A somewhat open, somewhat close-quarters symmetrical map inspired in part by Halo 2's Collosus. Supports only Slayer for now. I'm not sure what else to say here, soo....try it, and let me know what you think. Gamertag: Frostbite 87 Items on map: x2 Battle rifle x2 Mauler x2 Rocket launcher (no spare clips) x1 Energy sword x1 Sniper rifle x1 Beam rifle x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Spike Grenade x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Active Camo x1 Overshield Link to download: Bungie.net : Community Map Variants : Map Variant VVV Pictures VVV ----------------- Left side teleporter Camo chute O.S. chute Center structure Mauler/BR tunnel(s) A better overhead... Overview (see the hands reaching for sword spawn? ^.^) If I didn't post the right kind of image code, let me know, this is my first forum post...ever.
This map is well made. I like all the merging, it gives the map a smoothe feeling. I have two problems: 1. You say it's kind of a CQB map, yet according to the weapon list, there is not shotgun 2. Add an overhead picture,so peopl can get a better overview of the map. Other than that the map is awsome. 5/5 P.S. - First Post! lol and Welcome to Forgehub
Dude.... how the hell did you get a wall floor that smooth? Dude, seriously how? They always go to * for me. You have to tell.
lol, yeah... i figured since the map has alot of tight spaces, the sword and maulers would work for now. Thanks for the input tho, I'll take it into consideration for version 2. I'm currently working on it, lol.
he has them sitting on the grid, pretty simple. Anyways, the maps pretty good, kinda simple and honestly kinda open considering its supposed to be close quarters. Its forged pretty well though
Oh really? No, I meant how are they smooth. Sitting on the grid has nothing to do with it. I mean how did it turn out so all the walls don't turn up a little? Everytime I do it and save and quit, I come back and they shift.
I've heard of so many people entouring this problem, yet I've never encountered it myself ... I guess I'm lucky. Anyways, the map looks great. Nice merging, and as far as I can tell, nice layout. I'll be giving it a go.
I heard that that was proven not to work.... As for the map, the hands reaching for the sword are brilliant. Very original. However, I'd suggest deleting the Grav Lift in the center and just adding ramps that connect to the center structure from the outer reaches of the map. That would make the gameplay much more interesting.
Oh thanks alot dude. Yeah I was pretty irritated when it happened to me. At least I know how to fix it.
I love the layout. Very nice use of the Skybubble! I see a lot of great interlox, which is a plus, and good job on making it smooth. Overall a 4.5/5 Oh, and welcome to Forgehub!
Your thinking of going local and that doesn't work from what ive heard you need to actually go through all the trouble of completly disconnecting from live. Edit: Almost forgot the map. I like the layout of this but i cannot tell from pictures but the chutes are they touching the ground or do you go down them and then pop out? I like the arena style you have here.
I like the layout of this but i cannot tell from pictures but the chutes are they touching the ground or do you go down them and then pop out? I like the arena style you have here.[/quote] They touch the ground. What I had in mind was kind of a trap-door spider reaction from someone who might chase someone else into the o.s. or camo chute, only to have them come jumping back out temporairly invincible or hard to see...