I noticed this cool effect coming from the kill ball when I added the Juicy effect to it, so I just decided to walk in and voila! I named it Warhol after Andy Warhol, my favoritest artist ever. Please rate it so I know what I'm dealing with... DOWNLOAD WARHOL
I cant find the pic on Bungie, but i guess that x/5 isn't accurate enough so I'm giving it a good 7.5/ 10, but that truly is me, i really like the more comedy and crude humor pics like spartan love or I'm strait, and crap... I'm sure you'd get better from others... or not...
Thanks for the rating, and I also forgot to put a link, so I'd better do that before I get locked. Thanks dude
OMG!! I've HATE these kind of pictures now. There are way to many threads with these kinds of pictures.