Foundry Wishbone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Created by: DeathToll77 and Zombievillan

    Make a wish.....
    Who will get the bigger half....

    Multi Flag
    Team Slayer
    Neutral Bomb
    One Flag
    One Bomb

    Wishbone, a symmetrical map in the shape of a wishbone. Each teams start on the opposite sides of the stem. The map started as a concept drawing on foundry designer. The only thing present was the center piece and the unique one way doors. The one way doors create a very competitive atmosphere for objective games. If you don't want to take the long route your team will have to be on the other side of the door and open it by destroying the grav lift. If your team is successful, you should be able to succeed. If you are unable to use the shortcut, feel free to grab a goose for a quick escape and drive back to your other side. Which brings me to the next purpose of the map. From day one the map was designed to house vehicular battles while still have infantry combat. Originally the map was intended for warthogs, but because of the limited space on foundry they were removed and replaced with ghosts. DeathToll77 started this map on his own in October. Eventually Zombievillan was added on. The map would NOT be what it is without him.



    This was the original concept drawing for Wishbone, notice the one way doors. From day one DeathToll77 planned the map to be unique because of the one-way(represented by blue arrows) doors and the ability to have vehicular and infantry battles. Of course the areas outside the "wishbone" have been drastically changed. The back hallway geo-merges were removed as well.


    • 2 Assault Rifles-30 secs-2 spare clips
    • 10 Battle Rifles-30 secs-2 spare clips
    • 1 Shotgun-180 secs-1 spare clip
    • 2 Sub Machine Guns-30 secs-2 spare clips
    • 4 Spikers-60 secs-1 spare clip
    • 2 Magnums-30 secs-2 spare clips
    • 2 Plasma Pistols-30 secs
    • 4 Plasma Rifles-30 secs
    • 1 Needler-90 secs-2 spare clips
    • 2 Covenant Carbines-30 secs-2 spare clips


    • 6 Frag Grenades
    • 6 Plasma Grenades
    • 1 Bubble Shield
    • 2 Power Drains
    • 2 Regenerators
    • 1 Active Camouflage-180 secs
    • 2 Mongeese-90 secs
    • 2 Ghosts-150 secs

    The dead middle of the "Wishbone."

    Base "A" side walkway.

    Base "A" sniper catwalk.

    Base "A"

    Base "B" to upper walkway.
    Upper walkway and camo spawn.

    Center bridge and camo spawn.

    Base "B" entrance 2.

    Base "A" back.
    One way door with window above.


    Br'd out of the sky!
    Ghost and mongoose slip by enemy defenses.


    Mongoose assault.

    Window combat, the guy got sticked.

    Mongoose vs. Ghost.

    Planning the escape with the flag.

    Flag Beat down.​

    Special Thanks:

    • thesilencebrokn-For looking at the concept design and being "****ing Impressed" Ever since then he has followed the maps progress and constantly giving advice.
    • Zombievillan-The man himself, without him working on the project this map would be, well simply put,****.
    • Adelyss-Toward the end of the map's production, Adelyss was very supportive with advice on geometry and helped with spawns.
    • Spartan7371-This man did a lot as well, everything from following the maps progress to testing, to help with weapons and spawns.
    • Idiotninja-When not testing the map, he suffered from "Wishbone withdrawl." We had just the cure for him, basically he tested alot.
    • Everybody who tested- Seriously, youre comments and your suggestions really helped out.
    • Bl00D Fir3-You may not remember this, but I do, way way way back when the map was just 4 boxes you helped DeathToll77 with a geo-merge.
    • Amercan Phycho-TESTING
    • Vorpal Saint-Following the map
    • GIBBARRRRRRR-Awesome vision idea and testing and following map

    Final Thoughts:

    DeathToll77: "Geo merging sucks!!! No, but really the map was destined for greatness from day one. Not to sound boastful but I had zombievillain, I mean come on!! I'm set. Also I had great people to guide along the way. Oh and WE'RE NEVER USING THAT CANVAS AGAIN!!

    Zombievillan: "The moment I layed eyes on the concept I knew it was going to be a great map. After I had finished Odessa, DeathToll77 proposed me to join him is his project. I was excited because he had shown me the progress so far. After that I got right to work, we did'nt have any ideas for the rest of the layout, so we had discussed anything possible and had to switch the layout around a few times until it was right. In the end the gameplay was great and the map looks good. I will definetely call this a success."

