With the new maps out I think I might become active on here and since I've been bored lately I decided to make some tags for your guys.
Well then we have no idea what your style is and what your sigs look like. You might want to make your sig shop look more appealing and add a format in which to request sigs and some of your previous work, other wise no one is going to request anything
Why make a sig shop and then tell someone not to request anything? Also it's not even as if you have a signature yourself so nobody is gonna trust that you even know how to make one.
As others have said, no one is going to request if there are no examples of your work. At least add a tag into your signature so everyone can see your style.
Then you are going to sit here lonely wishing some one will make a request. You have a uptight attitude like your the best or something. Why don't you post some of your work so we can see if you are a spammer who sucks with sigs, or a good sig maker.
You can pretty much tell its promotional, I mean 1 its power rangers, and 2 it has a name in the bottom, but really come on if your going to make it make it.