Tunnel Vision Has large open areas in which a dash from a sniper may be hard but once the tunnel is reached it is all close combat Witha sword and shotgun near by. which do you take, the tunnels or the open plains? This game can be played in the game types Slayer, Multi flag. 4-12 players The Sword is equle distance from both spawm points Fastest way to it is to jump on a mongoose and speed through the tunnels The rocket is in the dead center one team starts near the scorpian while the other starts near the sniper Controling the entrance to the tunnels can be valuble there is a warthog close to the sniper team there are many mongooses (Edited version from post yesterday) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=73658841 [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
Yes, the pictures work now, but you probably should add a more complete description of the map, with weapon layout, what gametypes work, and things like that. Its hard to understand the map the way you have it.
This is no excuse, if you're aware of this websites existance then im going to take a stab and say that you looked at a few posts before... this is a largely growing problem with every third map post being: "I made a map! OMG its soo SEXY!!!11!!!!11!/1! *no pics*" I almost think we should make a rank requirement to post maps, so we know they'll know how to post. On to the map itself; too basic. It looks like you said SNIPERS, SHOTGUNS, AND SWORDS oh my! Not that great of map making either, some things don't even line up correctly. Try to "spiffy up" also come up with a more solid idea, this looks like you and a few friends decided, HEY! Lets all kill each other with the same weapons over and over again! 1/5
Seems kinda loaded with power weapons if you ask me. You may want to put a bit more effort into balancing gameplay, rather than just throwing every power weapon/vehicle in, placing some tunnels, and then saying it is an amazing map. Sorry, don't mean to sound rude, its just the facts.
Sorry i havent made many maps and i didnt say it was amazing. i saw the website mentioned on bungie.net and thought i would put it up i never thought it was the best map ever, just wanted to know what others thought. It has a large close range combat section and two close range wepons are not bad for that. i wanted the map to have vehicals but i didnt want them to dominate so i put two lasers in. because i wanted the focus to be either in the tunnel or at the sniper tower.
Well...it looks a bit power heavy. Like a tank and a wraith, even as turrets are a bit too much. But even so, the layout seems alright. However, to improve some things, interlock straighter. And possibly geomerge. I know it takes a shitload of time to do, but the result is completely worth it.
sure i no alot of the tunnels arnt locked together well but as everyone knows stuff like thats ages. but what do you mean by geomerge?
I complete;y agree with Arvas. People are posting maps without download links or pictures, just a sentence saying check out my map. On to the map. The map is just a bunch of tubes and no wow factore. Also you have a tank and a wraith and those will just rape every thing else. The banshee won't do good either, as a scorpian can take it out with a well placed shot (and I've done it before, it's not that hard). The vehicles aren't balanced well either. I mean if one team gets the scorpian, rockets, and the jacks the wraith,there's no doubt they will win. 1/5
Geomerging is one of the hardest things to do in Halo 3 forge. It is when you merge objects (immovable or movable) into the ground. This tactic takes a long time to do but can in fact put a map above the rest of the opponents. Here is where you can learn the basics of geomerging. Here is where you can learn the harder tactic of merging movable objects. Here is a video posted by Bl00D F1R3 on how to geomerge. Check out the rest of his video's as well as he shows harder geomerges and other forging tactics you may not have heard about.
i think overall the map looks alrite is it your first??? the tunnels and open areas would make intresting gameplay il download 4/5
well ive made maps before but this is the first one ive spent quite alot of time on other times ive just thrown stuff around.