Foundry Wishbone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Zombievillans Final thoughts part 2: Well what can i say, I really enjoyed building this with you deathtoll. As long as it took, especially with me building my last map at the same time, this was great fun. Im sorry there were many times you had to rush me to finish a few merges but hey, its all good now. I really like the way this flows with the vehicles and I was kinda iffy about the two Ghosts but it worked out really well and I am not dissapointed in this map at all. You did great in your first competetive map and you probably didnt even need my help, but Im glad you asked.
  2. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    if vehicles dont work on foundry, why are there loads of race maps on there. Check and mate,

    anyway this map is almost perfect. i love the window and the gameplay is amazing, im nomnomnominating this for feature.


    amazing job.
  3. A55A55IN 64

    A55A55IN 64 Ancient
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    Really good pictures still go to test it but looks great now i wish i bought xbl for year
    dam it!!!!!
    Hope to see more maps
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Very impressive, i have a feeling this may get featured :D although you could do with including a little less action shots and a little more of the actual map. geomerging and interlocking are amazing, and it plays well with CTF. grats all round realy.
  5. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Please please please play the damn map before you make your ignorant comment. Thank you. ;)

    The map was only playable about a week ago. If you played it a month ago, then somebody stole it.

    I too love the word awesome, but I would like a more extensive review if you don't mind.

    So true, trust me, we wouldn't release a bad map.

    Please play before you rate, thank you.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, we at least told you 47,000 words. Would you like that in actual words or pictures? It's only easier for you with more pictures ;)

    Thank you so much for playing the map!!

    Pwned, and thanks for the nomination.

    As for you, that is probably the best review like in the history of ever. Seriously you touched up on everything. And it is very extensive, you have tested the map enough for you to have built it. Thanks buddy.
    #25 DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  6. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    wow all I can really say is wow the geomerging is amazing and the layout is amazing it looks like another one of the few amazing maps that combine ground assault with vehicular combat. I love those maps!
  7. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Oh this map was super fun when I was tsting with you. Multi Flag is great. But I didn't get to play much since you booted me.Stupid Phreakie why would you listen to him? No one on my team said I was laggy :(
  8. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    Simply amazing and it's perfectly amazingly forged and this has to be featured 5/5 from beta 1 to this it's amazing
  9. Bipolar Mushroom

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    I feel happy being in those picks. Nice job deathtoll great map
  10. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    This Is The Best Map Of The Past 4 Months or so... I had great fun testing this with you DeathToll. The Vehicles Were Brilliant I hate getting jacked by CheesePuffs. >: ( . Anyway The Map Was Just Spectacular I havent got the Map Yet but im just about to Download (Thats Right This Time Im Going To DL Not Just Say I Will To Be Polite) You May Not Remember but I joined your forge session when you were budget glitching the map and all you had was the Base of the map (The Wishbone). So Anyways The Map Was excellent and a Bravo To You <In Slow Head Language(IT WAS REAALIEE GOOUD;0. 10/10 And you know yourself that its got the feature. :D

    PS. Message me for your next map in testing and ill be sure to join. :D
  11. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Simply amazing Deathtoll77 and Zombievillain

    -Why it caught your eye: This map caught my eye, why? Because just look at it its original well forged and has a great layout..what more can I ask? The one way doors? Work perfect with a little communication and timing to have your team means open up it for 10 seconds so you can quick make a pass through the doors for a some what easy cap.

    -The things that could have been changed: Some things that could of been changed is a few interlocks here and there a little flaw with the creation of the symmetry but nothing really big to worry about. I also felt that there could of maybe been some tweaks to the Territories game
    type to make it fit and play better.

    -Spawns: Works great that I know of. You never spawn continually in the same spawn points which makes it great you're always spawned in a different spot that fits perfect for whats going on around you. The only thing that was a little hassle was that when you tried to receive the flag or arm the bomb they would sometimes spawn in the back hallway making it hard for you to get the flag out..but with the layout of the map and the layout of foundry default its hard to fix that..and overall it wasn't that big of a deal.

    -Weapon balance: The weapons were amazing, perfectly placed. Nothing over powering and they all had a purpose. The snipers? Wonderful I loved where they were placed as you would always have a little snipe off at the rush of the sniper through the windows..The shotgun played well not over powering at all just had to be careful going into the middle of the Wishbone or you might get a shotgun to the face.

