Cover image 2 (with ramp)
    Sniper tower [​IMG]
    Mongoose and human's spawn [​IMG]
    Exit of mongoose room [​IMG]
    Area with lease amount of cover, good 2 shots, and headshots are made here. [​IMG]
    view of ramp [​IMG]

    (this is the most confusing part of the map to explain. This is where the sniper get's killed. I made it so that if the sniper was dumb enough to jump down to try to get the last man's custom power-up, he couldn't. here are pictures that help explain this process.)

    grav lift part, sniper can see you once you drop the grav lift so move fast! [​IMG]
    deploy here...
    jump onto this ledge, grab custom power-up, and shotgun. (The regular players, or the sniper cannot get the power-up, I've tried.[​IMG]
    If you look behind the custom power up, you see an interlocked teleorter, if you go through it, it will send you to a receiver node on the other end of the wall. Making it uncheatable. And impossible for the sniper to get it because there is a wall between him and the power-up. [​IMG]
    Walk through teleporter... [​IMG]
    Once you go through the teleporter it takes you to a receiver node with a grav lift under it which shoots you up towards sniper tower. (as shown) [​IMG]
    Bam! I got the sniper! [​IMG]

    More action shots (these are kinda funny. =)
    wow, he missed [​IMG]
    Boom headshot! (keep in mind it take 2-3 for a kill...) [​IMG]
    I win with a headshot... I'm too good. [​IMG]
    That was a close one... [​IMG]
    Epic fail... [​IMG]

    Download link for MAP

    Download link for GAMETYPE

    That's All folks, I hope you liked it, and I encourage you to give it a try and see how it plays. even if you don't think It is a great map. I'd appreciate it guys. =) (if there is anything else you think I should do in the V2, I'd appreciate you guys letting me know and i'll get to making it ASAP!, Thnx to forgehub, cheesjam, snakefire7, coolblue67, hairball slayer, A PREDATOR, and I think that's all. Peace! chung wii
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Looks fun, but couldn't the people in mongooses just camp? Is the zombie only allowed to stay in his tower some kind of honor rule? Anyways, it's pretty nice looking, everything has been merged cleanly and nicely, good for a first time map overall. Probably will only play on this map as a screw around map. 4/5 good job.
  3. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    this looks like a very exciting map w/ a bunch of people. The layout is good and the idea is good also. Are the towers blocked off or no? If so unblock because then it would be way to big. The astetics are great and clean. Great job 3.5/5
  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    The zombie is in there by honer rule because if I blocked off the window, then It would get in the way of his shots, I tried blocking it with a scafflong, and it didn't work. As far as camping goes, Yes, you can camp, but whoever decides to do that usually get's booted and isn't invited back because he ruined the game. I made a little thing about the losers who camp too, I made 4 kill balls in the inner corners near the sniper tower spawn in about 3 minutes, But the game is played in rounds so game rounds usually don't drag on for that long. I made the towers unblocked because if I didn't then people would drive as far off as they want and ruin the game.
  5. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    I would say this is very nicely made by you.But the mongoose room has two exits to exit out of correct?Which makes it nearly impossible to camp.The map is awsome overall though.
  6. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    Looks like the bases haven't changed much from the (original?) layout of Sandbox
    But the building in the middle looks cool, with clean interlocking.
    I might have a look later but from this point of view, 3/5
  7. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I made it so that you can turn either left out of the room, or right. So, If you go left you will go behind the base and go the opposite way. I don't recommend that because the game was meant to be all right turns. And I Think i can make a better idea as far as camping goes. I should put shield doors between the 2 bases and the sniper walls. That way you can not camp in between the bases and the tower. And then I think in 60 seconds kill balls should spawn behing both bases, so whoever is camping there will instantly die. Making the game more fun. If you guy's have any ideas for a v2, i'd like to know so that I can make improovements.
  8. GoldenBandit94

    GoldenBandit94 Ancient
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    the map is good I think you could have forged it in the skybubble to limmit the mongoose drivers but overall a very good map.
  9. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Thank's man.
  10. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Fun map man, I enjoyed it! As long as people follow the honor rules, it is a blast! 5/5
  11. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Thank you! It's highly appreciated. I will we play testing on saturday with TG, And I will update this thread with pics for you guys. =)
  12. waffle1313

    waffle1313 Ancient
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    This looks fun its kinda like duck hunt except for alot of differences.
  13. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    yeah, I made it so that it was similar, but also different.
  14. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    this looks to open, i dont like the 2-3 shot kill idea
  15. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    The 2-3 shot idea is only for the last man standing. For everyone else it's regular shields with no recharge. I made a v2, And I have been play testing it a lot, and So i decided to improove it to a v3? idk, I will post it in the near future.
  16. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    do you guy's want me to make a v2? I can if you guys think some things should be improved.
  17. phredryxun92

    phredryxun92 Ancient
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    Looks alright i give it a 4/5 for orginality if the people in the mongooses try to camp at the begining try putting a kill ball spawn after like 30 secs so it makes it a bit more fare.
  18. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I made a killball spawn at 90, And I said that earlier in this thread.

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