Sniper rifle kinda like my br pic. download/copy here : Halo 3 File Details critics please =]
I really like this one, but once again, the effect on the barrel was overdone. If you had a perfect barrel outline, this would be a favorite of mine. I really like how you can see the fine details on the handle and how the detail fades on the scope. Nice job. 4/5
Don't The picture is one of the better ones I've seen of it's kind but the effect is becoming VERY overused. The pic could be a lot better of you could see the barrel more clearly like AmercanPsycho said.
You might want to look around in a forum you want to post before making a thread, man. It's been overdone to death, but i really don't care. You tried and that's what counts. The pic is nice, i just wish i could see more of the sniper.
This one unlike my BR pic was meant to fade away at the outlines. But if you guys say its overdone i guess i should make it look a little simpler. AmercanPsysco already seen it and said "You over did it slightly..." My br pic