It seems like Bungie is constantly beat in their Humpday things. And my friend's uncle works for Bungie and works with something like Halo's gameplay or something, and he just sucks horribly. Any opinions?
well some of the more competitive players are better because they play way more then bungie and the people at bungie have families and jobs and cant play as much as some other people so they don't practice as much
True but Bungie people understand the physics of the game and know the absolute best thing to do and what will work best
well, there r 2 reasons y bungie lost to forge hub but beats everyone else 1) bungie only nos their own maps, not maps that other people created. cough(forge hub)cough. therefore, they dony no the phisics of forged maps. 2) bungie picks suckish people to play against on their humpday, but since theyre running out of those suckish yet respectable people, like the worlds oil supply, they have to choose harder tams that they must actually work to beat. like the world getting rid of oil and working to get h20 cars that dont pollute.
rche, how do u get a new funny avatar everyday? is there like a website 4 them? if there is, i want in.
If I worked at bungie and spent most of my day working on halo, I'd go home and play nothing but COD4.
I don't see why it really matters whether they suck or not. As long as they keep making games I'm fine.
i dont believe they suck well they might but i think their are alot of ppl at bungie that could own though
No, you have horrible spelling, and i had to pay close attention to your horrible paragraph to understand your point. But really Bungie is ok.. they are not great. So far they have lost like 3 or 4 halo3 humpdays.
Haha I talked to my friend the other day and he said his uncle says that most Bungie people are tired of Halo when they get home from work and that a lot of them like Call of Duty. hahaha