Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You'd think if god wrote a book people would actually read it.
  2. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    God didn't write it, if you believe in that.
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    He said if...
  4. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    But he put it in the context of saying that he did.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    If he's inspiring someone he's writing through him, otherwise, his word would be subject to the author's opinions. If you are believer you have to accept that god wrote the bible for that very reason.

    Even if the author didn't deviate from what god told him to write, the message is exactly the same as god wanted it to be so he might as well have written it himself. It's just easier to say it the other way.
  6. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    I just had to show you this.
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    If you don't know God's plan, how do you know that everything is part of his plan?

  8. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    I won't even lie, I had to read that like 4 times before I actually got it. I guess i'm just dumb.
  9. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    We never knew any of His intentions in the first place. We don't need to know God's plan. Furthermore, we can judge that everything God does is part of His plan, considering he IS omniscient. (Don't throw an omni vs omni in this debate)
  10. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    It doesn't matter if he is omniscient or omnipotent. The issue here is that you are claiming everything is part of his plan, when in fact you don't know that. You can guess, but you can't know. In fact, you don't even know if he is omni... anything.

    The only thing you can tell me that you know (meaning factually) about God is that you know nothing about such a being.
    #910 EonsAgo, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  11. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    If god does have a plan, the things that are happening right now, in your life may not be a direct part of it. It time and space are related dimensions, and god created space, then he also created time. That means God is timeless. He knows how it is all going to end. Therefore, he sets thing in motion that he know will achieve that end. he doesnt care about the now, it means nothing to him. The world can go through the worst torment imaginable - as long as it eventually brings about what he wants. If he want a new jewish state, then the deaths of millions to achieve that is nothing to him. If he wants the antichrist to challenge him, then the countless wars, suffering and totalitarianism that brings about is just part of the process.

    All part of gods plan, accept it.
  12. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    I personally believe that God does not exist. Every people since the dawn of time has a created a god or gods to suit the needs of their culture. And every single believer of every single religion will tell you that they are right about their beliefs, and that everyone who does not believe in their god/gods is wrong. Religion has been used to justify torture, murder, extermination, ethnic cleansing, and all that horrible stuff. God is simply a creation to answer questions and maintain control. I don't buy it. My dad, however, has God to fill the holes in his life. That's great for him, but I can't believe that God is real if he simply exists to smooth over the mysteries and problems of life.

    In a sense, the concept of God is like a drug: it is an escape. There is no plan except for people to continue to use "God" as an excuse to harm others. Though I understand that not every religious group is militant or openly harmful, I think there is something aggressive in asserting that the rest of the world is wrong.
    #912 Awkward Silence, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  13. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    He Does, I Can Prove It:

    [FONT=&quot]Proving God's Existence[/FONT]

    To prove this, I need to define a few things first. This is so that you will know what I am talking about throughout this essay and we will be free of confusion. Anyone reading this skeptically, please, read throughout the end, or let me know which part you were lost at.

    Time: The measure of Change in matter.

    Space: Distance between matter

    Matter: Anything that has Mass and Volume.

    First, we must know that all these things are FINITE, in order to prove that to you, I will use this: If, after an infinite amount of time, something would happen. That something is anything, fill in the blank, but it would occur after an infinite amount of time, would it ever occur? No. Never would you reach a point where you could say, "an infinite amount of time has passed, let ______ occur."
    Lets fill that blank in with what you just did two seconds ago, even if it was taking a breath. Think about that, it is in the blank, so if there had been an infinite amount of time before that breath, it never would have occurred. It is the same situation, just fill in the blank with something that has already occurred, since it occurred, infinity could not have preceded it. So now we know TIME HAD A BEGINNING.
    Should time have a beginning, so would space and matter. Matter changes without observable exception, not the smallest measurement of time passes without matter changing somehow. Temperature is the measure of molecular movement that occurs everywhere, every when. Currently Absolute Zero is a myth, it cannot be achieved, until it is achieved this theory stands. Since matter cannot exist without time, neither can space, because space is a measurement requiring the presence of matter. This means something had to create it all. Something had to have been there forever, with no beginning, because if there was nothing, where did everything come from? Nothing can only produce nothing, if there was nothing we would be nothing, saying nothing made something is ridiculous. So what was this thing that was there all of forever?
    Let's give this "thing" an image. In order to make all of this, it would have to be immensely powerful; look at all the energy in the world. It would have to have extreme intelligence; look at all the science and detail of the world. It would have to exist outside of matter, time and space in order to create it, obviously. If it did not exist in time, matter, and space, it would be omnipresent, because it is not limited to space as to where it can exist, and it would perceive time as all now. It would see time from outside, and see all of it. Since it is omnipresent every moment of everyday, it would know all. Here is our turning point for this Characterization, it would be sentient. We are sentient, and sentience cannot come from no sentience. A universe unaware of itself cannot just realize in one being all of the sudden that it IS.
    Now we are dealing with a he/she. He/she would have to have infinite life, living forever in the past as they do in the future. So, now we have a sentient he/she that is powerful, eternal, omnipresent, all-knowing, and sentient. Hmmmmm.... Who does that sound like?
    Now, there remains one question, which God is it? Well, we know God can predict the future. Man cannot predict the future, so we know that anything that can predict the future is of God, or at least supernatural. We cannot just take any religion that predicts "Judgment Day" and say, "This predicts the future! It's God's word!" No. We need a prophecy that has been foretold. Something that was said and then fulfilled, and recorded for our reading and knowledge. What book of all religions, predicts the future, has more than one writer to affirm it's fulfilling, is supported by other historical writings of the time, has archeological evidence, a multitude of witnesses, and claims to be the word of God?

