I just can't touch a image that has already been or stems from photoshop unless it is a photograph. This looks more like digital art, If you want a power rangers sig I'll gladly do it if you find a stock that is from a source such as screencaptures, poster's or something similar. You just don't touch a image that has been worked on especially digital art its in the artist code of honor.
Wow, I didn't see that, thanks for making me laugh! Wow, your really retarded (Not Miraj the R guy), the website most likely got it from a google search and then put their name on it, if your not going to make it just because you don't know where it came from your going to have problems with a sig shop...
I'm willing to bet the original photo of the guy in your current signature was originally photoshopped before being published or put on the web. Isn't that going against your own rules?
Wow, most of the anime you find in the google search is digital art...But, either way I'm going to stop spamming your *cough* sig shop *cough* and go on about my day.
Its not digital art. I don't touch anime pictures either unless they are from an actual series. Usually these are screen captures, movie posters, promotional art, ect. Never Fan art or digital art.
From the actual creators? Yes, Therefore any image that uses a anime stock can be considered fan art since the original picture stemmed from the creator.
Lets see things wrong with this thread: you don't have examples your sig is sucky your arguing over a code of honor you are a trainee you don't know when to just accept your wrong
While you're right, as long as you don't sell it you're fine. Don't bother. Besides, you're using a character. Who said you could put his picture in your signature? It's the same thing practically.