Sandbox Blood Wolves

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Paulrus, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. Paulrus

    Paulrus Ancient
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    Blood Wolves
    Created by: Paulrus
    Recommended 6-16 players

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    This is the first version of my map Crour Luna, I am currently working on a Version 2 so any and all feedback is welcome.

    This game requires the humans to use teamwork, and a quick trigger finger to successfully outlast the zombie onslaught. If you and your teammates aren't constantly alert you will not outlast the blood wolves.

    Fortress Overview


    Zombie Traits:

    Energy Sword Primary
    Normal Shields
    200% Speed
    50% Gravity (to get over the fortress walls)
    Black Forced Color (very hard to see in the darkness)

    Human Traits:
    Sniper Rifle and Shotgun Start
    Normal Shields
    No Grenades
    Infinite Ammo
    Normal Radar
    Full Vehicle Operation
    Waypoints Visible to Everyone (although there is a custom powerup that spawns every 60 seconds that will change this).

    Weapons and Vehicles on Map:

    2 Normal Warthogs
    2 Gauss Warthogs
    4 Flares
    8 Firebomb Grenades
    1 Flamethrower
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Fuel Rod Cannon
    2 Grav Lifts

    This map uses the entire main level of Sandbox (towers are blocked). Zombies and Humans begin with even numbers (50% Initial Count).

    Zombies spawn out in the dunes where, due to the Gloomy effect, everything is shrouded in darkness. Zombies have to use this darkness to their advantage while they make their way to the fortress in the center. The zombies or "wolves" only have swords so they must use stealth to get them as close as possible before they can attack.

    The Blood Wolf preparing for an attack

    Humans spawn in the fortress and must hold off the Blood Wolves for 7 minutes. There are several strategies that can be used in the base.
    One of the easiest is to man each of the four towers. Although humans start with sniper rifles, the darkness makes it difficult to get a clear shot. To partially remedy this, each tower has a flare that can be used to briefly light up a small area of the dunes, but you'll still need a keen eye to find your foes. Also throughout the base firebomb grenades and a flamethrower are available, which also can provide some light.

    This tower has 3 levels; The Top, which is more open to attack but has a better view, The Middle, which is safer but with limited view, and the bottom which is enclosed and cannot see outside, but contains the Custom Powerup.

    Otherside of the same tower.

    Another feature of this map that adds to gameplay are the 2 weapon depots out in the heart of the darkness.

    1 of 2 weapons depots found in Blood Wolves territory

    Each depot contains a powerful weapon, a Rocket Laucher in one, and a Fuel Rod Cannon in the other (as well as a portable grav lift in each that can be used to get back over the fortress's wall). Combined with the infinite ammo this can prove a devastating weapon, but is it worth the risk?


    There are four warthogs in the base (2 Gauss, 2 Normal) that should be taken when venturing into the Blood Wolves' terrritory.

    Finally, the humans can take shelter in the bottom level of the base to try and hold out. Here, there are 4 machine gun turrets that look down each corridor, but you must beware, you may have your front and sides covered, but you are still vulnerable to an attack from above.

    Machine guns in the lower level, there is a hole that drops down from above.

    My friends and I have had many hours of intense gameplay on this map so far, and I hope that others will as well.

    - Paulrus
    #1 Paulrus, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  2. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    Looks really nice, i'll download and try!
    Not much to say, it looks really small, but I hope it's fine with the gametype!
  3. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    You've done well on this map, risk vs reward for rockets, and the gloomy effect helps witht the feel of the map. However, the 50% start and normaal shields tips the balance to the zombies. I recommend 25% start because zombies will get more players anyway. Perhaps you could have a outpost in the darkness with camo for the zombies, but humans can try and prevent zombies from gettting it?
  4. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    i like using equipment as lighhts to help see i used the same idea with a map me and my friend made on blackout couldnt see anything unless you used flare and regens everything else looks good to i love good infection games one thing dothe humans dominate the zombies or is it balanced
    #4 abandoned heretic, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  5. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    This looks really good, I'm sharing the front page with you, I'm the author of Cold Fusion. I hope that we don't get pushed off because of bull maps.. I like your map and think that you have potential, this map give me the COD feel it gives you a main facility and also presents the out-lands. Love it man!
  6. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    This looks pretty epic! I really like how there is the gloomy effect.
    I also love the idea with the flare. I would take out the heavy weapons though, or replace them with maybe a BR.
    The layout looks nice, but not much is really added to it. Only a barricade here and there. Add more and this would be an awesome infection map.
  7. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    There should be a couple more ways for the zombies to get towards the human.. But i do like how you made it a challenge to get some of the weapons like the rockets to add suspense to the game. Maybe keep only one turret, and take out the rest, since those seem to be either worthless when the zombies are upclose and too powerfull when they are farther away.
  8. Paulrus

    Paulrus Ancient
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    Thanks for the constructive criticism, I will be changing the 50% initial count, and believe me the map is bigger than it looks in the pictures.
  9. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    Looks great, alot like my map Safari, with humans holding out a small base against zombie 'animals', do humans have infinite ammo in this?
  10. Paulrus

    Paulrus Ancient
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    Yes like I said in the description Human's have unlimited ammo, that's one of the reasons that the rocket launcher/fuel rod is such a big reward.
  11. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    Oh, I thought the Fuel Rod and Rockets were for the zombies, and the risk was the laser guardians, okay well in that case the humans may be a bit overpowered. It become less a survival game for humans and more a game of chance for the zombies when you do that
  12. Beaumont Hamel

    Beaumont Hamel Ancient
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    This map is definitely worth the download, this it's a great idea you got goin on 4/5, did you think about another way for the humans to get back in the base?
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I like the design, and it looks very neat. So it has my download.
  14. Paulrus

    Paulrus Ancient
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    There are only 2 ways for the humans to get back in to the base, either retrieve a grav lift from one of the depots, or get someone to drive a warthog out and use that to get back in.. I really wanted to make it so staying in the base and using teamwork was by far the best chance for survival. So this way anyone who isn't a team player and decides to go off on their own is not likely to survive.
  15. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    I like it, man. I can see some very neat merging, aswell as great aesthetics. Like C0RRUPTI0N said, it has a sort of CoD feel to it. 5/5!
  16. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    The idea loks really cool but I, for one, would'nt play infection on this map. Is it compatible with 1 flag ctf, assault or something?
    #16 Packnight501, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  17. Greggy Bys

    Greggy Bys Ancient
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    I must say I was very impressed with this map. It's definitely one of those "Oh sh*t behind you!" maps. Very tight forging and also great balance, neither side has too much of an advantage over the other. The custom powerup was a pretty good idea too, kind of camouflage without being invisible. My only question is, does the custom powerup do anything other than taking away the indicator and turning your character black?
  18. Paulrus

    Paulrus Ancient
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    Yup. That might not seem like very much, but it can be a life saver if used strategically.

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