Pre-DLC Agents

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by American10, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Quick Reference Link to Agents Map Pack and Gametype:

    You thought you'd done it all.​

    You thought you were through.​

    You thought you were the baddest of the bad.​

    You thought you were invincible.​

    But the battle isn't over yet.​

    There is but one last bridge to burn before you see your quest complete.​

    You thought you'd beaten it all.​

    But you thought wrong.​

    From the creator of I am Legend, and the creator of the Ancient Map Pack comes the next revolutionary game in Halo 3 competitive play...​


    Hey there everyone, and welcome to the latest mini-game from Time Glitch and American10! Agents takes tactical halo gameplay to a whole new level, requiring constant communication, teamwork, and awareness to gain victory. In Agents, it doesn't matter how quick your no-scopes are, or how good your BR is, or even how many headshots you can pull off. If you don't work with your team, you're dead, and theres no way to get around it. This game is not for the lone wolves. It is not for those looking to up their personal kill count. This game is for those who hold their team highest, and their personal glory last. This is a game will test your wits. This game will test your skills. This game will test even the most hardened MLG players to work as a team. ​

    This, is Agents. ​

    As is the custom with any of my maps, and American's as well, we love to have a backstory to our game. We have a full backstory, but it's simply too long to post here and keep peoples attention. Therefore, we've subbed out the most important stuff, and presented that to you. The full story can be found here. Here's the condensed version:​

    In the near future, war breaks out in the world. The Eastern World fights the West, and the West looses Europe. In a frantic response, all health and ethics codes are violated to create the greatest soldiers the world has ever seen: The Agents. Set in squads of 4-5 individuals and a single controller unit, these genetically modified soldiers took back Europe quickly, and crushed the East back into defeat. But that wasn't the end.

    Russia stole the technology used to create Agents, and built their own. Soon, all that were fighting were the Agents. Neither side dared send in normal troops. It would simply be a bloodbath. But both sides were extremely concerned about the mindset of their people. The people had seen too much combat and too much bloodshed. So they kept the war secret.

    Now it is the present, and scattered and quick battles define the face of combat. Agents fighting Agents in small and remote locations, all in a desperate game for land control. A twisted Cold War is in effect, where the populations of either side don't even know that their countries are fighting. Secret. Covert. Desperate. The fate of the world now rests on the shoulders of humanities greatest weapon, and it's best kept secret: The Agents.

    Whose side are you on?

    Past all the fancy talk, there actually is a game here! As mentioned previously, Agents is a tactics based game, where working with your team is key to survival, and victory. At first, the game may be hard to understand, but stick with us and we'll get you through the learning process. In this thread, I'll be outlining what Agents is, the basics of play, and how to win. If you just download the gametype without at least reading the basics, you'll find yourself lost, confused, and probably thinking this is one hell of a shitty gametype. Well, don't say we didn't warn you =).​

    The Basics

    Gear up.

    The first thing to get out of the way is what Agents is based on. Agents is a 2 sided VIP influence game. For those of you who don't know what that is, it means both teams have a VIP, and being within the VIP's influence (proximity) gives you special traits. The ultimate goal in Agents is to eliminate the other team's VIP. This will end the round, and give you one point. The game is 5 rounds, so 3 out of 5 games is a win. Killing other players besides the VIP does not gain you points, nor do suicides count against you. Killing the other VIP is all that matters. However, if a VIP commits suicide or falls off the map, the round will end. ​

    The basic premise sounds simple, but the game is far more complex than that. A game of Agents is comprised of three elements: The Agents, The VIP, and the communication between the two units. I'll give a description of each, and we'll move on to the game itself.​

    The Agents

    Up close and personal.

