Sandbox Bliss

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IVIAJIK, Apr 12, 2009.


    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    Map Title: Bliss
    Bliss is a map that works great with TS gametypes as well as multi flag and oddball. recomended players is 4v4 < Link To Download Map

    Bliss has 2 bases, red and blue as well as a top and bottom mid and 2 streets on the sides. top mid has a custom power up that spawns every 2 and a half minutes. maulers are located in the bottom mid on the tables and they spawn every 2 minutes. you can drop down to the streets from top mid and they contain a carbine which spawns every 30. now the bases have 1 sniper each located on top of the arch which you jump to from the scaffolding. these also spawn every 2 mins. both bases have 2 BR walkways on the left and right which take you down to the needler pit. there are a few ways that you can get to top mid from. you can jump from the needler pit onto the tube or from the step ups by the slits in the wall that reveal bottom mid. bottom mid has only 1 way to get to it from the bases and that is right through the middle but you can also drop down from top mid on each side. there is also plentiful BR ammo throughout the map and grenades at the end of each street and plasmas at the column where you spawn.

    Needler x2
    Sniper x2
    BR x12
    Frag x8
    Plasma x12
    Carbine x2
    Mauler x2

    Power Ups:
    Custom x1



    Red base: you spawn under the scaffolding there with the sniper on the arch. when playing CTF the flags are on the scaffolding. you can see the needle pit directly under the red light and the BR areas to the right and left. there are plasmas that are located straight in front of you off of spawn in front of the colored columns. Blue is the same as red

    Blue Street: the carbine is right next to the light and the grenades are in the corners of the street. the block by the slit wall and before you get to the street is where you can jump to top mid. red street is the same.

    Top mid: Has the custom in the middle and plenty of cover and BRs. the tube at the bottom of the pic is a way to get to bottom mid and in the middle of the top you see the drop down area.

    Bottom Mid: The maulers spawn on the tables there and there are plasmas at the bottom of the ramps to go back to top mid. there is little cover down here but there is a few walls to hide behind as well as the table. when playing oddball the ball spawns down here.

    Also this is my first post so critisicm is appreciated for future posts. as for the map any suggestions would be helpful. the spawns probably need some work so any help there i would be thankful. possible V2 in the future and more maps. < Link To Download Map
    #1 IVIAJIK, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  2. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Go to this link for a screenshot posting guide:Here
    Edit: BTW you have 24 hours to fix this or you'll get raped by Forgehub.
    #2 Hunter85792, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks hunter. new shots are up now
  4. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but try some interlox and some small fixes to the overall map and you'll have an epic map! 3/5, Needs moar interlox.

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the suggestion but a quick question, any ideas for interlocking?
  6. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Let me be the first with a reply longer then one sentence.
    There we go.

    I had a short solo flythrough on your map, and I can say it looks good. I can see this becoming a great CTF map. Especialy the hallways at the sides of each base are smooth and give a good line of sight. The walkways at the sides however, are a bit uninspired compared to the rest of the map. I would like seeing you adding some nice cover, and also making it broader in the middle. And you could use Huge Blocks instead of Double Walls, because they aren't glitched.

    BTW: why more interlocks? They aren't needed, because the map is smooth as it is now (except from the walkways at the sides of the middle platform, like I said before).

    EDIT: I forgot to say that the Maulers are a little close together. Maybe you could change them with spikers? And remove some plasma's, 12 are too much for 4vs4.
    #6 TheRayzerTag, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok ill look into expanding the sides more in V2 and the middle slightly larger. maybe somthing above the already existing top mid?
  8. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    Nicely made. I think this map could be an MLG map but the only problem I think I see is the floors in some areas. They are not straight but besides that, ill give you a 5/5.
  9. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    Because it makes maps look more proffesional. This makes it seem like you took more time than 1min throwing it together (not to say you didn't take time to make this, just giving an example), also, it makes things, "prettier" to me. I agree interlox isn't need for gameplay, just makes things look nicer...

    For an example of what to interlock; the arch things at each base, the arch is just kind of thrown on top of those columns, maybe interlock two arches together to make it fill out the whole column. Other small little things.

    Interlocking is like the icing on the cake, if a map doesn't have it it's still good, but it can't be amazing. (IMO)

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    for the not straight floors your probably talking about the streets. those walls wont stay straight but i am currently working on a V2 that gets rid of just a simple street there and has basically another place for larger action.

    as for the interlocking there is very small interlocking here basically just to make it smoother in most areas but i see what your saying about it. in the V2 ill be sure to change the base designs to incorporate a little bit more merging and i will probably move the snipers as well to the sides.

    thanks for all the suggestions! V2 coming soon!
    #10 IVIAJIK, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009

    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    also arvas i was looking at your challenge and i must say it is very interesting and i plan on attempting it. ideas are already flowing!
  12. Nightcrawler688

    Nightcrawler688 Ancient
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    First thing, this map looks amazing, you forged it very well, I don't think interlocking is needed, but obviously some people want it.

    Now to critic the map, the only thing I would change is the walkways on the side of the maps. You might want to add a little cover, like a few damaged blocks or something. And you could put up guard rails, so people don't fall off.

    Other than those observations you have an amazing map, I love the bases, and the middle looks very good.
  13. DeadSpac3

    DeadSpac3 Ancient
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    This is correct
  14. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    I agree with everything Nightcrawler said, this map was expertly planned out.

    One thing I will add, could you make a power up structure in the middle of the map. So that two people rushing for the power up can't see each other. This might make the game more intense and would look better than just having it sitting in the middle of the map. Something along the lines of how Sandbox's Overshield is placed in the middle of the map.

    Great job, can't wait for Version 2

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    for the streets in the V2 i was thinking of making them larger and with a little base out there maybe? but definately more cover.
    thanks for the suggestions

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    for V2 i was going to make something that was located above the existing top mid and redesigning the top mid as well. i would definately place the power up on the new top structure

    thanks for the critic!

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bliss V2 is on its way possibley out by tonight. im thinking about posting in the MLG portion as well as the competetive. any more inputs and suggestions as well as ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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