LOL dis **** is old, man, and people that say "OMFG wh3r3 r u g3tt1ng th1s" well ths guy is wearing Recon, so it was leaked from Bungie...
I don't really understand why they would recreate Midship when Assembly is similar enough to anyways...
More like Wizard/Warlock Anyway I didn't like Midship anyway I am looking forward to Longshore the Remake of the best map ever, Relic
Midship was by far the funnest halo 2 map for ffa, and i love it so much, and i hope its as close to midship as it possibly can be. Now they need to just have a halo 2 map pack with all the halo 2 maps ported for halo 3 Ascension Backwash Beaver Creek Burial Mounds Coagulation Colossus Containment Desolation Elongation Foundation Gemini Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Relic Sanctuary Terminal Tombstone Turf Warlock Waterworks Zanzibar
If Bungie does make a Midship remake it will truly be outstanding. Midship was one of the greatest maps ever and even though I barely played any Halo 2 I still have memories from nearly every game of Midship I played. Knowing Bungie they will screw it up somehow; -Floors like Guardian's top gold (nades that bounce backwards wtf?) -Equipment that is strewn all over the place and diminish gameplay and promote luck beating skill. -Textures that make a long day of playing hard on the eyes. -Random invisible barriers that screw up your jumps. -Non-skill promoting power weapons -Etc.
Dont forget you will be able to throw stickys up the lift in halo3 unlike in halo2. And if the weapons and nades arnt like the original i know im going to change them myself in forge, aswell removing all the equipment.
Personally I'd rather have a new map than another remake, but Midship was awesome so I'm not complaining too much. I doubt that this is going to be what it is, but if we're lucky this could be another "special" map that Bungie is planning to release, similar to what Cold Storage was.
Just found this, that "Leaked Pic" is photoshopped with a jumping player, and this part of the Ark it is also pretty clear since the player and the background are not in the same resolution. Who knows, it could be what they are making into Heretic, but the picture is photoshopped.
I completely agree. One of the only things Assembly did right was make a lot of the aesthetics in the non-playable areas, which actually ended up working quite nicely. Watching the scarab head float across is somethin' to see and it doesn't take away from gameplay.
I like them. Add some skill to the game. So my remakes would be Beaver Creek, Warlock, Sanctuary and Midship. Then maybe Hang'em High, Desolation, Elongation. You can edit equipments and weapons. And MLG would problaby use Midship. Longshore is said to be a map along the New Mombasa bay/docks. Longshore. The guy that tested it said it was his favorite map
I see what you mean about the resolutions, but I doubt that the picture was photoshopped, as the part of the map that we can see looks almost exactly like the Halo 2 version, and from what I can tell, it doesn't look much like the secret room in the Ark. Nice find on the picture btw – looks awesome.