    Agents are the main fighting force on the team. They protect the VIP, and are usually the ones that end up killing the enemy VIP. Seems straightforward, right? Wrong. The Agents are only effective if they stay near their VIP. As stated before, this is a VIP influence game, so while near your VIP, you'll get special traits. Unlike in some other VIP games, these traits are your survival.I simply cannot stress this enough. Outside of your VIPs radius, you'll find yourself weak, nearly defenseless, and lost from the rest of the team. ​

    To start things off, lets list the traits you have while within the VIPs radius, and the traits you have when you are not within his radius:​

    Within Raidus:​

    100% Damage
    150% Damage Resistance
    No Shields
    Immune to headshots
    Weapon Pickup Enabled
    110% speed
    25m Standard [FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Radar[/FONT]
    Waypoint for Allies Only
    Forced Color: Black​

    Outside of Radius:
    25% damage
    50% Damage Resistance
    No shields
    Headshots enabled
    Weapon Pickup Disabled
    100% speed
    25m Allies Only Radar
    No Waypoint
    Forced Color: Green​

    As you can see, you aren't very strong even when you're within the VIP's radius, and even weaker when outside of it. There is a lesson here: Stay within your VIP's influence. It is absolutely vital to your success. ​

    The other thing that Agents should concern themselves with is the fact that they only have 3 lives. This promotes tactics, and a much more conservative attitude when it comes to dieing. Add that in with the fact that you probably won't respawn with your VIP, and death becomes a big deal. You'll lose any weapons you had, and your VIP's power. Don't die too often, or you'll find yourself perma-dead for the rest of the round. ​

    This being said, teamwork among Agents is crucial. Going at it alone, even while within the VIPs influence will probably result in you getting filled with bullets. Stick with the group and fight as a unit, and you'll have a much higher chance of winning. ​

    So now that we've covered the Agents, we need to cover the VIP. This is where things start to get tricky.​

    The VIP


    After the kill.

    The VIP is truly what makes this game unique. His most important characteristic to note is that he is very weak. He has no shields, and 10% damage resistance. A one shot kill, even to an Agent outside of his VIP's radius. He makes up for this, however, by being cloaked in Active Camoflauge, and having no waypoint for the other team. This makes him nearly invisible, as long as he doesn't do something stupid. The purpose of the VIP is not to fight with the team, but rather be an asset to the team. He's the one that provides the traits and abilities that the Agents need to fight effectively.​

    So here comes the question: ​

    “Wait...If the VIP is so weak, how is he supposed to go into battle and help his team!? Won't he just get killed?” ​

    Nope. This is where the length of the VIP's radius comes into play. The VIP has 50 meters of influence. Let me say that again: Fifty Meters of Proximity Influence. That is a lot of space. By utilizing this great distance effectively, the VIP can completely detach himself from the fight, and let the Agents do the work for him. This isn't saying that the VIP cannot fight, however. He's equipped with a sniper rifle, just in case. He can help out the team in a pinch if need be. But he has to be careful. Very, very careful. The second he fires or takes any aggressive action, he'll loose his camouflage and become exposed to the enemy. This is a bad thing. Even a stray bullet from an SMG 50m away can kill the VIP. So be sure to take a shot only if you're sure you can get back within cover immediately. This can be a very helpful tactic on the battlefield, and even a single, instant kill like that can turn the tides of a fight that's going south. However, there are more things to worry about than staying alive for the VIP. He has to keep his team alive as well. ​

    There is a shitty fact that goes along with a VIP's radius. Built into Halo 3, the VIP's radius is only horizontal. It only influences from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes, and no further. This means if the VIP strays even slightly from the horizontal field that his Agents are on, he will abandon them, and their traits will be gone. A very bad thing to do in a firefight. ​


    A couple Greens fight it out, abandoned by their VIP's.

    As you can see, it's very important to keep in constant communication with your VIP. Make sure he isn't leaving you in the dust before you go off and fight the enemy. But it's just as much the Agent's responsibility to stay within the influence as it is the VIP's to keep them there. If an Agent decides to be a hero and go higher or lower than the VIP's radius, it's his fault for getting himself killed. Agents need to be just as aware of the radius as the VIP is. Again, communication is vital. Keep those headsets humming. ​

    You might think by now that the influence is the VIP's greatest weapon, but this is not the case. While the influence is vital to survival and attack power, you have to know where to go to kill the enemy VIP! The VIP is equipped with 75m enhanced radar, allowing the VIP to see the opposite team's location if they're within that radius. Agents, however, only have normal radar to aid them. This is where more communication comes in. The VIP can use this radar to warn of an ambush, flanking, or simply the location of the enemy team and what angle your team should attack from. But be aware that the enemy has this as well, and don't get cocky. Coordination and communication are vital on this issue. “Alright VIP, where are they?” should be a common phrase in your Agent's vocabulary =). ​


    VIP FIGHT!!!

