Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    The bible also says you can sell your daughter into slavery, we should kill gays, and we should stone disobedient children. Do you believe all that too?
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    No, because it doesn't tell Christians to do that. Give me a verse, you probably have never cracked open the Bible to study it.
  3. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    Exodus 21 Verse 7, says you can sell your daughter into slavery.

    Exodus 35 Verse 2, clearly says anyone working on the Sabbath should be put to death.

    Corinthians 11:14, says men should not have long hair. -.- Look at Jesus.

    Verse 19-24, it says a man should not go near a woman on her period.

    I'm pretty sure i've opened a bible.
  4. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Cracked open a Bible to study it.. considering you didn't even put which Corinthians you're referring to.

    Exodus 21:7 - It does not say they can, but if they do.

    Exodus 35:2 - This law was taught as a guideline, so people could renew themselves in Christ. The people of Israel were working too much and not focusing enough on God, hence the law.

    1 Corinthians 11:14 - It doesn't say not to have it. It says it is a disgrace to he who does.

    1 Corinthians 19-24 -I honestly hope you're not doing copypasta from a source, because either I can't find what this has to do with a woman's period or it has nothing to do with it at all.
  5. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    So you're agreeing that Jesus is a disgrace? Oh, and if you read the very first chapter, it says Adam and Eve were made at the same exact time. Then in the very next chapter, it said they were made at different times. Contradicting..
  6. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    What proof do you have of Jesus having long hair? Artwork from people in the 1600's? No thanks.

    Oh and when you refer to a chapter, it'd be nice if you stated what book it was in.
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    You trust people from thousands of years ago when it comes to morals and 'God', but you don't trust people from the 1600's about what jesus looked like?
  8. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    QFT. I doubt that EVERYONE lied about what Jesus looked like, since he looks similar in most pictures.
  9. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Morals/God doesn't change. However, someone's perception of Jesus' characteristics can. How do european painters know what Jesus really looked like, 15 centuries after his death?

    Also, brad, that's like saying because I plastered the idea of creation everywhere on every wall, its true.
  10. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    are you one of the like five ppl who believe in christiananity? if so, ur awesome. :)
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Well, this whole discussion doesn't matter because it does not pertain to the creation/evolution debate, but NewbAmoeba is right on this one.

    Depictions of Jesus done in the middle ages, by Europeans, were subject to wild guessing and basically pop culture at the time. Just an example of how inaccurate they are, until the shroud of Turin showed up, most depictions of Jesus being crucified had him with not a simple ring of thorns as his crown, but what looks like basically a helmet of thorny vines. When people saw the supposed image of Jesus on the shroud, they began to paint the crown as we would recognize it today, just a ring of thorns.

    But this doesn't matter to creation or evolution, as it neither refutes evolutionary evidence nor does it present evidence for creation in any way scientifically applicable.
  12. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    I still say the law of superposition completely shuts down any proof of God there is.
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    How so?

    I still say the law of entropy completely shuts down any logical evidence of the Big Bang.
  14. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    The Law of Superposition states that older layers of strata(rock) will always be deeper than younger layers, unless they are tampered with. Which proves that the fossils found in deeper layers are millions of years old. Then when you actually get into the fossils, when you go into the deepest layers of strata, you stop finding mammals, or even vertebrates at all, then you stop finding anything but arthropods, then you stop finding anything but unicellular organisms. Which is totally contradictory with what the bible says.
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    You're unclear here. Just because a layer of rock is on bottom its millions of years old? So any layer of rock on bottom is millions of years old? Unless you're referring to the geologic column. But where is that found on the planet?

    I said this earlier but the Bible wasn't made as a science book, so don't act like it was.
  16. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    Do you know what the difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory are? Good PR. That is it. Everything in science can be superseded. Quantum mechanics state the particles of matter and antimatter are constantly appearing and then annihilating each other - out of the vacuum of space. We have evidence of that, yet it contravenes the laws of therodynamics. If scientific law is wrong it will be forgotten within decades. If religious dogma is wrong, it will be adhered to for millenia.
  17. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    God Exists, It's Provable:

    [FONT=&quot]Proving God's Existence[/FONT]

    To prove this, I need to define a few things first. This is so that you will know what I am talking about throughout this essay and we will be free of confusion. Anyone reading this skeptically, please, read throughout the end, or let me know which part you were lost at.

