Unlimited_Money UNLIMINTED MONEY Glitched Sandbox with all original objects still on map for the Maximum object allowance. Brought to you by TEENTECH. This is my first post by the way. It took me awhile but its done for all to download and enjoy=) PLZ DL!!! What are you waiting for DOWNLOAD NOW!!!
I feel like I'm repeating myself, BECAUSE I AM! So I'll quote myself... Quote: Originally Posted by Arvas This is no excuse, if you're aware of this websites existance then im going to take a stab and say that you looked at a few posts before... this is a largely growing problem with every third map post being: "I made a map! OMG its soo SEXY!!!11!!!!11!/1! *no pics*" I almost think we should make a rank requirement to post maps, so we know they'll know how to post. Also, this is in the wrong section...
Please embed your pictures. Go to haloscreenshots.net, search your gamertag, click on your desired image(s), copy the link, go back to FH, edit your original post, click on the little mountain thing with the sun (the image embeder thang), and paste each of you links into the little screen that pops up with the embeder thing. K?
Really I don't think there is any need for pics its just a map with Ulimited Money and all the original objects still on the map its ugly as hell but it works
LOL OMG you act like your an administrator or something L(ing)OL @ U. Besides I added pics but directly from bungie.net and the files obviously where moved
In all honesty, do you really need pics of a canvas map. If your so sick and tired of doing a moderators job then stop and let them do it, because they do it in a way that is more polite. This is an even bigger problem on this site, because people make mountains out of mole hills and scare off any new people this site gets. There is a reason why they are moderators, and you're not. End of story.
@ Arvas, it's going to be okay. He's knew, relax. @ TEENTECH, just because he's not a admin doesn't mean he's not right. And chill with the OMG's and LOL's. Good job though, I've been wondering if anyone would make one. My saved files list is full though, so I'll DL tomorrow.
That shouldn't be an excuse, theres a post at the top of the map forum that says, 100% MANDATORY BEFORE POSTING, in there it says you must have pictures, basic layout or not; it doesn't make it ok for someone to bypass the rules because, "they're new". I'm tired of this, I posted pictures in my first post, because I READ THE RULES...
No need for pics on this kind of map, but showing your stacks in a pic would be nice so we know where they are. Canvas maps are the only maps permitted to be posted without pics.
I agreee with arvas, people should read the rules. I agree with Grif too but i think you shoudl just put up one pic showing us where you put your stacks of objects.