    Zombievillans Final thoughts part 2: Well what can i say, I really enjoyed building this with you deathtoll. As long as it took, especially with me building my last map at the same time, this was great fun. Im sorry there were many times you had to rush me to finish a few merges but hey, its all good now. I really like the way this flows with the vehicles and I was kinda iffy about the two Ghosts but it worked out really well and I am not dissapointed in this map at all. You did great in your first competetive map and you probably didnt even need my help, but Im glad you asked.

    #1 DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  2. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Cheesepuffs beats Zombievillain to the shotgun!

    Bomb vs. Man....

    Ghost vs. Man...........

    Just WOW.

    Beware of crossing ghosts...

    Bomb goes through door.

    Ghost joins in.

    Bet you can't stick em..

    As you can see the map has plenty of room for vehicles, just look at the ghost jet line.

    Co-ordination fail. YOU STUCK THE WRONG GUY RIKU!!

    Covering the bomb assault.

    The consequences of having the door broken.

    The needler, is now the needled.

    Ahh teamwork at uhh work.

    Dirt nap ehh?


    Hmm maybe put it on the ground next time?

    Watch out for grenades on the upper walkways.


    #2 DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Will they make it?!?!??

    Noob Combo anybody?

    Holding down the walkway with the BR.

    Turns our getting shot in the back of the head is dangerous. Who knew?

    Strugglingfor that breath of air after getting through the gate.

    You'd think these guys would win with double the strength but nooooooo

    Is it a spider? NO IT's PINK!! Is it a pink spider?

    Something is just not right.
    #3 DeathToll77, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  4. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    This map is a masterpiece. From the "gimmick" shield doors to the walkways this map is perfect for all team games. The defense v offense is perfect on this map. At first you may think that it is easier for the defensive, but it is perfectly balanced. In one game we were pounding the enemy for 15 minutes without them budging, but in one organized attack they wiped out our whole team and scored. This is just one of the awesome moments that will happen when playing this map.

    This map also has great vehicular action. The ghosts are not overpowered at all. At first it may seem that they are unbeatable, but alone they are almost useless versus an organized team. They are mainly used as a support vehicle to back up attack, except in team slayer. The mongooses work exactly as they should in bomb-omb and CTF games.

    The weapons also add to the marvel that is Wishbone. Battle Rifles are plentiful at the starting spawn for all the people who want them, and each team gets a sniper. There is one shotgun in the middle which is perfect because in the middle there is only one way to run so you have to work for the shotgun. If you do manage to get it you are rewarded with an active camo...most of the time. There are also plasma pistols, plasmas, and two powerdrain to deal with vehicles. Plus the best weapon is also on the map. All in all there is no other way to put this map besides FEACHURE NAO!
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Haha, i recall telling you i was impressed with the initial ideas.

    Im glad this turned out the way it did. There needs to be more maps on Foundry like this. I enjoyed most gametypes that i got to experience. I enjoyed Team Slayer the most, so im not quite sure why it isnt on the list. Multiflag was fairly innovative because of the ability to use teamwork to drastically shorten flag returning time. I normally hate doors and switch gimmicks in maps, but this is how they should work.

    The multi-leveled ramps leading around the map are a nice touch with little to no jumping actually required. I saw a few people use some sweet jumps that im sure were not totally intentional, and its little things like that which make a map complete.

    Ill be keeping this on my harddrive, and in a day where Sandbox smothers the forums, I hope people can keep an open mind to great foundry maps that are still being made and released.

    Great job guys. I hope to see this go far.
    #5 thesilencebroken, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009

    SUNS13HALOCOR Ancient
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    It's pretty good. I don't agree with having vehicles on it though. Vehicles don't work on foundry. but overall good forging and cool map 3.5/5
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    They don't work? If you mean by balanced, there are plenty of maps that have balanced vehicle layouts.

    I'm not sure I understand fully what kind of effect the one-ways have on game-play. Is there even a point of going through them until it's unlocked? It looks to me as if it's just a blank dead area that should be avoided for it's long route until your team can destroy the other one. I mean, when your team can finally deactivate the other team's grav lift, it'll work fine and dandy - for your team. But until then...I'm not sure. How well does it play pre-unblocked?
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This is the best objective map I have ever played. I can never get enough of it; I guess I have Wishbone withdrawal as well. It is perfectly balanced, the design is amazing, especially the bases. The one-way doors add a unique twist to objective gameplay that makes Wishbone a map like no other.

