nice work, its obvious that you put a LOT of effort into this. from what i can see, this should have fantastic gameplay with some uniqe lines-of-sight. the merging+interlocks are awsome as well, the sideways double boxes in pic 7 look sick-nasty. 5/5 and a dl. keep on forgin
I wouldn't expect anything less from you SLiK. I love maps with lots of ramps, and this one has that and more. I love the structures. This map is an aesthetic beauty. Everything is super smooth, and it looks to have great gameplay with the lines of sight, ground cover, and natural cover provided by the high ground. I'd love to get a game on this sometime. An excellent map.
Wow, you should rename this map, "geo-merge city." Haha, not only does it appear appealing to the eyes but also supports great playability. Good job, It's rare that I down load a foundry map, but this one has my download. Nice work.
Review: The forging on this map is sick. Very nice merges. There are a few nice aesthetic touches, but nothing extraordinary. You definitely have what it takes to be a forger; however, the layout isn't great. I think that you should have planned it out before hand. The map seems unbalanced, and it's too similar to other Foundry maps. Just walking around it I got deja vu. It felt like a ton of other maps I've played on. There are a few unique areas that I like, but overall, the layout needs improvement. Conclusion: This map has superb forging and is aesthetically pleasing, but the layout is unbalanced and clunky. If you make another map with this quality, but with a nice layout too, you will definitely have it featured. (Try it on Sandbox).
I remember playing many games on here. Gameplay was awesome. I don't remember if you can break out I'll have to find out later. 5/5
Grat map man. Its whole layout is just great, from the geomerging down to the spawns this map is truelly a great one. (P.S.) THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, the masterpeice has been completed. After four months of working on this map, you have finally finished it and I think it paid off well. This map truly shows the art that Oo SLiK cannot create only amazing racetracks, but slayer maps as well. I am honored to have tooken part in testing nearly every test you held and also making a video for this, doing my best camera work possible Here are my personal thoughts on Tabularium: -the gameplay is outstanding, the spawns were well peiced in correct areas -the pipelines attached neatly into the ground are very nice and add great aesthetics -you can pretty much walk across the entire map without any neccecary jumping which is a positive impact -the rockets were extremely well placed although I found the defenders did have a bit of an advantage to getting to the rocket rush -interlocking and geo-merging is extremely neat and very expertly peiced together -absoloutey no way to break this map, I tried for about 30 minutes then finding out it way impossible -the active camo is in a perfect spot considering it is wide in the open and you are quite vulnerable while attmepting to get it Here are the negative things that I found: -much too many Battle Rifles, yes it's nice to have plenty of them while playing but I found that they were too close to each other and a couple could have been tooken out -while playing KOTH, the area in which the bubble shield is beside and near rockets was not perfectly placed, and was easy to "jam" grenades -the odd time, a bad spawn would occur -I found that the main hallway room was a bit too bland and could have used some nice geo-merging inside -two snipers did make it a bit odd especially when they were that close to each other. I suppose either team will be taking their sniper though so the opposite team would not be able to walk over and take double the ammo -I also found that the fusion coil placed on the sniper arch was unnececary and didn't fit in too well Overall, this map is very greatly forged and extremely fun to play on. I do think it has the potential to get featured and well deserves a 5/5 rating. Good job SLiK, it's outstanding that you have the ability to make great racing maps AND competetive maps! NOTE: I am not a professional competetive map maker so my negative thoughts may not have been correct or true
First off... Finally. You my friend put 4 months into this map and I can tell You that you didn't waist your time. Your geomerges are on point as well as your respawns and objective placement. I also enjoy the amount of pistols on This map : D. Keep it up ..5/5..
Ah, I remember testing this with you. In my overall feedback on this, it turned out not great, but good. Every section of Tabularium seems like a frequent battleground in matches regardless of the game type. I am wondering though on why did you put three magnums there even though at least two or even one magnum is needed. Also, too much grenades were placed making the map rain grenades all over the place since players always start with two grenades, right? Also, I find you decision to place two maulers on Tabularium a rather bad move simply because it would give too much power to both teams and we know we don't want that. Needs improvement, but I believe you will ace your next map. Good job. 6.8/10
hey slick. remember when we tested this here one on one, and i beat you? glad u finally posted it. whats up with the name? lol. great map with really good gameplay. highly recommended. the only problem i have is that you didnt thank me for that 5 hours of going through the spawns and perfecting them.
Umm is bam trying to take credit for the spawns, because i belive he just looked over them because i was in the party chat at the time...