Yup. These objects are all the items used in the default layout, and their place in the OLN (overall object limit above the standard budget) is fixed whether you delete them or not. So if you delete them, the OLN counter will still count them as on the map, meaning you'll reach the OLN item limit (which stops you building even if you have budget left to spend) a lot sooner. Just try to use these objects in your map efficiently, and remember which ones they are so you don't delete them. But once you are done with the map, deleting these objects shouldn't really matter. Technically it's always worth keeping them since they do no harm down there and you might want to build more at a later stage after feedback or something. But, if there are objects down there that you are never going to use and you need the budget from them then deleting them is safe enough, just don't do it too much or you might hit the OLN limit before your budget (and map) are done. Respawn points, starting points, respawn areas and objective points (flag spawns/drops, hills, oddball points etc) are the biggest thing since they are so many in number, deleting these instead of reusing them is most likely to bring an early OLN limit in to ruin your build, so pay particular attention to reusing those if possible.
Okay one more thing, if I dont use all of my respawn/start points, and leave them down there, will people still spawn/start down there?
Yes, they will.. Try to use the respawn and starting points that are in the crypt first. Delete the respawn and starting points that you are not going to be using. If you don't, then people will respawn in the crypt.
Someone should create a floor template across sandbox's sky bubble for other forgers. That would get more DL's than most good competitive maps.
Why not stack the stuff in the fourth hidden level. They would then be completely out of the way. I call it the skybubble basement.
Someone already did that. I like this one. I just spawn two two-way nodes. It really does not matter where the items are. As long as there not in my way when I am forging.
I don't fully or at all understand, how does having a ton of objects pre-placed on the map label it a canvas??? What is this method for?? EDIT: I read some above posts, and understand a little more. But WHY is there an OLN? Did Bungie plan on having it? I don't get it, it seems like an unnecessary glitch error.
sweet. It even looks cool. There should be a teleporter to each place next to the objects. Just a suggestion.
Good idea, but there is no real reason to do that. I left the budget at default. A person can spawn a portal with ease to take them to whatever section of the map they want.
I usually start with this OLN canvas and then money glitch some items about half way through the production of a map. Not eveyone knows how to money glitch a map, especially long after you started your map. I reccommend money glitching at least some items, especaially if you want your map to be really big. Learning how to money glitch a map can be complicated to explain, there is some info floating about if anyone wants to learn.
It's because Bungie made a programming glitch, spaz. If you delete all of the original objects, then the OLN (object limit number) drops drastically. But if you leave them (or just the original spawn points, spawn areas, start points, and objective objects) intact, then the OLN stays at its higher number. And the reason this one keeps the items piled up (despite their bugginess), is becauseno one's motivated enough to repost the map with the unnecessary items deleted.
Just in case some of you haven't read through the thread, I'll post this again: YOU CAN USE THE OBJECTS ANYWHERE ON SANDBOX! Sorry, I just thought I would make it obvious But yea, just use a two way node. The objects come with you.
It's to keep the OLN at it's maxium number. You can delete a default item if you know for a fact that you are not going to use it. If you think you are goin to use it, then keep it as to max out the total number of pieces that you can have. You should even use the spawn points as well. Just delete the spawn points that you know you don't need.
Are the lasers blocked aswell? And is it budget glitched? (though i'm not sure if this is even possible on sandbox)
I already have one, but have all the run-time minimums and maximums been set down to optimize budget issues?