    I've explained all there is to explain about the VIP except one thing. A brief note to the VIP: STAY IN COVER. The second you enter the firefight, you're at risk to get hit by a stray bullet, and die. Stay back and let your team do the fighting. But stay somewhere where you can see the enemy. The other VIP might get smart and decide he wants to join in, and crack off a shot without taking cover first. ​


    Like fish in a barrel.

    This is an easy opportunity for a counter-snipe to end the round. Be aware of this. It's much more common than you'd think.​

    Alright, so now we've covered the basics for both the VIP and his Agents, and it's time to get down to the more fun aspects of Agents: The weapons and the maps!

    The Weapons

    Matrix Style

    In Agents, the default starting weapon is a Magnum. It may not seem like much, but don't underestimate these. They only take 5 bullets to kill an enemy Agent, and have a considerable range if you can see far enough with them. However, we don't expect you to depend on just a single pistol. Scattered throughout the map are various power items and weapons that will aid you in combat. Each map has the same power items, but some have different power weapons. Each Agents map includes the following:​

    A certain number of 0 spare clip SMGs at each starting area based on the number of people the map was built for. A 0 clip Battle Rifle is also close by, but might require some searching to find, depending on the map.
    1 Radar Jammer
    1 Bubble Shield
    2 Firebomb Grenades
    2 Trip Mines
    1 power weapon
    Pistol ammo supply crates, set on 90 second respawns. ​

    All of these except for the pistol ammo are set to never respawn, meaning that there will only ever be one of them on the map. Use these items wisely. You may think some of these are a bit pointless, but I'll explain the significance of each:​


    The Radar Jammer is probably the first one you got confused over. Normally these things are practically useless, but in Agents they can really help out. If you're sure you know where the enemy is, drop the radar jammer and attack. The enemy won't know where you're coming from, and won't be able to tell where you're going when this item is active. This is a huge advantage for your team, and could easily win the round for you. The same goes for you, however. Unless you have visual contact with the enemy, and they don't see you, don't drop it. It will blind your team as well as theirs.​


    Trip mines are the second thing to talk about. Since the game has no vehicles, you're wondering “Why even bother?” Well, these are useful little items. You can use them as deployable grenades in a firefight and clear out a group that got too close together. They have a massive blast radius, so you might be able to take out the VIP as well! These can also be deployed around a corner, and then shot to cause an unexpected explosion upon the enemy. Both these tactics can really hurt the other team. One Trip Mine is placed on either side of the map, enabling both sides to be able to use it. Don't disregard this item. ​


    Agents contains no grenades except Firebombs. This is because they have no splash damage, only direct contact. There are two of these also near the starting location, and are very useful for clearing out a group, or even using one in a suspected enemy VIP location. Fire hurts. ​


    Bubble shields are obvious, but helpful. There is only one of them on the map, and can help turn a bad fight into a survivable one. Throwing this thing down can enable you to get out of a pinned down situation, and protect your VIP if he is under fire.​


    The power weapons in Agents is the only thing that varries, and will be listed in each map. The most common one, however, is the Assault Rifle. The AR is a very powerful mid range weapon that can take out an agent much faster than SMGs or pistols could. This goes for all of the power weapons. All ammo based power weapons only have one clip, and never respawn. Use these wisely, and don't waste your ammo unless you need to. ​

    On a side note that may be of concern, there are no typical “Power weapons” on the Agents maps. When we use the term “power weapon”, we mean weapons that are more powerful than the ones provided. No rockets, no fuel rods, no sniper rifles. They are balanced, and only give a slight advantage to the controlling team. No need to go screaming about nOOb weapons. ​

    Speaking of maps, its high time we gave you the environments you'll be playing on. You know how to play the game, and now it's time to see what you can do with it. ​

    The Maps


    Early on, we wantd to make sure Agents wouldn't have the same gameplay every time, and it wouldn't get old. The only way to do this, we decided, was to make a map pack. The Agents Map Pack has a whopping total of 9 maps to play on, each tested to make sure that it works for how it's built. Some maps are for big teams, and some are for small, but all deliver a unique and interesting gameplay style, and each has a different strategy to it. ​

