I know a lot of people probably came up with this around the same time but does anyone know who was the first to actually make a map with it and post it on here? Whoever was the first to do it should be nationally recgonized haha
I beg to differ. The below image is from Wikipedia's page on the year 1945: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945#October
Actually, everyone has the right to post what they want. IF an individual happens to break a rule while doing so, they are dealt with as needed. I am always accepting of my infractions. Matter of fact, I implore the moderators to infract me, so that everyone knows that I don't get special treatment. Just to point that out. And to rebut Whisper: I have no rebuttal, you win.
CMNeir made a video about it before I knew about it, so in my mind he and his friends discovered it (it wasn't invented, it was discovered).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH7NsauPCp0 Although this was made on March 2008, I didn;t know about interlox, even then. I didn't have Xbox Live until April.
This question will never be answered. A little kid could have discovered it the first day the day came out and screamed, "OMG HAX." <- Copyright sharphooter94 But ya, just because someone posted a video, doesn't mean they were the first, they were just the first to release it to the public.
We should really think about the people that posted it to the public first. Otherwise they'll be about 10 people who apparently discovered it first (all of them being unaware that others had dicovered it too), and no-one will ever know who truly turned on their xbox and set the run time to 'no' first just to see what happened if they put another object inside it. It actually probably happened before Foundry. Think about it, if you ever braced a container on Last Resort with teleporters or weapon holders - then managed to move the box - then sometimes another box would spawn inside the old box. That was technically interlocking too, abeit accidental. The person who released this to the public first should get the credit (and maybe also anyone else who also discovered it and intended to publicise it), because they showed people how to do it. They are the ones that have greatly improved forge, not the few people who did it before but kept their mouths shut. So that's why I believe that CMNeir discovered it - founded it, if you will - because he showed others how to do it. Unless of course, someone made a guide to interlock before him and his crew...
Epic I'm with Epic on this one. The first person that publicly displayed examples of interlocking should be considered the inventor. Epic posted a video from March 2008. Anyone else have any examples from an earlier date?
gah...i probably should be nicer...sec for an edit... Okay, the question is "Who invented interlocking" not "Who distributed the knowledge to the public?" or "Who informed everyone on how to interlock?" or "What was the first instructional video on interlocking?"
Evidence Well, the word invented is in the post title. Of course interlocking, as a technique, can't be copyrighted, but if you were trying to claim it as intellectual property in court the judge would need to see dated evidence showing you came up with it first. It could be any type of evidence really: a link to an interlocked map, a tutorial video, even a screenshot. Anyone could say they invented it the day the game came out, but if we are really going to try and answer the question all we can do is look at dated evidence of any kind and look for the earliest example. Some of the greatest discoveries in human history were probably being worked on at the same time, but whoever makes it to the patent office first gets the credit.
Deep You're thinking is as shallow as the kiddie pool. Epic is curious and I am too. What was the earliest example of interlocking(besides default Foundry) to show up on ForgeHub?