These are just some in game pics i took and I am testing the quality of my embed pics. so I took these quick and i'm testing. they are still pretty cool screenie's. Ur My Boy Blue! Rocket to the face!!! Sniper pic... really random. lol. I only have a pistol and a.. WHAT!? A MISSILE POD on my back!? HANG ON!! WEEEEE!! Hello there Thank's for looking at my screenshot's guys! :happy: Tell me some tips on better screenshots if you can. I know some strategeis for good pics..greanade pics, explosion pics, and stuff, is there anything else I need to know to make cool pics?
No actually, these were all in game pictures as I said above. lol, what happened was I went to go pick up the weapon and right when I did it hadn't switched weapons yet, so for a split second it pos was on my back.
These are not very good; the Wheeee! one you can get ANYWHERE and the Boy Blue and Sniper Pic use basically no effects besides maybe a frag. There was one bright spot though in Rocket to the face; I actually jerked my head back a little when I scrolled down on it because I thought I was going to get exploded! But that was your only bright spot so I'm going to give this a group rating of 4/10.
So are you saying that if a picture is bright that makes it good? He said that they were for a test. I thought that they were pretty good.