Shortly after Smashed was released, Bungie's internal map that was added to MM via ATLAS, and following the controversy that abounded as a result, I took the opportunity to rework the layout. In normal circumstances modifying another person's map would be strictly out of the question, but as Smashed lies unattributed except to an unidentified Bungie employee, I considered it fair game. I viewed this merely as an exercise in analysis of a map design, and to challenge myself to improve upon the original. Subjectively, I think I have done so, modifying or removing problem areas others raised in public at the time, as well as generally tidying up the layout, smoothing over cracks that trapped nades and disrupted player movement and aim. Play has been spread out further around the map - although the central area still sees a large amount of traffic in CTF. Team Slayer is most improved, with tweaked weapon placement that weakens the centre and provides the back wall with more long range firepower. The towers have been modified to allow easier access from multiple angles, and walkways added to allow players to move around the outside of the map more efficiently. Long and tactical jumps have been added to reward experienced players and to allow the clever and cunning to turn the tables in the occasional fight. The majority of moveable and destructible objects have been removed. The central structure has been opened up to reduce camping. Rockets, which dominated the map, have been replaced with a flamethrower, which serves best as a defensive weapon here, but otherwise isn't the automatic choice and doesn't draw players unecessarily to the middle. OS has been added, accessible from the back half of the map, further pushing play out wide as its timer comes up. Snipe has been moved to the ground floor from the back tower to make players work to get into position. Fusion coils have been removed. As an exercise and personal challenge, this was a fun project. However, it wasn't a major undertaking and as such the only gametypes I can recommend are Team Slayer and CTF, as in the original, as others have not been set up. However, if you wish to improve on the map in your own way, please feel free to modify as you wish. I hope you all enjoy the map, and look forward to any and all intelligent feedback.
wow good job shows how a good lay out could be ruined if not made right im glad you fixed these problems to bad ill still probably get m nades stuck between walls because they never recognize the good maps so this might not replace the old i hope it does though hated the old one but this looks vvery improved
How can you possibly know how "open" the map is? Please don't spam threads with useless comments like this. Obviously you based your "decision" on viewing a couple of pictures, and that is foolish to put it nicely. Play it, rate it, offer comments and criticisms. How ****ing difficult is this to understand? argh. Great idea, Shock. I'll be taking a look around to see how you decided to do things differently. Feel free to hit me up if you want to play this.
hey its actually a really good map which plays well it is still similar to Smashed ofcourse but not in many ways in my opinion the bridges add alot of useful paths. 4/5
this is the new foundry map bungie made, right? It looks a lot better, even though i think Bungie cant ****in forge for their lives. But nice job it looks clean and "frsh". lol. since it is bungie-made and bungie-worthy, ill give it a 5/5. just becuz. But rly i bet it plays well and i dont see anything wrong woth any mergin. Nice job.
Ya know, I nearly avoided any actual MM contact with Smashed until just this weekend, when I got it for my first, and hopefully last time, in Team Slayer. I remember you talking about doing this a few months back, and I'm really glad you did. I'm definitely going to have to DL and see all the things you changed up. Cheers
Spam, spam, spam, and more spam. Right, infract nao? Just wondering, but did you by chance read the rule that stated NO SPAMMING? This is spam, because I could copy this and paste it onto anybody's map, and it would make sense. This map's layout is not original and however interesting it is, the truth is that it's a remake of Smashed. The only problem is not how open it is, because the original Smashed was open. I can't believe that nobody else thought of doing this Shock Theta! This is like when I saw that map that was a remake of the default Foundry, and I was like "Why didn't I think of that!?" It looks like it has some amazing interlocking, and however much I hate boxes that aren't upside-down, I forgive you, because it is how the original Smashed was. The bumps, the cracks plugged up with crates and walls, all gone! Thanks Shock Theta! You think Bungie will ever replace their Smashed in MM with something like this, or do you think they take too much pride in their work?
One upping the original wasn't my intention, and it wouldn't get noticed unless I posted it in ATLAS. I suppose I could do that... but it might come across badly for me personally. Sure thing man, I'm down for customs whenever I'm on. Looking forward to feedback. I tried to keep it close to the original, so it was a little restrictive in that sense, but more interesting and engaging for it. There weren't any d/l's when you made this comment. Thanks - I hope it's a better experience for you! Again, any feedback is welcome and I'll happily get in on games. Thanks conkerkid. You saved me having to type all that out. Thanks for the praise too! As I said above, I would have to submit this to ATLAS for it to be considered for adoption, but I don't see myself doing that as it'd come across a little cheeky to say the least! A few months ago I might have considered it, but now I'm just happy that it afforded me an interesting thought exercise and challenged me to analyse and attempt to improve upon another's map.
Cheeky???....Bungie had the cheek to release such a terribly forged map into matchmaking, it completely kills competitive gaming, with its horrible weapon placement, predictable spawns and useless crap all over the place. Thank you Shock for clearing this map up and making it look respectable and something that looks like a competative map. I hope you submit this to Atlas so I can play a decent, well thought out Bungie foundry map for once.
Bungie sucks at forging like so much. Why do you think all those crappy maps make it into Living dead?