Me and KoA xBIGxBOSSx were messing around on forge on sandbox then we started making some stuff and it ended up leading to a 5 hour in the making map lol. Its not necessarily a "Race Track" but it is a track and can be used as a racetrack, Its more of just a fun thing to do its only meant for 8 Players [Play with "V.I.P Escort" gametype each team gets a VIP & has to get to the destination] Or you can just play with normal slayer it doesn't really matter but its setup for VIP escort... Its 2 layered with 2 different paths through out the entire thing, Its RED & BLUE which will you chose?....... Afew things about the map - 1) It has 2 different paths through out the entire map. 2) Multiple loops. 3) Multiple caves. 4) What's better Red or Blue?...... Here's a little bit of a preview Can't really see the details and everything but download it to see everything [Download at the bottom] Spawn Take off ramp Bottom map overview Top map overview Top map overview part 2 Last jump...can you make it?......Don't miss..... Finished Download to Halo3
decent map. I like how you utilize the skybubble and the ground. it looks like it has plenty of structures and objects to keep you entertained but the main problem with this map is that its a little sloppy. maybe go to forging 101 to learn how to interlock from the pics i dont think there is interlocking. overall its an OK map. 6/10
two words, sloppy, and rushed. I liek the concept of two paths but this seems rushed... majorly! Also, the teleporter although inivative causes a lapse in gameplay, making the map "lag". And although this was just you and your friend messing around, that doesnt mean you can't "clean up" before a post... make a V2 and fix stuff....
We didn't rush at all we spent alittle over 5 hours, We interlocked some stuff but not all because that would of taken to long we're not the best forgers we just like to have fun and see what we can make and after spending 5 hours making it we decided to call it quits and end the track it was originally planned to be alot longer and cover as much as possible on the top level of the map but we started running out of money and started getting bored.. And for the record it is supposed to be slanted abit alot of people have been saying its sloppy because its slanted when we purposely made it slanted. Just please download it before you rate it because I noticed afew people have rated but it still has the same amount of downloads it did before I posted it.
Please i'm begging you lol learn how to interlock and make good race maps before you post something on forgehub. It takes too long to post to post something that isn't even close to up to par with the racetracks that have been created now.... sorry but it is getting kind of annoying with all these types of maps pushing the good ones out of the way
I'm not retarded I know how to interlock I'm just not going to spend multiple days on a map just to interlock everything........ It would of taken way to long to interlock all the stuff on this map.