    One thing that should be noted is the map difficulty category under each of the following maps. When testing these maps, we noticed some were harder to play on than others. Whether it was weapon location, or simply terrain, sometimes it was just harder to win. We liked that. The maps labeled Easy will give a good environment for those who are new to the game, and the maps labeled Hard will challenge even the most experienced Agents players. Medium is somewhere in between. We recommend you start with Easy maps, and work your way to the Hard ones. After a while of playing, you'll start learning the ropes, and you'll want more of a challenge to work with.​

    Also, don't play a 3v3 map with a party of 10. It won't work out well, and you won't enjoy it. Pay attention to that little number in each post. ​

    Below will be an individual post for each map (Continued posts for ForgeHub users), each containing a brief background story, description, and screenshots for each map. They're worth a quick read before you play on them.​

    Anyway, enough of me gabbing. Here are the maps! In case you're in a hurry, just hit one of the download links. They're all in a linked set on Get Downloading!​

    The first thing to do before downloading the maps is to of course, download the gametype. The link can be found here:​ : Halo 3 File Details


    Cyrus Compound is where it all started. When the AGENTS squads were finally complete, they needed a place to train them for combat. Cyrus Compound was built to facilitate and simulate all possible combat scenarios. Even with recent advancements in software simulation, most squads still prefer to hone their combat skills in this familiar training facility.​

    Canvas: Rat's Nest​

    Map Size: 3v3-5v5​

    Difficulty: Easy​

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle​


    Cyrus Compound is the first map built for Agents, and where most people should start playing the game. The ground is flat and level, allowing for maximum versatility as far as VIP influence is concerned. The only place to truly watch your step is on the ramps. These can throw off your influence, so be sure to move as a unit whenever around them. ​


    Agents combat is based around decisive engagement and taking cover. You'll find ample places to both retreat to and ambush from on this map, as cover litters the road outside the map's center. The map practically plays itself, with all the special items being along the center line of the map, and all the weapons being fairly easy to find. The combat is diverse enough to keep you interested, but not enough to change the game up. Start here, and branch out. ​


    One of the first things the Agents were set to defend were critical supply outposts in the North Arctic Sea. These provided vital ammunition and supplies for the ICBM stations and arctic command centers that now line the Arctic Rim. As most airships cannot make it all the way from civilization to these installations, small storage and unloading facilities like these act as a relay station for supplies. Most of the time, these supply depots are quiet and tranquil. ​

    Except when the Weatherbirds arrive. Then things get quite loud, and you'll probably have preferred it when it was quiet. ​

    Canvas: Blackout​

    Map Size: 3v3 only​

    Difficulty: Medium​

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle​


    Docking Station boasts the most impressive piece of Forgery we have in the Agents Map Pack. Most of the map will feel familiar to you (With a few pieces of cover here and there), but in the center, we've forged a massive supply airship we've lovingly dubbed the “Weatherbird”. Think of it as the Pelican's big daddy. Can you get in this ship, you ask? Why yes, you can. The cargo hold sports the Assault Rifle, as well as an assortment of well-needed supplies, like street cones and a soccer ball. These are, of course, mission critical supplies. ​


    The gameplay on this map feels cramped and tight, as well it should. We made sure that the map always felt a little claustrophobic. So make sure to check your corners and keep an eye on your radar. While the map itself boasts a total of 4 different levels of playing, the changes are easy to keep up with, and when using the influence correctly, the VIP has a lot of spots to hide in. As long as you're paying attention, you'll be conquering this map in no time.

    (Continued On Next Page)

  2. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    One of the first things to get hit when the fighting started was critical resource points such as this old water processing plant. Now, decades after the war, this old plant has become a focal point of Agent training. The blend of organic and industrial environments provides a unique perspective on Agent warfare, and a danger to those who are unaware of their surroundings. ​

    Canvas: Ghost Town​

    Map Size: 3v3 or 4v4​

    Difficulty: Medium​

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle​


    Dehydration is by far one of the best maps we've made for Agents. Callouts are easy due to the maps natural landmarks, and the terrain is easily navigated. The map flows well, but presents a challenge when changing height. Most changes are short and quick, requiring that the whole team move together. The map is also just large enough for the other team to escape off your radar, so keep your eyes peeled. The VIP should be aware that there are lots of flat surfaces around the building areas of this level. Though it feels constrained, the VIP has lots of leeway as to where he can camp out while his Agents are fighting.

