This is rocket race.......but with hornets. I made the First map on Valhalla about 3 weeks ago when rocket race was on DOUBLE XP and thats how i got the idea, then i just made it on SANDBOX too. I will make another one on sandbox that is on the middle level and on a few other maps as well so i can have a whole map pack of it. Everyone has a Rocket and a Plasma Pistol. THe VIP cannot drive the hornet, so he and another teammate will be passengers, the passengers will try and shoot down the other hornet with the rockets or plasma pistol. The hornets are indestructible and everyone is invulnerable. MAX members on a team- 3 Minimum on a team- 2 Valhalla Air co forged by IMA STEAL SOME1 (me) and x c0llin x- 3 weeks ago SBOX SKYBUB AIR forged by IMA STEAL SOME1 (me)- yesterday GAMETYPE (Required)- : Halo 3 File Details NEW* SKYBUB AIR V2- Valhalla AIR- : Halo 3 File Details Avalanche Air- Coming soon Sandtrap Air- coming soon Sandbox Air- coming soon SKYBUB AIR V2 On this map, there are two hornets at each base, each has a Hornet and a Hornet Transport (which doesnt spawn at the beginning), so dont worry if you get hit with a plasma pistol, you can get on the other hornet when you respawn. For this, you must raise above the pillars and then lower yourself into it, it is located in the middle and there is only one of this type. For this one, you must get in the right position or you will hit the the shield doors or the double block. There is two like this. For this one, you have to try to get in the destination, sometimes you will get it first try and sometimes it will take awhile. There are two of these. For this one, you must go above or below the shield doors and get into them and you will arrive, but you might get stuck for awhile. There is only one like this. This one requires teamwork and communication. You must drop off your VIP at the top and he will fall down into the destination and then you must pick him up at the bottom. Valhalla Air There are tow hornets and it is simple, get to the destination before the other team, but watch out for the plasma pistols, if you are hit you will drop to the ground and that will give them a free chance to get ahead.
seems like a cool idea, but it would probably be too easy to just go to every territory as the crow flies, and there's really not much to it. maybe add some obstacles and structures to make it harder and overall more fun and interesting.
I saw one of these on Sandbox in the crypt. I'm not sure who made it, but that one looks much better than this one. Add some obstacles like RackemWillie77 said. 2/5
Don't tell people to just download your map because you think it's godd. Convince us to download your map, dont tell us too.
download it because the destinations are hard to get to, for example one is in between two rocks and you have to lower down into it and others are close to the ground so it is hard to get to.
i think the Valhalla 1 is good because its hard to make a good map on the old maps so for that 6.5/10 but im sure people with the new maps wouldnt play this because theres so much other good stuff and for sandbox i just dont think it would work so 4/10
im done SKYBUB AIR V2 and the screen shots are up and the link to download is up, kept V1 up, so make sure you get V2. Thank you
Neither look that good. It seems too simple. The concept has been used a lot, and this was just poorly executed. Some of the Sandbox destinations are original, I'll give you that, but overall, neither appeal to me at all. Sorry, but 5/10.
(a little offtopic/words of widom) I just saw that you had posted a lot about your own map and that it is bumping it a lot. In case you haven't read the news, the mods are infracting lots of people that do this so I wouldn't want to post much more on your own post. Just edit it. OK, back on topic. These maps are very creative and very original. I love the idea behind this and I love the creative obsticals. I won't download this map because it looks too big and it is only 6 players. If you make another one and you do my idea I would totally download it and send me a PM that you made a new map. I give it a 4/5. I hoped this helped. Improvements- You could easily put the map on the regular ground and leave the lasers alone that way you have a smaller map but it is not to small or too high. By doing this you can make the map a lot more fun and it allows you to be able to shoot the hornets with your plasma pistol. But be carefull and don't put any "go to points" outside the map. That way you could make each three players have one hornet instead of two. Or you can make some idea up allowing hornets to go out of the map adn change the max player size to 6 but I think you should make it max of 12 players. Also add some obsticals in the map and not just obsticals around the "go to point." This will make it a lot more fun to play this map.
Thanks that was a lot of help. But two things, I can't make 4 hornets because the hornet transport are faster than the regular ones. I am gonna make one on the ground on sandbox, I'm not done with it yet
That was me... and thanks. Not that it matters but it looks like I beat you to this idea by about 24 hours, haha. Your sandbox one looks less like a race arena as it is an obstacle course for the banshee. Also I still think you should use the transport hornet. If you create a horizontal environment, they loose most if not all of the advantage seeing as they both gain altitude at the same speed. Not to mention with enough people the game centers less around driving speed compared to who is the better shot with the plasma pistol. But I'd be interested to see how different our gametypes are, this is the type of gametype that can easily develop a standard.
Thanks, I beat you with the idea cause I made the Valhalla one a while back, u beat me to one ok sandbox