    Every aspect of the map, except for the back catwalk, in my oppinion, has been perfected, though I know not of what could possibly be done to make it better. The ascetics in this map are great as well, a hard feet for Foundry's limited pallet, accomplishing a great aspect of height while still allowing one to feel at home. The layout is complex enough to allow for strategic, advanced gameplay, yet is simple enough so that new players won't become confused or overwhelmed. There is a perfect balance of weapons, not one is too overpowered, and there is always one close enough to be found without having to be looked for, though I was never actually able to find where to plasma grenades spawned. I was surprised, but vehicles, even if they are lighter ghosts and mongeese, fit into the map like a glove, they're not out of place, not overpowered, and allow for extra strategy in flag retrieval and protection, a major plus. No matter how long a match is, no matter how many times it's played, it will never become old or boring.

    There isn't much more I can say than this:
    Simple, clean, balanced, beautiful.
    Complex, innovative, refined, and strategic.​
    #8 Sotha Sil156, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  9. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Deathtoll and zombievillian you two did an amazing job on this map. The map has endless replayability, in all my testing sessions never once did I get bored. I especially enjoyed multi flag on this map, epic half hour matches where everyone has over 50 kills. I'm going to say this map has some of the most fun gameplay that I have ever experienced on foundry. The doors work great for gameplay and the shotgun is in the perfect place, you often don't make it out alive on the initial rush for the shotgun. The vehicles work really good on this map, the ghost has just the right amount of strenght on this map. All in all I say feature nao for great gameplay.

    SUNS13HALOCOR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have the worlds best avatar. Tupac FTW
  11. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Please do not spam up map threads with useless things like this. Also Please edit your post once you have played on this map with a good CTF or bomb-omb game of 4v4 or 5v5. People might then actually care about what you post.
  12. Bixed

    Bixed Ancient
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    First I saw the MS Paint-ish mock-up, and I wasn't impressed. But then I scrolled down and got an erection.
  13. Riku

    Riku Ancient
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    Wishbone is a truly amazing map... From Team Slayer to Neutral Bomb, this map provides absolutely epic battles. I loved every minute of playtesting this map; there was never a dull moment. I also really liked the aesthetics and all of the towers. They added a great effect to the gameplay.

    Teamwork was absolutely necessary in the objective based games, particularly pertaining to the shield doors. In Assault or Capture the Flag, fighting in the middle with the flag/bomb with a teammate or two while another teammate goes around the long way to disable the one-way door provided great anticipation and excitement. The feeling of "yes! I made it" certainly was a good feeling. The reason this is so much more effective for capturing the flag or planting the bomb is because the route through the middle is much safer, and the enemies will generally be more focused on trying to save their flag or stop the bomb that a stealthy teammate may be able to get around to opening the door for his/her teammates.

    You're kidding me, right? The vehicles add so much to gameplay, not to mention that they are extremely balanced – the power drains, plasma pistols, and plasma grenades can easily take out a ghost or a mongoose, but the ghost is quite effective for combat support on the ground, particularly in one bomb offense.

    The buildings and cat-walks allow for exciting BR or sniper battles and the assault rifle is used more than you might think; I was surprised how many kills I got with it. This map is great for both long and close ranged weapons. BTW, I liked how you added the needler, Deathtoll. :p

    I think I found myself a new favorite map. 5/5, this map is extraordinarily fun for all team-based gametypes. FEATURE NAO PL0x. =]
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Wishbone deserves a good post. This is directed to all you people spamming
    this amazing map with all your fail.
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    red showed me this earlier today. I was like, no, I've seen this already, and he was like no you havent. I remember you having the beeeetttaaa alpha beta stage out a couple months back, when I tried it. Great change, and I'm really liking the full setup and team tactics.
  16. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    Awesome so awesome so very awesome what can explain how awsome it is mybe by just saying AWESOME!!!
    heaps AWESOME map man 10/5
    i might be pushing it the awesomes are just to add a little fun to my post.
    so heaps cool map keep forging your awesome at it dont stop
  17. awsome forge friend

    Senior Member

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    im glad the map turned out ok most of the maps people make start out good but turn out really bad i hope you make more.
  18. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    absolutely stunning :O 5/5 and dl'ed
  19. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    Jezus Christ! Enougf with the pictures already!!! between 6 and 12 pictures is enougf to see the whole map.

    Ok, about the map now. The maps is pretty good geomerged and interlocked.
    I thought the concept of the map wasn't very original or creative though.
    It's al cool looking and all, but i feel like these kind of maps have been done before. Try to make and a-symetrical next time, because it would proably work out more nicely.

    Ooh and one thing. 10 pictures ARE enougf. Please, don't try TO hard ok?
  20. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Wow... just wow. All I can say after i did a game on it was WOW. Perfection. This map is amazing. exacted with all geomrges, precise with all interlocks. no doubt that it will get a feature. =)

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