    -Aesthetics: Could of used some work, some spots there not interlocked the greatest but honestly? Gameplay over Aesthetics, but this map did have its ups. The wishbone was amazingly made and same with the back bases I loved them couldn't of asked for more.

    -Gameplay: I have to say...this is almost as fun as Gridlocked =O. It plays amazing, who ever thought a layout like this could play so well? But to be honest it does. Its hands down amazing. It has its long mid and close range battles which are great. The vehicles are not to over powering as there are plenty of weapons and equipment to take them down.

    Over all I give this map a 4.8/5 This is a defiant recommend to anyone.

    PS: Feature Nao..well not right this minute but in the future ;)
  12. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    First off I would like to start off my post by stating that this has been one of the better Big Team Battle styled Foundry maps I've seen sense the latest Template Contest. I'm sure that Wishbone would have ranked high if it were to be submitted.

    Overall, I can for see many great games to be played out of Wishbone in the future. There were many characteristics about that makes it a memorable map. It played well on all game types, from what I remember from last night on the final testing of it.

    Wishbone had a nice balance to it, whether it may be weapons, object placement, or even the ghosts. Surprisingly, the ghosts on Wishbone had a nice even flow to move about and they weren't too over powering. The weapons were placed reasonably, they weren't too out of sight, or out of line. I actually think that that the weapons/equipment to balance the ghost were done fairly well. I personally wouldn't like to see a Rocket Launcher on Wishbone because I can for see it possibly getting quite hectic and overpowering. There was enough stopping power on the map to overtake the ghosts, yet not to much, so that's definitely a plus when it comes in terms of a BTB styled map.

    The one way doors definitely were implemented well. They weren't to much of a shortcut yet it provided you a quick efficient way to get around your opposing enemies. The versatility on this map was superb. I was able to make all the jumps on my first encounter and the height and accessibility to platforms and objects on Wishbone were done quite well. I feel that every competitive map should have enough cover yet not too much and I feel that it was done in a way that I can't complain.

    Both the interlocking and geo-merging were done flawlessly. Yes, there can get picky and anal and say that this or that isn't perfect, yet when it comes down to actually playing the aesthetics aren't a problem. In game the aesthetics are pleasing and weren't over done drastically. I didn't see or have any problems what so ever with spawns or breaking out of the map. Overall, great job guys, I wouldn't second guess this to be feature worthy material.

    Senior Member

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    I remeber playing this with u , realy nice spawn placement and the funny thing i had a cordination fail in nearly exsacly same place but i had diffrewnt armour perm somthing about that place makes u stic ur team :p

    Realy nice place 4,9 out of 5
  14. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I would really like to know what minuscule detail makes this map a 4.9? What possibly could have subtracted 0.1 points?! Seriously, why can't people just say: "Looks very good....5/5!" I mean seriously! I've literally seen someone say: "I can't find anything bad about it! 4.8/5." WTF! If you can't find anything bad about it, then say 5/5, not 4.23192423582/5!

    Enough ranting.

    The map looks very well made Deathtoll,'ll get the "FEECHURE NAO" you really deserve.

    The map's forging is very nice and crisp, and I honestly can't find any places that are overpowered.

    The layout is nice (like Sidewinder, except it got hungry and started eating itself, then vomited itself back up. Trust me, I mean this in a good way.) and there is more than enough open space for the vehicles placed on the map. The one-way doors were a nice touch.

    Overall, the map looks to be a fun and enjoyable addition to my hard drive, and will more than likely stay there for a very long while.

    - Balanced Layout
    - Clean Forging
    - Vehicle Friendly Environment

    Final Score:

    This map is "The Cheat Approved".
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Yeah, really dude. You didn't even put a . where it was supposed to go. If you are going to be giving out decimals and fractions to perfect maps, then at least give a reason for this .1 subtraction! Sheesh!

    Enough of the flames. This map is amazing! I recommend all you competitive types out there, download this map, and show it off to all your friends, because this map is soooo awesome! Nothing was to overpowered, although the ghosts were kinda overkill. It plays so well with objective games, even though we got raped. I loved it to death! I swear I didn't even know it was symmetrical until I passed through the middle and over towards the other base! The aesthetics are crazy cool, like the ones on Grindstone! The geomerging and interlocking is flawless. I really don't have anything more to say...