    The one thing to watch for in this map is attacks from above or below. The map has tons of up-and-down lines of sight, and can be used very effectively by an ambushing team. The varied levels also make for some interesting firefights. But rest assured, it is fun. Definitely a keeper.



    In the deeper parts of South America lie some of the most remote locations in the world. However, in modern times, these remote areas are some of the last sources of clean energy and oxygen. These are, of course, the first targets of the Agent war. Outposts like these quickly became battlegrounds as the two sides clashed. Don't be fooled by the docile and serene picture: This is a dangerous place.

    Canvas: Guardian

    Map Size: 3v3

    Difficulty: Easy

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle


    We all know that Guardian is Lockout's little brother, and so this game plays very similarly to Docking Station, only without the giant hovering ship...thing. The map is again, tight and constrained, but not without it's rather open areas. Flat ground covers most of the map, and you should have no trouble moving as a team. The only thing to really watch out for in this map are the lifts. Don't go through them, or you'll lose a life. Death teleporters guard them, and don't tempt the Guardians. They'll kill you =).


    Theres also a pallet bridge. Just thought we'd let you know.



    Great amounts of power are consumed in creating the weapons needed to keep up in the Agents war. This frozen installation provides that power, and therefore cannot be left un-defended. However, since these are far from the front lines, structures such as these are left more for harsh environment training rather than actual combat scenarios.

    Canvas: Narrows

    Map Size: 3v3

    Difficulty: Medium

    Power Weapon: Shotgun


    The curvy nature of this map makes moving together a bit interesting, but not difficult. It's a gradual curve, making staying on the same playing field easier. However, as the canvas map suggests, it's not a large teams map. The lines of sight are long and narrow, making it a sniper-prone map. However, the underneath suggests a different tactic. The power weapon on this map is the shotgun, making any close encounters that much more interesting. The main tactic here is to stay out of sight, and under cover.

    Also note that the mancannons are blocked again by death teleporters. We don't want any fast transport behind your enemy here.


    That's honestly it to this map...Not much more to explain. It's Narrows with some cover.

    (Thanks Mitona!)


    While most training courses take place in a controled, simulated environment, this contained biodome provided the Agent squads with a more organic scenario. Natural formations make up the majority of the cover, and the terrain is flowing and differentiated. The training directors supplied them with weapons, of course, but only minimal cover besides that which was already growing out of the lush field.

    There also appeared to be a small agricultural disease that spread through part of the installation. It will be taken care of shortly.

    Canvas: Isolation

    Map Size: 3v3 only

    Difficulty: Medium

    Power Weapon: Shotgun

    Gnoll is an interesting blend of flat ground and variated terrain. The hill in the center is especially challenging, as the steep incline requires you to stay almost perfectly even with the rest of your team if you are to move across it. However, the lower part of the map and the sides allow you to use your VIP's influence to it's maximum. This blend makes for fun encounters, and some not-so-fun surprises =).


    It should be noted that some of the items require you to pack your team into a very small area of the map to pick them up, and by doing so giving away your VIPs position. Be aware of this, and don't linger too long in those areas. However, these items are worth it, and should be sought after.

    #2 American10, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  3. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Deep within the industrial sector of U.S-controlled Africa, there lies a fort that has never been touched or seen by anyone besides top government officials. On outer appearance, this is a simple wind power station. But there is something held here that cannot be found by the enemy. Something that in the wrong hands could destroy the entire world as we know it. But even the mighty United States could not keep a secret forever. The enemy has found out. They know our secret.

    Thats why the Agents were sent here.

    Canvas: Last Resort

    Map Size: 4v4-6v6

    Difficulty: Hard

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    Being on Last Resort, this is a big map for Agents. The ground floor is littered with cover, making the map feel smaller than it is. Don't let this go to your head, though. The multiple levels of height on this map provide an advantage to anyone who can use it effectively. However, this could also be their greatest downfall.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    The reason that this map is rated Hard is not because it's open, but because of all the different playing fields that are possible. The variety of positions you can take in this terrain creates some coordination issues, so keeping your team together is vital to your survival. The long lines of sight on the upper part of the map also make your team very vulnerable to sniper fire, so keep your heads down. This map requires almost constant communication and vigilance to stay in formation. Remember, as the party gets bigger, the more trouble you'll have with this. But once you and your team have it down, you'll have a blast on this map. Everything becomes about tactics, and you have to think before you make any move at all. The wrong one could land you in a situation where you are completely pinned down. I say this because it's happened to us before, on multiple occasions.



