Why do i bother

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Black Magic105, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    I have tried and tried making maps and i always get the same thing it sucks a-ss Every time it happens so i am retiring from forging im sick of it Dthen said my maps sucked too soo thats it im done but i wish i could have a moderater help but most of them think im a noob so i dont care any more so thats it.
  2. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Y are you telling all of us? This is just SPAM.
  3. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    oh yeah im saying the truth this is probably a bunch of people r thinking k
  4. Zandu

    Zandu Ancient
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    Don't get down, it just takes practice. I remember when I felt like that after trying for an hour or more just to place one wall correctly.

    Just keep at it, don't worry about what other people think of your maps, if you like your maps that's what matters. Once you improve you can worry about what other people think and make some really sick maps.

    Just my 0.02$.

    Edit: @patt06snipe: That reply was un-needed, imho. Then again, I'm not a Mod.
    #4 Zandu, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    K...Sorry man. I guess I'm just tired of seeing all these random posts/threads everywhere.

    Listen to Zandu, he knows what he's talkn about.

    Again Sorry for being a jerk.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Your not getting anywhere with that attitude. To patt06snipe, your comment should be considered spam, it was unneeded.

    You could give us more information, provide us with a screenshots of your maps, so we can see where your going wrong. The most important thing in forgeing is patience, not all of us can create outstanding maps in no time. Your maps posted should be something your proud of, like a CV. You want people to look at your posted threads and be impressed.

    Try selecting a theme, great maps have been based off of other games or real world places. When your out you might see a structure or layout of a building that could be used in a map. I feel theres different types of maps, there are maps that may be small but use objects to manipulate the floor and surroundings.

    If you are really stuck or can't seem to achieve what you are going for, try working with a partner, post screens on what you can do, some impressive merges or structures never seen before. That will have you tons of applicants to co forge. Try visiting this thread.

    hope all that helped, Just do not retire forge. It builds character and real life skills, Patience, eye for detail and perfection, working with others.
    #6 DRiSCOLL, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  7. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Yeah that yeally makes me happy all ive tried ever since i got on forgehub is to get a map featured i really just wish i got respect
  8. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Your maps don't look to bad actually. I wont post any feedback cause i haven't played the maps but in freeze point Public servant and Toxic spade have replied saying they either love your creativity or gameplay. Both of them have a very high standard of forging and their comments mean a lot. Uptown didn't get any real comments. Ussualy if the first person comments in like 1 minute they are going by pictures. Other than that not one person said they hate it. Don't care what people say about your sandtrap map. Considering all the comments were like

    Which is not a bad comment. Elliptical looks pretty good. I am going to favorite that and possibly play it in the morning. Nothing bad there. Boyle and whats a scope left great comments and look where they are now. Longest is incredible looking, Might try that one too. Although proclamation may not be the best map, you got creative seeing that it isn't foundry. The point of going in and looking at all the comments on your maps is to show you that people don't hate them as much as you think. If you doubt your forging potential then maybe try the contest or a sandbox map. If you still doubt it then you should make your decision. From my point of view people don't hate your maps. Most people who posted bad reviews obviously haven't played the map.
  9. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    K but i am might go online and if you can play my map Dragon's Manor i hope its good.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    First I'd suggest putting more thought into your posts. I know you're frustrated, but you really need to capitalize your "I's" and reword your sentences better to even start getting respect. After that i'd suggest making new maps with new ideas. Be original, don't slack off, and make it fun. If you get those down, then you should be good to go.
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Capitalize your "I" ERICO. Third word, third sentence. I would be glad to play Dragons Manor, but my xbox is getting moved to my room and I won't be able to use it until tomorrow.
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    First of all, Grammar is your friend :)

    Second, Moderators all don't forge well. Some people here who aren't colored have made very good maps.

