make sure you create more ways to get from each side of the map, otherwise the bridge would be the only way across, and i dont think that would be too good.
This sounds like a great idea. The only thing I would suggest is: You know the destroyed bridge? Fix it... meaning make it a crossable (is that a word) bridge. And maybe a man cannon on each side that shoots you over the water.
Yeah. Because Campaign levels are designed to be linear, any map based off of one would innately be a good fit for Conquest.
good idea but sorry to tell you its not fair to call dibs cause you havn't even made it you know people can have the same idea. Besides most things today ar'nt originally like the featured maps they put out lol. I can under stand if you have created that already but if not it is not fair to the rest of the community and asking moders to use their valuable time to look to see if anyone else has that idea is not reasonable. No offense
Ive already started and almost finished makeing it. So Its my map now. If you want to stay updated on it read my blog.
theres no way to do that. thats just stupid. you cant prove they viewed this thread, and remaking a campaign mission is not an exclusive idea. thats like saying some copied someone else because they both remade a halo 2 map. it cant be done. id advise you to work some more, because if you made a map that size in that short amount of time, im sorry but it cant be very good. spend more time, or nobody will download.
I understand But i worked for hours yesterday and its about 75% done. And it will go through many stages of testing before post. The first pictures will be out tomorow.
Wow. This is an idea that I really like. Those 'tunnels' in those buildings and everything will be really cool. Of course, you will have to make some changes so it will be fit for customs. For one, that broken bridge should be a usable one. As of now, there is only ONE path.
Thanks to solve the bridge problem I put a bridge that spawns a minute in. And the first picture has been posted and the full map will be posted sometime today!
Hey, sorry dude. I called dibs on this back when Foundry was out, but the map was too small. So really, this is my map. I've already started to build it on Sandbox, and will be posting it. This is like posting a Midship remake. Theres like 50 of them made. But they don't get all pulled down because the first one was made. So you have no right to say this was stolen or you have dibs on it. This is just me remaking a level. Your version is different from my version. I have every right to make any map I want and call it my own. Sorry dude.
It's really cool. 4/5. The only problem is that it's shrunken down. To me it looks that way. Maybe if you added more precise details and made it full size it would really stand out.
NOO!! i got the idea a couple weeks ago, and just on a whim, decided to check forgehub to see if someone had done this already!! Although it wont be original anymore, ive already started my version, and imo, and based on ur pics at the beginning, i think mine will turn out better. although, of course, u most likely think urs is the best. it will prob take me another week to post it, so we will see then. and haha first post on forgehub!!! ive been following u guys for awhile now.
You idiot, why would you post it here if you're gonna post the actual thing in 2 hours? For f***'s sake....
You don't have to call dibs on it, no ones really gonna care too much about the map since most people on here (no offense) aren't THAT good at forge. Also it really isn't your idea since technically its bungies. But whateever its not that big of a deal. Also I saw the map's page. More detail would be better for it