    Time: The measure of Change in matter.

    Space: Distance between matter

    Matter: Anything that has Mass and Volume.

    First, we must know that all these things are FINITE, in order to prove that to you, I will use this: If, after an infinite amount of time, something would happen. That something is anything, fill in the blank, but it would occur after an infinite amount of time, would it ever occur? No. Never would you reach a point where you could say, "an infinite amount of time has passed, let ______ occur."
    Lets fill that blank in with what you just did two seconds ago, even if it was taking a breath. Think about that, it is in the blank, so if there had been an infinite amount of time before that breath, it never would have occurred. It is the same situation, just fill in the blank with something that has already occurred, since it occurred, infinity could not have preceded it. So now we know TIME HAD A BEGINNING.
    Should time have a beginning, so would space and matter. Matter changes without observable exception, not the smallest measurement of time passes without matter changing somehow. Temperature is the measure of molecular movement that occurs everywhere, every when. Currently Absolute Zero is a myth, it cannot be achieved, until it is achieved this theory stands. Since matter cannot exist without time, neither can space, because space is a measurement requiring the presence of matter. This means something had to create it all. Something had to have been there forever, with no beginning, because if there was nothing, where did everything come from? Nothing can only produce nothing, if there was nothing we would be nothing, saying nothing made something is ridiculous. So what was this thing that was there all of forever?
    Let's give this "thing" an image. In order to make all of this, it would have to be immensely powerful; look at all the energy in the world. It would have to have extreme intelligence; look at all the science and detail of the world. It would have to exist outside of matter, time and space in order to create it, obviously. If it did not exist in time, matter, and space, it would be omnipresent, because it is not limited to space as to where it can exist, and it would perceive time as all now. It would see time from outside, and see all of it. Since it is omnipresent every moment of everyday, it would know all. Here is our turning point for this Characterization, it would be sentient. We are sentient, and sentience cannot come from no sentience. A universe unaware of itself cannot just realize in one being all of the sudden that it IS.
    Now we are dealing with a he/she. He/she would have to have infinite life, living forever in the past as they do in the future. So, now we have a sentient he/she that is powerful, eternal, omnipresent, all-knowing, and sentient. Hmmmmm.... Who does that sound like?
    Now, there remains one question, which God is it? Well, we know God can predict the future. Man cannot predict the future, so we know that anything that can predict the future is of God, or at least supernatural. We cannot just take any religion that predicts "Judgment Day" and say, "This predicts the future! It's God's word!" No. We need a prophecy that has been foretold. Something that was said and then fulfilled, and recorded for our reading and knowledge. What book of all religions, predicts the future, has more than one writer to affirm it's fulfilling, is supported by other historical writings of the time, has archeological evidence, a multitude of witnesses, and claims to be the word of God?

    The Bible.
    Want to see some Bible prophesy fulfillment? Try looking it up, Google it, go to the library, it's everywhere. I do not accuse other religions of anything not true, they are based upon human merit works. Earning salvation, while Christianity recognizes there are NO good people. We are all sinful and cannot enter heaven without God's grace. Grace is not a license to sin either. When God gives you the gift of faith, coming with it is a longing to obey, and stronger faith for obedience. The more you turn to God, the more light he shows you, the farther you turn, the more he blinds you.
    Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6
    Know that many "Christians" are not as they profess. Faith is obedience, we all mess up, sometimes big, but if you have faith you will have a longing to do God's will.
  18. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I don't know if you care, but your post was refuted by Nitrous in the God thread here.
    Also your post seems very similar to this.
  19. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    I corrected the misunderstanding there.

    Wow, my argument is more developed though.
  20. Cronato

    Cronato Ancient
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    Copied argument much?
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