Sandbox Grassy Knoll

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dozer5274, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    Hey guys. I've been a long time lurker on Forge Hub, but I've finally decided to go all out and post a map. This is the first serious map I've forged so go easy on me, but any and all criticism will be appreciated.

    Grassy Knoll is an asymmetric map created in Sandbox's skybubble. It was designed with heavy influence from Lockout and a few people have told me it reminds them of the Halo 2 classic. While the layout may seem similar to Lockout and more recently Blackout, the gameplay strays from the map. There are three main areas, not including the middle, and a variety of different pathways connecting the battle zones.

    I've playtested this a few times, but I've never been able to run consecutive 4v4 games. The spawns have functioned well enough for my games, but if you run games with more players and find problems please tell me about them.

    Weapon List
    BR - x8
    Sniper - 180s respawn - 2 spare clips
    Rockets 150s respawn - 0 spare clips
    Mauler - 90s respawn - 1 spare clip
    Spikers - x2
    Plasma Rifle - x2


    Sniper Spawn/Flag Spawn/Bomb Spawn

    Camo Room/Flag Score/Bomb Plant

    Bottom Hall


    Sniper Tower

    Grassy Knoll

    Remember, go easy. I'm fragile.
    #1 Dozer5274, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    nice ma it has a nice flow to it an has grate set up and desine. but i dont really under stand the name. Any way love the lock out and assention look to the map, ill try it out.
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    a very different kind of map but i like it, needs interlocking here and there. i would suggest make a v2 with interlocking, clean the structures make them straight

    3/5 for now
  4. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    looks good just needs to be straightened up a little good design
  5. Drumz

    Drumz Ancient
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    this would be a great MLG map, if you really think about it. I like the layout you used on this map. Good job on taking your time on making it look nice.I dont see many maps like these. Nice job
    #5 Drumz, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    didnt actually enjoy the gameplayof this map because it felt too cramped when i played a 4v4 game. maybe thing about expanding the size of the map i no thats asking alot but on the plus side i do see the references to blackout and lockout so good job on that
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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  8. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. Any suggestions on exactly what to interlock? I see a few things I can work on. I'm fixing the wall by sniper spawn right now. When I get some more suggestions for fixes I'll have a v2 up soon. Thanks guys.
  9. Muiriled

    Muiriled Ancient
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    looks great, i can see a clear lockout kind flow too it.and i dont really get the name either. maybe use flipped over tin cups to accualy get a grass floor and such
  10. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    I was just about to say what Muiriled said about the tin cups. It would be a great idea to take the tin cups and make an actual grassy courtyard, between the buildings. The map looks great. A couple of things out of place here and there but its not that bad. 4/5
  11. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    I'm not real creative and I was watching some JFK conspiracy stuff today on TV. The Grassy Knoll is where conspiracists say he was really shot from. Its a lame analogy for saying you can get shot from anywhere on the name. I agree that its not the best map, but if you guys have some better ideas don't be afraid to suggest them.
    #11 Dozer5274, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    The grasslessness of this map astounds me. One would think, with a title such as grassy knoll, that they would encounter grass on the map. But the map is completely lacking of grass. If this map was grassier I would enjoy it. Needs more grass, 3/5.

    Edit: After checking the map out in Forge, I have confirmed there is no grass at all.
    #12 Titmar, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  13. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    When Titmar the Anal Urinater makes a big deal about the name, I guess its time to change it. Any suggestions are welcome.
  14. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    yeah i agree with titmar there is no grass maybe replace some parts of the floor with grass so it fits the name better uhhh 3/5
  15. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    I can see why the ForgeHub community gets no respect outside of the forging ability of the few. I come here with a map to request feedback and I get more replies concerning the name than I do about the quality of the map. Do you people know what the Grassy Knoll is? The name was not chosen based on the grassy-ness of the structure, but more for what the Grassy Knoll represents a historical shooting. The map was designed so that you could be shot at from nearly any area of the map. The Grassy Knoll is the suspicious area of downtown Dallas where many conspiracy theorists believe JFK was really shot from. The name is supposed to represent the ability to be shot from unknown angles, but if you want me to conform to the average name on these forums than I'll open up a dictionary and pull out a four syllable word that sounds nice. How about Perplexity? Or Neolithic?

    But Spartan2000, if you really believe that my map is a 3/5 than thats fine. I know my map is not perfect. But if you are going to offer a critique, do not just criticize the name of the map. Can you elaborate a little more on what is wrong. What I can do to fix it? Or is your brain incapable of straying outside the confines of the ForgeHub norms?
  16. Laurent

    Laurent Ancient
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    I love the layout but it is very dull aesthetically. Gameplay looks like it would flow well but try adding some more detail. maybe a few lights or something to interrupt the constant brown color. Right now 3.5/5

    Il DL and check it out =)
  17. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    Thank you very much. The lights were a great idea. I also added some colored columns. The updated map is now linked in the OP and I'll change the screenshots later.
  18. Bob Marley

    Bob Marley Ancient
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    This looks like a great map. You just need to tidy up with interlocking and put objects to block players from walking off the sides to their deaths. This might not seem important, but in the sky bubble, it's imperative. I found that out through play-testing the map I am currently working on. Even though I would rarely fall off in Forge mode, I realized that in actual play, players can't always concentrate on walking around and making jumps. This leads to many pointless deaths, and after I fixed the edges by placing wedges and walls, I got a much more positive response from people playing my map.
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Dozer, what i said in my first reply was a joke, mocking how the rest of the community always has pointless and spammy bullshit to say on every map that they reply to. Im sorry that you didnt get the joke and took it the wrong way.
  20. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    ok i get it now

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