    The Bible.
    Want to see some Bible prophesy fulfillment? Try looking it up, Google it, go to the library, it's everywhere. I do not accuse other religions of anything not true, they are based upon human merit works. Earning salvation, while Christianity recognizes there are NO good people. We are all sinful and cannot enter heaven without God's grace. Grace is not a license to sin either. When God gives you the gift of faith, coming with it is a longing to obey, and stronger faith for obedience. The more you turn to God, the more light he shows you, the farther you turn, the more he blinds you.
    Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6
    Know that many "Christians" are not as they profess. Faith is obedience, we all mess up, sometimes big, but if you have faith you will have a longing to do God's will.
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Like I said, we don't need to know, and even bringing this up doesn't prove or disprove God's existence.

    This is true. God exists outside of time, matter, and energy.

    I hear this "God of the gaps" said a lot. Every single believer? So far almost every single atheist here has made a generalization. Religion has been used to justify sin? In what instance? And when you say religion, are you also directing this at Christianity, though indirectly? God doesn't exist to smooth over problems in life.. WE exist because of Him. Where do you see people using God as an excuse to kill innocent people? Nowhere...(if they really do believe Jesus is the Christ, the Godhand and the Lord, the trinity, and Christ died for our sins on the cross). We never said the rest of the world is wrong. We honestly don't mind you people, your beliefs, because we know it will happen. If you don't believe in something supernatural like creation, then please don't be surprised when supernatural judgment comes at the end of the earth. (Don't even try debating that)

    Can I fairly say that many people are ignorant? Of all kinds. Not just atheists. I've seen enough ignorant Christians as well. I hate having to say this, but when the end comes, I will be sorrowful for all those that have to endure eternal torment. Whether or not God exists or not, it gives me the hope of an eternal life. Some pages back on this thread some were saying they wouldn't give the prayer of salvation even a slight chance. Honestly? Is this how ignorant we've become? I gave it a chance. I never went back. And it really burdens me to have to say this, but you would rather take your chances with eternal torment than a quick prayer? It does not sicken me, for I know that it is true. Though I am judgmental, I am a sinner, like all of us. Sins are all the same in God's own eyes. And I will be judged. People don't deserve eternal torment, which is why people like me try to get them to God. Does it sound a bit too much work for just a belief in God? Not really. Everyone says "just try this drug once, just a puff" and you become addicted, and want more. Yet they don't want to try God, just once, and see what it was like like us.

    Don't bother flaming me for that last paragraph, you'll look like an idiot.
  15. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    That's what I mean when I say that religious people believe everyone else is wrong.
  16. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    We hold firm to our beliefs. And so does everyone else with their's so its unfair to say this. Now, if you'd kindly, care to refute my first paragraph? Instead of commenting on my last sentence, if you will, that is.
  17. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    First of all, what you are describing is an argument from ignorance (new term I learned from wikipedia!). Second, god can't exist forever either. You say that nothing can exist forever, but then completely forget that law when talking about God...
    I prefer the idea that time is a relative, perceived dimension. You also need to remember that on a small scale, many particles don't follow everyday common sense. I'm not sure if Quantum Mechanics has a single answer to why we perceive time as we do, but I know I would rather use evidence that can be seen and tested that assume that some omnipotent super-intelligent creator started everything.
    Please, give me one example of a prophesy that has no explanation other than having seen the future. If I ever see such a proof of God, I would instantly convert. The problem is there are no miracles - all of them are simply chance event or self-fulfilling.
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Where do you see people using God as an excuse to kill innocent people?! Are you kidding????? Okay, the Middle East today: Terrorism, Al Qaeda, you name it. Christians: The Crusades, India was torn apart into India and Pakistan by religion.... I shouldn't have to explain this one. And yes, you DO believe that the rest of the world is wrong... even if some people respect other's beliefs. By believing in God, you are saying that everyone who doesn't is wrong. And nobody appreciates the religious recruiters that come to your door.

    And do you know how arrogant and irritating expressing pity over the "eternal torment" that I will apparently suffer is? Now, about what you were saying about taking chances with a quick prayer: I did. My dad took me to Church from when I was 5 to when I was 13, when I finally quit all the bullshit. My dad still goes, but I don't buy it anymore.

    You even compared God to a drug, which I did as well. At least we can agree on something. God is like a drug, because the concept God is an escape from life's problems... except when you go back to life, your problems haven't been solved by yelling at the sky.
  19. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    Oh, I was just thinking about it, what happened to Greek Mythology? When the Greeks were considered the most powerful nation on the planet, they believed in what we call Greek MYTHOLOGY, because now we can prove it wrong. What if that is happening...again?

    Edit: Another thing. By what I've read into the bible, let me give you a scenario. Say there is a Chinese man, and he lives in the most Atheist town in the world, and he never leaves his farm. So he has never heard of this religion, called, "Christianity". Well, according to Christianity, he would go to Hell. How in the world is that fair.

    Edit 2: Say there are two people. One is a near perfect person(in morals wise, such as committing bad deeds such as murder etc etc) and there is another, that is no where near being good, but just because the worse of the two guys believes in Jesus Christ, and repents he will go to Heaven, but the better of the two, the guy making people's lives better, will go to hell because he doesn't believe? Just sounds stupid to me.
    #919 xBradx, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  20. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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