That's right. Every achievement (if applicable), every side mission/challenge, every unlockable unlocked. Which games have you liked enough to 100% them? The only game I've ever 100%'ed is Crash Team Racing for the Plastation 1. I was absoluter pure pwnage at that game, although I never managed to get any platinum relic times (was 1.2 seconds off the one on Hot Air Skyway though), but the game said that I had completed it 100% regardless and as a reward it unlocked a secret bahind-the-scenes option on the main menu of the game. It showed me how the predecessing games were made and told me some more about the studio that made them (Naughty Dog). I would count Halo 3, but I don't have all the achievements. If you don't counnt online achievements, then I have 100% completed Halo 3, but I like the challenge of doing the extra achievements. I almost 100%'ed GTA IV too, but with this expansion pack (Lost & Damned) and the fact that I missed one pidgeon somewhere, I never did it. Oh wellz. So, what games have you 100% completed? What was your reward?
dragonballZ budiki tenkiegi 2 lots of GBA games harvest moon:magical melody (I wouldnt really count that though,since I scrached my disk,and through some accidental means,It gave me infinate money.) GUN (for my 360) tons more I dont feel like thinking of...
Halo 3 (Before all the new achievements) Fallout 3 (Im pretty sure I raped every inch of every corner of this game. 5 times) GTA vice city I think that's it, just need mile high club for CoD4 and the cases.
Metroid prime 1,2,3 Pokemon gold,red pre new acheviements halo 3 COD 4 on PC as in beat singleplayer on veteran and red tiger on all guns!
I'm pretty sure that to earn "100% completion" in Halo 3, would be to: A. Unlock 100% of the achievements B. Become the highest rank available, so you can not earn any more XP. (Five Star General) C. Beat the Campaign on Legendary
I completed the CoD 4 campaign on normal; at what point do you try and get that achievement? I don't ever remember jumping from a plane during the story... Yeah, that seems logical. Although you could go one step further and become a five-star general in the new exp-progression playlist system in EVERY single existing playlist and become a 50 in EVERY single ranked playlist. Also get recon, and all the skulls and terminals.
Halo 3 Gears of War(seriously glitch) King Kong Gun(cheat for the hardest difficulty) Oblivion Madden 09 Madden 08 TMNT
Dark cloud 1 god of war 1 and 2 assassins creed i love that game its beat star fox 64 all the planets bitches
Colin McRae's DiRT. Aww man, that was awful. All those miles for my final 25-ish G. Worth it though. It's a good game =)
Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Pokemon Red Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (I'm a beast at that game) Mario Kart Double Dash Mario Kart DS Yeah... there's too many on my list.
Well, I'd like to say super smash brothers melee. I beat all three modes on very easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard on every character. i did the target test with every character under the time limit. I did the home run contest with every person. I did all the special melees with every character, and on every difficulty. I did the event matches with every character (the ones that allow you too choose), and I got to a point where no matter how many coins I put in, I couldn't get a new trophey and I got all the hidden ones as well as the stages. But who fricken knows how many trophys there are anyway. So i'm not sure. And also every pokemon game, although I think I missed a few hidden items with my item finder.