    5/5 for a perfect map, that I sure hope gets you your well deserved premium!
  16. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    After a GREAT amount of testing and being able to watch the developement of this map, I have to say that it is one of the best maps ever created. It is extremely fun, and the "gates" are inoovative. They add a feeling of tactic and strategy to the game, making it much more interesting. All I can say now is 5/5, great job. I dl'ed, and everyone else should do so too.

    Senior Member

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    ok the only reson i took away 0.1 is becouse if u go to the back of tham map and look towards the other side u get minor framerate issues its not his fult i blame bungie

    thanks for not being an asshole when replying to my comment
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    What a symmetric beauty you have there. Glad you finally released this! I was really hyped for it from the very moment I have heard of it.

    You weapons list is balanced. (Yes I know, I am really strict with the weapons and equipments list)

    I love how you blocked the entrance to the middle from the sides forcing teams to go through battle. Nice touch. I will do my best to get a game on this hopefully with you tonight or something and come back with a review if I can. Great job.
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for all of the detailed reviews guys, its rare to get posts like these on a map. As for you guys who think that the geometry could have been better, yeah it could have yet it couldnt. I really wanted to add some ramps in there from the ground level up to the lower walkways but that would have hurt the gameplay. We didnt want people to be able to drive the Ghosts and the Mongooses onto the walkways so that ruled out the ramps. The jump ups arent that bad though anyways, there are easy jumps and some tacical jumps as well. I also wont be th only one to tell you that Foundry is NOT perfectly symmetrical. But we really got the effect we were looking for in this map.
  20. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Tactics comrade, tactics. -Animal Farm, by George Orwell. Wishbone requires tactics!

    To start off, I like this map a lot. It captures the essence of Sidewinder, the push of conquest, and the innovativeness of DeathToll77.

    I've checked on this project from the beginning, seen the paint edit, the foundation design,
    discussed the making of the one-way doors, and gawked at the base design and stair supports up at the ceiling.

    The map promotes movement; there is a conquest-esque battle in the map centre that goes hand-in-hand with long and synchronized spawns,
    but there are different paths to stage the battle on, or to avoid said battle. The one way doors weren't under, or overused during our testing.

    Said doors give a tactical advantage to flank enemies on your side of the map, access the upper walkways, and simply allow you to get a different angle on the battle.
    That is if your team hasn't broken the enemy door during a push; then you can go through the short cut and bring the enemy flag (etc.) back faster
    whilist avoiding any enemies still in the centre stretch of the map.

    This map requires tactics! Teammates that don't work together, or go off alone will be killed! You have to have a plan (Or five) and apply it!

    Speaking of the upper walkways, I came up with the radical idea of adding a buffer to the line-of-sight on the upper walkway. Shown here, the upright double wall behind the figure:


    Quite a bit of thought was put into the placement of objects and weapons on the map.
    This particular piece of achitecture some cover in an exposed but useful position, but it also gives attackers some cover to make a move against you.
    The perfect place to apply some frag grenades [Read my signature]!

    Wishbone shines under symmetrical objective games, but apparently team slayer and one-sided objective games work well too.
    I would have to recommend a high kill limit for team slayer, at least 100 frags to win.

    Half hour CTF matches passed by very quickly, and not a single tester complained or had a problem with that. This map is fun to play on! Grab some friends, or grab someone else's friends to play a match or four!

    Aesthetics shine on this map, you might be turned off by the simplicity, but that is the aesthetic appeal. The forgers couldn't afford to use precious objects just for aesthetics.
    To be blunt, comments about the imperfectness of some interlocking or geomerging are moot. No map is flawless; No map is perfect.
    The small things mentioned don't affect gameplay or flow.

    I'd also like to point out the extremely well used slogan on the map post:
    Make a wish...
    Who will get the bigger half?

    I'm going to guess that Spartan7371 or whoever else edited the screenshots for Savannah Speed created the title picture.
    It's well done and shows off the towering and imposing wishbone structure, especially with the camera angle and colour palette.

    I know what I've said is all over the page, but there are a lot of aspects to cover about this map.
    You might think I'm a complete fanboy, but take a look at the feature nominations. There were eight straight Wishbone nominations in a row, and nine in total.
    I also hope like hell that you were reading this post while your Xbox boots up and the map loads, after you've downloaded it from

    Thank you, and good night.
    According to DeathToll77: -GIBBARRRRRRR

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