Depth Cavern (includes V2) Depth Cavern Depth Cavern V2 (screenshots may vary from original map) OK, so i have tested this map, and i find it very fun, along with my closest friends (oogamo, evil french fry, and halo guy 360). They have all agreed that i made this map very well So the only weapons on the mp are BR's (i love them) but they are scattered around the base, so you need to find them, they are usually in the bunkers. There are 2 bases, well i only consider 1 but my friends say 2 This map works on one flag and infection (you can download specific variants on my fileshare) it is made in the crypt, off the (crypt stacked) map. There are 3 kill balls in the corners, they were added by LostTaz and i was too lazy to delete them, I hope you enjoy this map, and the pix Base Hallway Zombie Pyramid Front Entrance Overview of Human base One of many rooms One of many bunkers Flag window Better overview of human base Zombie entrance Zombie second floor Now for some action pictures Distance kill GRENADE THROUGH THE WINDOW!!!!! FLAG KILL Were you trying to capture something? WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!1 Bunker PHAIL anyway...i hope you enjoy this map
Definately worth a DL feedback soon EDIT: okay, well, i wish it lived up to the screenshots. to be honest, its not a bad map. But it isn't a good one either. what you've done is alright, but theres so much space in sandbox, do more, 3d maze of tunnels on top of the thing opposite the pyramid or something. is there a way to the top of the pyramid apart from grenade jumps? if i were you id make it so you can get to the top, but you have to spiral up, like, using the Wood Bridge, Small in a / / / pattern. And then the top lead to another area of the map, maybe floating in mid air. the pyramid is a good idea, but make it so you can get to the top, and maybe put a bit more inside. I like the map, just make more of it
I like how you used the crypt for this map, most people prefer the skybubble or main level. However when you built the map it looks like you focused on the interior of the bases alot (which is good) but you need to add some obstacles or something to interupt the line of sight when you're outside. Same for on the roof, when you have a high up place to shoot from that's fine but you left it so the person could just back-up and avoid dying. Maybe blocking an area of the roof off so your always visable from somepoint on the ground would even it out. (like on the tower on the map Ghost Town). Lastly, for some of the big rooms in the base try adding just a small little obstacle here and there so it provides a little cover. Other than that it looks like a pretty good map...Asfor the BR part, I agree, it is very VERY annoying when someone goes around not even trying and getting 20 million kills with the AR (Assualt Rifle)
Maybe some more interlocking on the outside. But the insides are really ammazing. With a bit more time and thought this could get maybe a 5/5 from me, till then 4/5
well honestly...i do not know... See our colors in FFA variants are cookie colors, and my friend just wanted to have similar armour, so he chose security, because its his fave armor...personnaly i like rogue helm, scout shoulders, and katana But i am getting off topic here, I will make a V2 of this map, possibly today(W00T spring break). I just don't really have any ideas. well i will replace the scaffoldings with wooden bridges held by block larges...tell me if that is a good idea of not.
i agree with Kevinth3Killer some obstacles between the bases would be nice. something not too big but not too small, like a small tower thats collapsed, use you imagination. anyway apart from that it looks pretty good. the bunkers are a nice touch that will probably set it apart from other maps. 4/5
I think i have a good V2 ready and up...i don't know if i should make a new topic or not, so i will just put the link right under the original link