MuG's DodgebaLL By x MuG x Sh07 x This is my newest map called Mug's dodgeball and it is the best dodgeball map I've ever made out of the two I made. It is a symmetrical field with very little difference, the only difference are the colors (one red and one blue). It is well made, my friedns that helped me test it gave the looks a 8 or higher out of 10. There is a way to get to the other side but thats cheating so dont do it, I'm not showing how to but its easy to do so don't do it. This map is insane and is fun at the same time, Enjoy the map and have fun. 4-8 players please Now onto the Pictures Blue Side Spawn Red Side Spawn (they were pink) Up close B Up close R Middle Far shot Birds point of view Now for Action Shots Gotcha Stuck A55! The cheater REGRET Nice shot Traits 50 score to Win Team Slayer enabled Sticky Bonus +1 Kill points +0 10 Minutes Team Changing Not Allowed Friendly Fire off Primary Weapon Plasma Pistol Damage Modifier 100% Infinite Ammo enabled Player Speed 100% Player Gravity 100% Motion Tracker off Other stuff to know In 90 seconds flare spawns in middle front on both sides In 120 seconds a regen spawns behind flare spawn both sides In 150 seconds active camo spawns on bothe sides in middle back In 180 seconds bubble shield spawns in front of flare ENJOY THE MAP,DOWNLOAD, AND COMMENT Map: MuG's DodgebaLL Gametype: D.B.
sorry, i dont really like this map, its already been done many times, and frankly, done better. This one isnt cheat proof, the barrier in the middle prevents people from throwing the full distance of the arena, which maybe you wanted, but isnt like real dodgeball.
I know its not original and all but I think I did a really good job on it on my part, but thanks for the critism. All critism goes here! k jk jkj
Cleanly forged and I am sure it has great gameplay, it is just that this idea is one of the most used and plenty of good dodgeball courts have been made already. By your pictures I appreciate your neatness and look forward to playing a map by you because i can assume it won't be bumpy
Its cool but if you cheat I'm sorry I won't download it. But it looks grate so if you just fix the cheating Part it wood be grate
thanks shadow and ya i do make my maps smooth, i just noticed it when you said it. PEOPLE MY XBOX LIVE GOT SUSPENDED FOR SOME PAYMENT THING, SO I GOT A NEW ACCOUNT GT: x 7eChNiQu3 x
Dude, aethetics are great, I love making dodgeball maps, you really can go all-out with looks and design. Check this out, cheat-proof dodgeball: Dodgeball SL, it uses the hill as a barrier, its cool. Do the tops of the barriers get in the way often? And everyone, it really isn't a big deal if it's not cheat proof! and if it's been done before. Its better than alot of other dodgeball maps, and it looks really good so give credit.