spawner Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by darkducky15, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. darkducky15

    darkducky15 Ancient
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    i've made a map in the sky bubble, ive put spawn points into the map, when i go into forge they work fine but when i got into a custom game on it the put me on the floor on sandbox. can any tell me why?
  2. Arkenspork

    Arkenspork Ancient
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    Same problem, but in more description

    So, i bought the mythic pack last night and almost instantly set to work creating my new map in sandbox. I don't know how it came to be, but it sore of evolved around a kill ball in the middle. I've spent about 10 hours getting everything pieced together as best I can, and i finally have a map that i'm actually proud of. I then started to place respawn points and respawn areas in the slayer gametype from the menu.

    When I changed the gametype to slayer, it placed me back in the mid-level of sandbox, obviously because that's where the starting points and respawn areas were placed by default. I made sure to sell EVERY respawn area, point, and starting point, then headed up to sky bubble. After getting the bases colours sorted, i placed the respawn areas and points on each side of the map. Everything seemed fine because when I killed my teammate who was on the blue forge team, he would respawn in the blue team base, just as planned.

    So I then decided to take the map for a proper test in custom games. Weapons haven't been placed yet, but spawning points and everything was there. I went to the custom games lobby, selected my map to play on, changed the gametype to team slayer, and booted it up. The screen faded to black, and stayed that for an unusual ammount of time. Eventually it came up with the scoreboard, "Red team wins", with my friend on the other team greyed out. I thought he had quit to mess with me, so we did it a few times, and recieved the same result each time.

    After about 2 hours searching for the problem I've given up and come here for help. The only thing I have to go on is that when i'm in forge, when I change the gametype in the monitor pause screen to slayer, I end up spawning initially on the mid-floor, even though there's no respawn areas, or points, down there any more. I'm very frustrated and am hoping that someone here will be able to help me with the problem.

    To recap: Can't start a team slayer or normal slayer game
    There ARE starting points and respawn zones up in sky bubble
    When I switch to slayer settings in forge I end up in the mid-floor of sandbox

    If ANYONE has any idea what's wrong, please let me know, either on here, or by adding me as a friend on LIVE. I'm online now, in forge, trying to figure this out, but am having no luck.

    Gamertag : Arkenspork

    Thanks a lot in advance, I hope someone can help
    #2 Arkenspork, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
  3. unit538

    unit538 Ancient
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    This is just one of my many reasons for haiting sandbox
  4. Flingtoe

    Flingtoe Ancient
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    I have run into the same problem. I changed to the appropriate gametype, deleted all of the starting points and respawn points I could see on the middle section, set up my starting points and respawn areas where I wanted them, and I start the game spawning in the crypt or in the sand. If anyone knows of a fix please let me know. Thanks. GT: Flingtoe
    #4 Flingtoe, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  5. brad2222

    brad2222 Ancient
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    I think Arkenspork got into a problem I had but solved.

    When he was talking about the game ending right away in a tie, I had the same thing happen to me in a ctf game. It turned out that I accidently deleted the default flag spawns and returns and since the map had none, the game ended right away in a tie.

    Im not sure how this can relate to slayer since there are no goals, but i just felt like this related to the problem
  6. MadMike is Back

    MadMike is Back Ancient
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    help for spawn problem in forged sandbox

    When you look at the map you created (in forge), the basic start points are invisible. Change into the monitor, press start, and change the game type to slayer. You will see the basic start points now. Move them to the top bubble or the grifball room. Hope this helps, if you need help doing so, add me to your friends list and i will walk you through it.

    gamertag: MadMike is Back
  7. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Delete ALL the starting points and unnecessary start points/respawn areas. As in, go to every gametype and delete them.
    If you're still spawning on the ground level, then you haven't given your respawn points enough room and the game is force spawning you on a default point. Make sure you have (I think) about a large block-sized area around your respawn points that are clear.

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