GT: Oberlin27 Mic: yes, but it's acting gay lately and might not work up to preference Ideas: Taking down a Banshee with Magnum fire. Betraying teammates for the Needler. Hiding everyone above the glass in Construct. Sniper runs on Mongooses (as long as L0rd M0ngoose isn't around). Trying to give the other team an Extermination. Rushing Banshee on Sandtrap, and abandoning it in your opponent's base in favor of a Mongoose.
GT: Pennywiez Mic: yup Ideas: hmmm well how about we all start as elites and if its a big map all run together to thier base and surround a random mongoose and start warshipping it. also we could hide everybody but i know thats been done before
You cant really join our group but you can get in on the episodes once in a while if you are lucky. I added you to the Op.
Thanks, but there's one problem: I'm British. I'm online 9 hours ahead of you, so if you were planning to film at say 6pm, that like 3am to me
ehh idk. I need the original members to vote on a time though. This thursday (tomorrow) or next saturday?
I think a great idea would be if one elite drives and all the other elites ride around standing on top teabagging and doing drive-bys. That would be CLASSIC.
THIS IS SANDTRAP! *Falcon Punches* Surpise Abortion *****! On topic: K guys, we haz time for tomorrow's BTB Shenanigans second episode. Thursday, (4-9-09) at 7:30 PST.
Gamertag: ER1C0 Mic: Usually Any Ideas: gang banging i'll play along to anything oh yeah and i live in china so ... idk if i'd be able to make it to some of them
We just finished capturing on Episode 2 There are some minor difficulties with the footage that the team might need to check up on.
Ducks (mallards, specifically) mate exclusively by gang rape, so this could work lol. Also, I don't think you and I will ever get in an episode as they are in PST. Unless you are willing to get up early, then this won't be happening for us, sadly.
Yeah, I usually don't get up early. if anything i'll do it on a saturday, which means u guys would have to play fri night
You could try to convince the other team not to shoot you. You could make totem poles of people. Meteor stick-a-thon. Drive the other team around in vehicals and see if they shoot at each other.
we taped the second episode last night. I don't think I ever laughed so hard. That was an awesome time and Phreakie don't forget to thanks those two guys we met who played along.