    Just keep trying, maybe ask for help. You are getting better but you dont even know it.
  13. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Mods may = gods, but not very many of us piss excellence when it comes to forging. I've been forging since Foundry, and I've never had a feature map, while others have had an incredible amount featured. General advice is to ask A) What will make the map different from everything else and B) How will it play, and then build it and test it until it could be in Matchmaking and be liked more than Epitaph.
  14. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I never said your maps sucked, I said they needed improvement...
    They're workable, and not bad, but definitely need more work.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Don't give up, if you truly like forging. Those great forgers used to be horrible map makers.

    If you are having trouble creating one, first research how maps are played. Use Bungie's maps as examples. Take your favorite ones. Why do you like these maps? How could a map have a similar idea? How could you take what is fun from other ideas while being original?

    Before you start planning, know this rule: everything needs to fit together. We call this the map's flow. If things feel out of place or bad transitions occur, you know you have bad flow. When placing each object, take the following things into account. How does this object fit with the rest of the map? Does this feel out of place or wrong? Does this help move the player from different sections smoothly? Never ever just add a box there because you think it would be better. Instead, add a small structure that is connected via bridges to another structure that fits in. If you have 2 building like structures that feel separate, create a bridge or hallway connecting the two. Connectivity is key. You should be able to move around the map smoothly, and everything should fit. Things that break flow include jumps and randomness.

    Now need to design something. Jumping into forge and improvising never got me anywhere. You need a good layout. Whether you manually draw it, use computer programs, or make rough drafts in forge, a design will greatly help you. When making one remember things like balance and flow.

    Once you have a good design start making it. If you have trouble building it, look at Forging 101. After the scenery is placed, it is time to put weapons and spawns. For weapons, balance is key. Make sure that a single weapon cannot dominate the map. Put other weapons that compliment or balance that weapon. Don't put too many or too few. Space them well. For spawns, place them in an area where it is not dangerous. If you place it right in the open, spawn-killing will occur. Place them in adequate cover. Think where you would want players to spawn and work around that. Make sure they are not facing walls or are in tight places.

    Then you test, test, and test some more. You should constantly try to mend the problems which ultimately improve the map. You can tell what is wrong with it. Some things are obvious, but others are not. Take as many opinions as possible and craft your amendments accordingly.

    Finally, your map will be done and you can post it. If you do everything I said correctly, you should have a map you can smile at.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Wait, what? I thought Triple Threat was featured...?
  17. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    While the OP was kind of whiny, I going to have to offer this bit of advice-you may actually want to take your advice and not try to Forge.

    As defeatist as this sounds, its true. Some of us (myself included) will never, ever be good at Forging. No matter how much you poke, prod, listen, copy, follow directions, you just have to accept the fact that nothing you ever make will turn out well. And sometimes you gotta take the smack in the face to realize this.

    Forge requires a different kind of thinking to be good. Thinking that many of us (myself included) just can't do. This isn't something to be ashamed of - in order for the to be great maps/great Forgers....there have to be people who suck. What you can do is instead of wallowing in how bad you are at it is go around appreciate the talent and abilities of other people - after all, thats one of the prime reason this kind of site exists.

    So here is your complimentary "I Suck at Forging Hat" and a glass of punch. Welcome to the club. Poker Night is on Friday.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ... and I fail at life
  19. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    That is a complete and udder lie. You can always get better at something if you choose to. Anybody can make a cave freaks or a gridlocked if they put enough time into it. There is your problem. I have seen your maps and your actual forging is pretty good. You may want to focus a little more on planning. When cosmic rick makes a map he probably spends A LOT of time in sketchup or with a notepad, drawing out layouts.
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yeah you've got it all wrong, Paragon Fury. You can do practically anything if you set your mind to it and keep practicing. In fact I sucked at forging (I'm not saying I'm great now) but over time I practiced and now I'm a LOT better than when I started. It just takes experience, like archtects. Most architects don't become famous or well known until their 50s! It just takes experience.

    This message has been approved by sir redundant redundant

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