Map Title: Ghostation SLOGAN/SHORT DESCRIPTION Download Map Download Gametype Description: Alright so basically after downloading the new maps and playing around for a while a friend of mines had the greatest idea bumper cars in the crypt with kill balls as death zones. Needless to say I got the idea and ran with it what we have now can be considered as completely different, It's a symmetrical map who's roots can be seen as stemming from rocket race. Basic map over veiw There are four symmetrical corners with each taking this basic shape When you spawn you will start in the ghost hall way. Simply grab your ride and let the carnage begin. Heres how gameplay goes down, there are four teams of one, each "team" [Remember one person per team and only four "teams"] spawns with a plasma pistol, they are invulnerable [so that the main cause of death is falling to ones demise] with 25% speed and 200% gravity the game should be played on ghost. [with that said sometimes you will find your self without one due to either being hijacked after someone lost their rid, losing your own ride after bailing, or being screwed by the flawed ghostspawn system] This would be the reason for your pistol so that you can hijack someone if they opportunity presents itself. Once on your ghost you are to reach the checkpoints scattered around the map that will presents themselves in a random order. The majority of these's check points will be on small ramps some of which will most likely cause your death if your are not prepared. The other two main check points which appear less often are at center, and mid air. Mid air can be achieved anywhere on the map just go up a ramp. Now for a taste of gameplay. What do you do when you see someone ahead of you? Simply knock them of the map. Great way to finish the game, stealing the last point. The score is set at 15, this makes for a good 5 minutes of fun. Multiply as you see fit.
looks basic but fun, like people say nto every map needs interlox download for me, but go here to learn how to do various forge techniques. also pls straighten out the floor, thx
I know how to interlock, there is no need for any straight floors game play revolves around a ghost which isn't affected by small bumps and the bumps that are there compliment the overall experience.
Great map, really love the ramps and idea and layout of the map. Also at Darkness Seeping, interlocking is not a necessity in a map, also the straightness just makes the map look better so you should probably align the floors and walls up just for aesthetic purposes I know it has no affect on gameplay but still. I'll be sure to get a game on this later when I get my halo 3 disc back. 4/5 for now.
The majority of the floors are smooth now that I look at the screen shots I think you guys may be noticing the piece that look lower in this. There I used little wedges/ledges to add a small speed bump of sorts I might replace it with a wall to smooth it out aesthetically since it doesn't really affect gameplay.