    In every military operation, there are certain supplies that need to be secured to guarantee success. Old military bases located near the front lines are the most common location of such supplies. This old fortress has now been converted into a munitions and medical supply dump for frontlines warfare. A single AGENTS squad has been sent to guard it, but the enemy knows how vital these underground supply lines are. Don't get lazy.

    Canvas: High Ground

    Map Size: 4v4

    Difficulty: Easy/Medium

    Power Weapon: Assault Rifle

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    The name of this map is a French word, used now in military lingo to mean “the supplies neccicary to complete a military operation”. The base itself is loaded with supplies and ammunition, and the beach has a fresh shipment waiting to be stored. These places are where you spawn.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    The map doesn't have much excess cover other than basic High Ground, but that doesn't mean it doesnt play well. In fact, this is probably one of the best 4v4 maps for this gametype. The elevation changes aren't hard to follow, and the majority of the land is flat. However, getting up the beach can be a difficult challenge, and it is recommended you try to avoid direct rushing tactics. The open areas of the map are littered in cover, and you'll be able to find easy hiding spots elsewhere.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    Despite the simple and familiar layout of the map, you'll have some very satisfying encounters here. The blind corners and good hiding spots make for drawn out firefights, and intense games of cat and mouse when you actually enter the fort itself. This and Cyrus Compound are both perfect for 4v4 games.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]


    After a few months of the AGENTS program being operational, there came a need to safely test new weapon designs. This sparked an interest in the field of virtual reality and software simulation. This interest spawned a research division solely dedicated to this task. After months of design and research, the first virtual reality training battleground was constructed. Project Hoven introduced to the Agents not only a foreign environment, but a new and experimental energy weapon that could turn the tide of Agent warfare if put into production. However, extensive tests are still needed until the device is perfected, so constant simulations are run with real Agents to test the effectiveness and design of this new and powerful weapon.

    Canvas: Avalanche

    Map Size: 4v4-5v5

    Difficulty: Hard

    Power Weapon: Sentinel Beam

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    A unique look at the Agents gametype, Project Hoven is played differently than most Agents maps. The open nature of the map prompts the VIPs to use their sniper rifles more than in an enclosed area, so always keep yourself in cover if possible. Even though the map is large, move slowly, and don't leave your teammates in the dust. This is very easy to do, because the terrain is bumpy and has many changing elevation points. Keep in constant communication, and keep your eyes open. This is a doozy of a map.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152.[​IMG]

    The house of the Sentinel Beam is very noticable. The large tower boasts a Hornet atop it, simply for looks, and a unique structure. While it can be defended, and holds a precious prize, getting up there is rather...Tricky. All the teleporters on the bottom of the tower are random, and only by chance will you actually get up to the top of the tower, where the weapon is located. Experienced players will know this, and will be watching for your team to screw up and get separated in the teleporters. Make sure you are not being watched, or your entire team is covered before you make the attempt. However, should you make it to the top, there is cover, but it's clear. Your opponent will know where you are. Be prepared for an interesting time getting down. Remember, you need your VIP to be on the top of the tower with you to get the weapon. Good luck!

    Oh by the way, the Sentinel Beam is worth it. Trust me.

    The End!


    Well, that's all of them, and that's all there is for this gametype. We went through hours of testing this gametype to get it right, and thanks go out to anyone who helped us through the process. We hope that you not only enjoy this gametype, but keep playing it for months, or even years to come. It is a truly competitive and tactical game that will win the hearts of team players everywhere. Thanks to everyone who downloaded this game, and thank you again to everyone who helped.​

    (And thanks to anyone who actually read this entire post =P. I personally put over 5 hours into writing it and organizing it, so thanks are in order to anyone who bothered to read it all.)​


    Time Glitch and American10. ​

    Special thanks to Sideout67 for helping us out with aesthetic scenery.

    All screenshots were taken by Time Glitch and American10 from actual Agents games.

