Socratic Method

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Apr 8, 2009.

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  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Socratic Method
    Question, answer. Report, return fire.

    Locked. The new place for discussion of this map is the FH Feature Thread.

    temple side {blue}​

    Download Map: Socratic Method (original version)
    Download Map: Socratic Method (matchmaking [conformist] version)
    Download Gametype:Conquest v3
    Download Gametype:Conquest [v4]

    The Socratic Method is a process of debate that consists of considered questioning, designed to draw out useful answers. Bullets are a kind of answer, to a certain kind of question. So anyway, here's my Conquest map. It's pretty standard, except that the bases are not visably symmetrical. Functionally they are (mostly), so no worries. It's a castle vs. a temple.

    Weapon Load-out
    Frag Grenade
    Beam Rifle
    Brute Shot
    Spike Grenade
    Battle Rifle
    Plasma Pistol
    Plasma Rifle

    Not much to say... to the pictures!!

    castle side {red}



    blue base

    red base

    Behind the slot windows are spawn hives for the respective team. This is to alleviate base-switching.
    blue hive

    red hive

    red 2 layout

    Oh yes... there are tele-cages... I am a fan.

    mid overhead (TIE Fighter??)


    Both branches of the main path form a Y before meeting in the middle (roof peeled off for view)


    Oh yeah... the hole. It leads to Moosey Doom.




    Yes, I had a little Captain in me when I forged this.

    That's about it. I thought about making this a take on the Trojan War, but went with Socrates instead. As always, thank you Forge Hub, and enjoy!!

    Download Map: Socratic Method (original version)
    Download Map: Socratic Method (matchmaking [conformist] version)
    Download Gametype:Conquest v3
    Download Gametype:Conquest [v4]
    #1 Indie Anthias, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  2. sSalvation

    sSalvation Ancient
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    Holy Smokes! This Looks AMAZING!!! I love the castle and temple theme bases and I Love Conquest! The Aesthetics are great from what the pictures tell. I'm downloading this map in a Heart Beat
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I just want to say, I really like the Temple, although I don't know why specifically...

    Anyway, this looks great as far as I'm concerned. Conquest on Sandbox never looked so much fun and so original. However, I think the team with the Castle may be at a very slight disadvantage, because I look at the overhead view, and it looks like the Castle is farther back to the main part of the map compared to the Temple. Plus, the players with the Temple have those pillars to help protect them from being spawn-killed while the Castle doesn't really have that kind of protection. I don't know, I might just be thinking about it too hard. Either way, great job.
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    There is nothing that you can improve on this map, except maybe putting the bottoms of the territory flags into whatever they are sitting on. Even though this is asymmetrical, it looks extremely balanced. If sandbox was out during the conquest forgeoff, this would have won. The only thing I have a question on is what is moosey doom?

    I will look forward to playing this on future TGIFs. 5/5 bravo.
  5. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Do you smell that? Smells like...relief. Finally a Sandbox map that looks like it has been put together by a sentient life form. Almost everything else on these forums has looked terrible lately. This map, however, looks freaking awesome. I need to play this. Simple as that. Your post is the most seductive I have ever encountered and has forced my hand to DL the map. Well done, good sir.
  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, and those are good concerns. As for the distance, it doesn't look like it, but I was careful to make the distances exactly the same. The pictures are deceptive, even looking at it in forge it's deceptive. This is because the temple is quite a bit bigger than the castle. It's mostly filler and the actual playable area is much closer to the same. The hive of the temple is roomier, but there's not much for that. They are different, but not in any way that will affect much. The pillars provide for different levels of cover, but it's a little deviation I wanted to do. There's no real advantage. Also, there should not be any spawn killing because the spawn hives are much higher than ground level.

    Thanks, that was my goal, to balance asymmetrical ends. And yes, I could have merged the flag bases, but well... I didn't.

    You don't know what moosey doom is? That may be because I mis-quoted it. It's moosey fate and it awaits you.

