Download There is said to be a legendary fountain. Those in need of hope shall visit this place. Throw a coin in and your wishes will come to fruition. Sorry for such a simple description but it is a simple map. My first try at sandbox if you will. Download
How did you get the ground around the fountain to be that color? Sorry to sound like a noob if it's just some simple pieces, but I'm not very familiar with the Sandbox item set yet.
Ill answer that. There is an item called a tin cup which is a golf hole with grass around it. He simply turned it upside down and intrlocked them.
thats very inventive even thought its not a big map i love the grass using tin cups that great keep up the work
It's a very simple, but nice aesthetic piece. It could be a really nice centerpiece for a map, or perhaps you could put one on each side of the map for the flag capture/return points. Maybe you should put water? Shield doors/grav lifts to the center.
its not much of an slayer map but a really good show map although question if you throw a grenade in there will some thing happen if there is make a plasma coil at the bottom anyway keep up the good work
It looks very nice. I really like the "wishing well" idea of throwing a grenade into the well. Mabey for a V2 you could add some shield doors for water and some other aesthetics around it.
I like the way u used the golf things to make the grass. It is very cool and could have some potential in a real map. Good job 6/10
looks good nicely done i think u should put the well right ubove the cript so u can jump down it and it takes u to something maby a custom power up then to a teleporter so it takes u back up super strong or maby a base or something... and add some other stuff at the top like 2 bases or something so its good for game play 7/10 atm
would you feel offended if I use a similar design in a map I'm planning? If anyone asks about it, I'll give you complete credit.
This is really cool. I like how the golf bottom looks like water. This could be used as an asthetic of a map and could make a really good map.
Love it. One of the most aesthetically pleasing structures on Sandbox so far. I love your approach on geo-merging those golf holes to make it look like some other thing, really creative of you. It would look 5 times better if you would include a beautiful roof and maybe an aisle that contains tall columns. That would be sick. Amazing.
hehehe fountain of youth everyone knows that thats in florida not in the middle of an alien wasteland anyways you should expand on this like maybe build a temple around it come its THE fountain of youth it should be honored