Hey, this is my first real try at an MLG map. The starting spawns may be a little weird. But, otherwise its a real good map for 1v1 and 2v2. There are about 6 br spawns, a mauler and a sniper. Comment, suggestions would be really great =D Thanks. "I really love how simple it is, it just make the game flow." - Sports Illustrated Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=73318180 EDIT: I added more spawn points, and changed the Wall T in red base; you could get behind it. Overhead View Overhead view two Sniper Tower Blue Base (red base is the same) "Bridge"
The power weapons are too close together, and i dont see any brs or carbine spawns. Also with the lack of cover the snipes is over powering and the bases are kinda bland. Also make it so you dont have too jump up onto the sniper spawn and make a ramp. people dont like to jump. upsets gameplay flow Also try to make the coolest looking cover you can, people like that. Another bad thing is you can see almost the whole map from almost every spot.
Well actually, there is a ramp in the back to the sniper tower. There are about 6 br spawns.. but no carbines. Also, I didnt have any idea for the bases xD It's just for some 1v1 games
i think the layout of this map is way to linear. there arent enough height variations.you dont seem to have a good understanding of MLG maps. i can honestly say i would not play this map if it came up in match making.