Hey, I'm looking to learn how to make signatures with effects like using real life pictures if at all possible. Looking at the Teacher descriptions I'd prefer Icecikle when he is available as he specifies using real life pictures. The only problem is that I use PS CS4. So if any teachers can help too, that would be fine. Thanks!
I'd like to learn some tricks from the pros. Put me on the waiting list with GIMP 2.6, please. Doesn't really matter who teaches me, from browsing around the last few days I see that everyone seems to know what they're doing very much so. ~Loshon
I would really like to learn how to use GIMP 2.6.6 as I have no idea how to do this.I basically need someone to teach me the basics of using this to create my own sigs and avatars.Thanks.
You can learn that from tutorials like THIS one. I might be able to take you on sometime, but no promises Well, first off I'm a girl, secondly I could teach you gimp to ps tranlation but, I don't know all the terminology in ps. I think I might could teach you how to do that tutorial, its pretty simple techniques, though. I warn you it may get complicated....
Could I get Juggernaut to teach me some PS CS4 stuff? I just got it and need some help. Or Dizfunky but Jug would be prefered. So just tell me if he is available and when he can do it after you PM him or something
I could teach you. That's like a mixture of sharpening, cropping, copying, smudging and looks like brushing and a little bit of feathering along with possibly a couple of strokes in there.
I have photoshop CS2 and I want to learn to make the streak looking signature backrounds and good general backrounds. Only like 1 teacher had CS2, but I dont have AIM, MSN, SKYPE or anything so maybe someone who has CS2 or CS3 and is willing to teach via profile posts or pm? thx
Can I interest you in HellsRequiemAMX? He has photoshop CS2, and I don't doubt his abilities to teach either.
Yee, yo I'll help you out bro, just PM me all the questions you want cleared up, I am familiar with every Photoshop from CS1 - CS4, I am still getting myself a legitimate copy of PSCS1 because I love that one since its almost same as CS2, just PM me and I can help you out with basically a wide variety of effects and things you can manipulate in Photoshop. IF you want, you should get MSN that is really easy to use and helps a lot when you want to send files over, such as a PSD (for learning purposes only).
wow this is a really awesome idea! too bad im too lazy to read through all the teachers n see who is good n right for me.
Ok, now I pretty much know the basics of Gimp but I still dont get how to make sigs using C4Ds and stocks. Is there anyone able to teach me?
That is too bad. Spoiler If that isn't enough for you, I'll try and fit some time into my schedule to teach you.
Anyone needing help with anything in Photoshop CS-CS4? Let me know, I am ready to help out, just PM me or add me to MSN, my MSN is in my little side bar thingy/contact info.
The tutorial isnt very detailed and kinda hard to follow for me. I would be nice if you or Icecikle could teach me cause Icecikle's Sigs are something like what I want to be able to do.Thanks