  7. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    this is the first map on these forums that made me feel stupid. If i actually still cared about xbox i think i would want you to become my new bestfriend. Boy oh Boy
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Pred, this is gorgeous! Make sure you invite me next time you're playing on it.
    Love the bases, the aesthetics, everything is absolutely awesome. great ****.

    Edit- after playing it today, love it even more.
    the teleboxes were great fun and everything works great.
    #8 Titmar, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  9. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks amazing!
    I will definitely DL as soon as i get pleases my eyes very well haha
    It seems like the gameplay would be awesome!
    Great job...i will give more of my opinion when i get it :D
    Right know from looks 5/5

    Great Job
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    My goodness, sir, i think you just introduced a new style of forgery! (Well that's not quite true, most people attempted the medieval/castle look on foundry... But this is beyond compare!) And it looks like all the time you spent on the book of conquest has paid off! I'm pretty sure AZN would eat your face off for the lack of symmetry, but it sounds like that isn't an issue here. The only things that might be iffy are those pillars. I wouldn't exactly call it a "standard" conquest map, but lets not get into that (a touchy subject around here for some...). Personally, i think this is a great combination of creativity and conquest experience. Looks like you did very well on the weapon placement and such. From experience, i know that placing territories on walls can be a bit confusing (difficult to tell where it starts and ends). But i'm very excited to try this out. Great work mr. Predicide. I hope that some day I will be lucky enough to play a few rounds of good ol' conquest with you!

    Oh, and what version of conquest would you recommend for this map?
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That keep is the most visually similar structure to it's real world counterpart I've ever seen made in forge. The rest is O.K.
  12. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Omg this is spectacular. How it is so aesthetic but yet still a competetive conquest map :) Though it isn't even close to being symmetrical I'll DL and look around. Seriously though this is one of the coolest looking maps I have ever seen.
  13. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Amazing, and the floor is symmetrical, even though the actual ascetics are not. 5/5, and you have a download from me! Also, I love the Moosey Doom thing, that show awesome!
    This map cannot be made better, except for maybe a tiny bit straightening out.
  14. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    Well, its an amazing map, only thing i could possibly tell you to improve is make the hallways feel less claustrophobic... while walking through them i felt like I was going to get stuck. Altogether great map! 4/5
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Thanks and lol... I think you're right about AZN, but oh well. It's a big tent, we keep trying to tell him. Room for variation, I think.
    -edit: jk AZN. I know you love this map... I just know it.

    Here's my rational: Isn't it hard to kill someone who seems the same as you? When the place they come from (some crazy temple) is obviously different from the place you come from (a castle!!), then you can dwell on your differences, and you can know that they are different, and you can kill them for treading on your sand.

    Don't take any of that seriously, I'm a raving lunatic.

    Seriously, though, map is like 98% symmetrical, and the differences are more superficial than it may seem. I'd love to do some games with anyone who wants to, but I'm really sketchy about being on xbl these days.

    Oh and I don't really have a recommendation for what version to use. I tested it with both, and it doesn't really matter. I like v3, but that's more of a personal preference than a recommendation.

    Thanks again, everyone.
    #15 Indie Anthias, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  16. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    This is a great map from the looks of it. I love the close quarters combat pics. And also the tower with the needler dude in it caught my attention. This is really cool and I look forward to playing on it. Great job dude.
  17. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    I couldn't have said it better myself.
  18. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Wow I have to go change real quick *changes pants* kay I am all better now. Um ya this looks amazing I am DLing the Mythic maps tomorrow I will be sure to get this on my hard drive ASAP. I love the temple it is rather shiny :D. Well not much you could change besides just putting the bases of the flags interlocked down. Oh god I have to go change again.

    5/5 great overall map
  19. Frozen Arrow

    Frozen Arrow Ancient
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    That looks freaking awesome
  20. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I never really got into to conquest but after viewing this map out of curiousity, I'm definately now interested. This map looks absolutely flawless, and it may just earn itself a permanent space on my hard drive. I can't really rave too much about it without playing it yet, but I can say that from the pics and description that this may be the only conquest map that I'll love. Great Job Man!
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