How do I make a perfectly flat floor with Double Boxes on Foundry. I need the flat floor because of a mini-game I and a friend were creating but yet after trying a couple different tecniques there are still some very slight bumps that cause is many problems with our mini-game.
I don't think there is anything you can do. I think that there will always be a slight bump. However, I have an idea that may work. Make sure that the box is as close as it an be to floor. Do this by bracing it and then using man cannons to push it as close as it can be to the floor. If all else fails,try using something besides double boxes if you can. IMO, fence boxes/walls are the smoothest.
Check out the map I'm working on. It has a roof/floor I think you are looking for. The link is in my Sig.
Thanks, I'll try that in another map I guess. We figured out that if we could increase the man-cannon power then it wouldn't stop when it hit the bump but instead just bounce a bit. I was asking for a strategy on how to make a perfectly flat floor. GTFO of my thread if you're going to advertise and spam.
I know this might sound silly.....but try flipping the boxes on Foundry upside-down. The bottoms of the boxes are completely flat and level. That is of course if you haven't tried that already.
Ok, first cool off. Second I am not SPAMING. Third, I put the link to the thread because it contains pictures of the floor that I thought you wanted, or similar to it. I had to ask you first if you liked it before I go on and waste my time telling you how to do it if you aren't even interested in it. So, I guess you'll get help from someone else.
I believe that is a subconcuious act, or my disc is screwed up because before I know it after I spawn the box it is up-side down. Got some good habits Thanks again.
Bumps seem a lot bigger in Forge than they do in Custom Games. When you are actually playing and shooting at people, you won't notice the tiny little bumps. If it's a huge bump that sends you flying 2 feet in the air, yeah you'll notice it but a tiny little bump that you get from interlocked boxes will NEVER influence the actual game.
We kinda got past the problem by making our man-cannons have more powerful, so the bumps don't do much anymore except add to gameplay. Thanks The slight bump DID affect our game. I'd give a link to the map but It would be Cross-advertising due to it being on XForgery, but basically it plays like curling (halo 3 game) but instead is with deployable covers and pushing off of a clif. That is advertising. I asked for advice but instead you give a two sentence responce with a link to a map of yours. Please, just no.