A couple of my friends and I have decided to have a mini game night to hounor the realse of mythic lol. We will be playing mainly mythic map variations but there will be a couple others from diffrent maps to but we have one problem we do not have enough people for some of the maps we will be playing so if anyone is intrested in joining us message me on this site or on xbox live my gt is Chemical Wasp The maps we will be using are one that I have found off forgehub that I thought would be fun. So thanks to all the creators who are contributing but don't even know.ROFL. If you have any maps that you would also like to be in the line up of to be played and you will be playing with us send me a recomendation on xbox live so i can save it and put it on my hard drive because their will be no party leader switch which always leads to disaster. P.S YOU HAVE TO HAVE MYTHIC. WE WILL BE PLAYING FROM EARLy MORNing TO NIGHT SO TIME DOSE NOT MATTER!
I might pop on for a bit if I get the chance, but is it alright if I just come on for a short while? GT: Big Maxy 117.