I was listening to: [party]http://users.d2k5.com/Whisper/files/Blink-182%20-%20What_s%20My%20Age%20Again.mp3[/party]. I made: Without Text: V1 V2 With Text: V1 V2 V3
The way hes looking like right next to his head there's some lines that you need to smudge out. Also seems over sharpened is some areas and TOOO bright everywhere, IMO that is.
1. Where exactly are those lines? 2. It's not oversharpened; the effects are spirographs. Like, this is a very simple one: http://blogs.scienceforums.net/swansont/files/2009/02/guilloche.jpg
Instead of spirographs use c4d's much more versitle. Anyway, they kinda look like the side of a door on the stock maybe? If you show me the stock I could tell you, but smudge the stock layer some there and it should remove them...
I know what C4Ds are, I've used them for more than 3 years. I chose not to use them on this, however.
The swirly black lines to the right of the guys face are odd. I noticed that aswell...Kinda like you free-handed the swirls (which, if you did, that's not bad, tbh)
Meh, it's not really that good IMO. the effects on the left are pretty good but I don't like the ones on the left. And I'm not a fan of the effects on the guy's face.