    Original concept by Time Glitch.
    #3 American10, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  4. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Wow. This has to be one of the most epic mini games Ive seen. The fact that you tested and built 9 maps around this gametype and that you used some previously unknown factors (horizontal VIP influence) makes this game that much more epic! I hope that this game will be played for many weeks and months to come. DL from me!
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Wow... long post. Anyway looks like a sweet gametype and some pretty cool maps. Downloading some of 'em now. Keep up the great forging!
  6. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    AMAZING!... i am blown away with all of the maps shown here!... when i get round to downloading them i will ! great maps, it's also nice to see the pre-dlc maps back as barely anyone makes maps on them nowadays
  7. Future Cop 77

    Future Cop 77 Ancient
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    This looks brilliant. Sadly there's only room for 8 of these thingies in one download, but don't worry, it looks good enough to come back DL the rest! I'll have to bookmark this page. :)

    From what I've seen on this post: 5/5
  8. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    I believe I feel a feature coming on...

    Great job! This is the best minigame (Expect my own) I've every played.
    Bravo! Bravo!
    You should make a new one on sandbox. I mean a map you made as in the Sky bubble or the Crypt. or one one Orbital or Assembly.A new map maybe or One on all of the maps. Still great though just have some suggestions.
  9. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    wow, Time glitch and American have done it again. This is truly a wonder and I am so happy to see this. The game type is one of a kind and looks to be fun and challenging. It truly looks to make teamwork videl to having a remote chance of winning. Having nine maps in 1 post is amazing a s well. While you didn't use amazing forgery on all the maps(except for maybe the blackout and Avalanche ones) you stuck to the basics and changed thr maps to suit your gametype. I am going to download The blakout, Ghost town, gaurdian, avalanche, and narrows ones. I am suprised to see that you didn't make one on foundry or sandbox. Could we be seeing DLC for this gametype with a sandbox or foundry msp. I give this post a 4.5/5 but that could change depending on gameplay.
    Buenos Noches!
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    you guys are the master of complicated gametypes, you know that? The link to dehydration takes me to the thread on xforgery. Please fix it
  11. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    We were going to but assembly didn't work same as orbital and sandbox. The game play wasn't good or anything so we just didn't add them.
  12. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
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    My friends and I are long term fans of your work, we play nighfall at least once a week and we have all been waiting for your new games. Kudos by the way on making 9 games that must have taken forever.
  13. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Thanks man. Any other broken links, please report =)
  14. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Oh yea I fixed it and forgot to say something, we posted it on XF first so that's why we got a link.
  15. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Wow... This is simply amazing. I cant believe the teamwork involved in this gametype which will make the gameplay just incredible. I'm excited to get some people to get a game going. Hopefully I will be able to get enough people. Anyone interested in getting a game going sometime?

    Also I think some amazing foundry or sandbox maps could be made that involve specific strategies for this gametype. I challenge all you forgers out there to put some thought in and make a completely new map designed just for Agents.
  16. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    very very very sweet. My only complaint is thatthis will be impossible for me to play with my stupid friends, maybe i'll get to play on a TGIF though. Look forward to that day
  17. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    One thing that happened to me when i was playing. Someone on the other team ran out of lives. He looked at me (V.I.P) and told his team exactly where i was. I thought it was unfair.

    P.S. Can't wait to see an assembly map.
    P.S.S. You could make a custom map on Sandbox like in the crypt or sky bubble. Please would be cool. You could make like a Agent training facility.
    P.S.S.S. Love it still think it will get featured
    #17 A Badger Ferret, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  18. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Me and Dthen were playing this for absolutely ages last night, the strategical gameplay is awesome and unlike most of the time when people try this, it actually works, keeping the games fun and highly competitive. Well done. 5/5.
  19. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Almost as a continuation to Daves post, the only flaw seemed to be when one team was taken down to just their VIP.
    I will still say this deserves a 5/5 for being so immensely fun. We (Dave and I) did not work our way through all the maps, mainly staying on Rat's Nest, Blackout and Guardian.

    I love the originality and the idea behind this wonderfully crafted game, the maps suit it very well.
    overall I found the experience highly enjoyable, and rather competitive after the players picked up the concept, which took a while for most of the people in the party.

    I hope to get some more games of it going soon. :)
    #19 Dthen, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  20. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    i like the concept and everything and the idea i also found the back story interesting seems very fun and the maps one the legendary maps are very neat so i think. 4.7/5

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