Site Epsilon Recommended Players: 2-6 FFA or 2 Team Games DL it Here Description: This map is made up of mostly Y-Intersection tubes and supports all gameytpes but, Assault, Infection, and Territories. It is completely Symmetrical and has only 1 power weapon. It is very small but confined and 100% inescapable or breakable. Weapon List: Weapon:Number on Map:Respawnlace at Start Carbine:4:30 second respawn:Yes BR:4:20 Second respawn:Yes Rocket Launcher:1:150 second respawn:No <---*No spare clips* Plasma Rifle:2:60 second respawn:Yes Radar Jammer:2:60 second respawn:Yes Plasma Grenades:4:10 second respawn:Yes Frag Grenades:4:10 second respawn:Yes Pictures Overview, (You play inside) Carbine Spawn, 1 in each Corner Radar Jammer 1 at each windowed base Plasma Rifle, 1 at each side BR, 1 at each window Rocket Spawn This is why there is 0 spare clips Me! If you missed it up there here is the DL link DL, Comment, and Rate and please no spam.
First of all it's just a small map and there's nothing really big about it, nothing that'll make the people who view your map be like wow i have to download this. It probably took you a good half hour I'd say. I would take this and make something around it. maybe take out the two sections comprised of double walls and creat two bases with a maze in the center. Also this is a CQB map (at least i hope it is), but there isn't one shotgun or mauler. As of now, 1/5 take some of the ideas people give and add on to the map. You have all those objects and that big budget, use it. P.S. - I'm not trying to be mean, just giving my honest opinion.
i agree with manoukian, maybe build bases on the side, that'd be great! the map looks a little bland and has already been done. maybe interlock walls diagonally into thye tubes for cover on the really long hallways. doesnt look like theres a lot of long hallways. anyway its not horrible. 5/10
The point of the map is to be small and there is not shotgun or mauler because it would be way overpowered. The point of this map is that it is 1 of the rare maps that are actually good with 1v1 and there is no camping. Maybe play the map first before you make an ignorant comment about how it is too small or that I need to add things because you havn't actually found something wrong with the map because you havn't played it. Also it did not take half an hour, I would like to see a map made in half an hour that actually has spawn points and interlocking and supports actual gameytpes.
Hey I'm not trying to be mean here or anything I'm just saying that it isn't much of a map. And i have found something wrong with the map, it's small and there's nothing really appealing to it. Ok maybe it didn't take half an hour but it looks like it took half an hour. And there's nothing really to play. It's a maze of tubes, with guns. I'm not saying it's terrible, i'm just saying expand on it. This is my last commeent, I'm not going to fight over a map and my opinion of it. I'll leave it up to the rest of Forgehub. EDIT: By the way a rocket launcher is much more overpoweering then a shotgun. Rocket Luancher's can shoot from far away and cause much more damage then aa shotgun.
I actually some what like this but I agree with everyone else, expand. Make some bases or maybe even another floor cause this IS too small in my opinion and apparently with others too. I will download this when I get my halo back and get a game of 1v1 to see how it really plays.
Well, it is not your typical map. You might want to, as they said above me, expand on it a little. While it has already been done, I like what you did(mostly used Y-Intersections) to make this. Well, I DL'd it, but try making an expanded v2.
You should try adding another element to the game other then just maze i would like to see some maze deal like this with tubes but i would also like to see somthing else in this. I also think that you need to listen to Manoukian because he brought up good points and it does not have anything that stands out making me want to download Get more creative
Ok then, im going to build upon what others have said and offer you an idea which I believe could work well on this map. You see how you have a whole top part of your map not being used. On top of all those tubes and Y pieces makes a great walkway and provides more room on your map, giving you altered gameplay involving 2 floors. By deleting the window walls and adding a pathway to the top or upper level your creating a brand new map. Add a base up the top and some cover and you got yourself a map that uses both short and long range combat. Hope I helped, it confused me a little reading it back but I can't think of another way to word it. Keep on forging and your ideas will be better and stronger.
This map is what I like to call, SYE. Simple yet Effective. It is fairly simple, which is both the strength and the weakness of this map. The simplicity of this map offers gameplay that is great for 1v1 or 2v2, and shows competitive, fun gameplay. Turn off radar for max effect! The downside about the simplicity is that this map is overly simple, and in that regard, forgettable. It seems a little repetitive and bland after playing it a few times, making it a map fun to try out, but not a keeper. I appreciate your efforts, but this map (just barely) misses the bill. Sorry mate. But keep up your efforts, this map is all but hopeless. I reccomend exactly what everyone else who has posted reccomends. Add a few bases, make it more of a map.
Okay, i somewhat agree with the other, but it reminds me of teh old 007 games, add some rooms and some WOW factors and you will have a great map