Campaign Remakes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by lefty0904, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Luckiesnipes made a post earlier about remaking a part of Sierra 117 from the campaign, so I started thinking. Would anyone be interested in helping me remake different parts of each campaign level? They would all have to be on sandbox, and I want to find the parts of each level that have the most action, and create them in forge. I want to cover as much of each level as I can and to be as accurate as possible. If anyone has any interest in doing this, let me know.
  2. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    This sounds like it would be pretty difficult since the terrain is so varied in Campaign. But god luck.
  3. MousseMooseROCKS

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    Dang I would help, but I can't. It would be interesting to see and might actually be fun to play on. But I seriously think Luckiesnipes is crazy for attempting Sierra 117. I don't know much he could create that would be reasonable.
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    You could recreate the part on Tvaso Highway near the end where there are a bunch of choppers and wraiths.
  5. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Yea I'll probably do that. Also I'm looking for suggestions of what to create, like which parts of the levels are your favorites.
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    In my opinion, campain shouldn't be more that inspiration, the gameplay is different. Keep the structures but don't keep the layout and weapon placement. The Controle room from halo CE would be cool to recreate, and add tunnels outside of the dome maybe, thats maybe. It would be more aesthetic than competitive.
  7. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    What I want to do is actually make it as much like the campaign as possible. I want it to actually be like master chief, the arbiter, and a bunch of marines (one team) fighting a bunch of brutes or whatever (other team). If that doesn't work I'll change it around to actually be more competitive gameplay. The area I'm thinking of the most right now is on crow's nest in the hangar.
  8. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Oh!!! How about the begining of Crow's Nest? Where all the marines are? That would be easy to do!
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm working on a minigame right now that if it works right, should feel like the Chief facing down endless swarms of drones. Juggernaut variant, where whichever drone takes down the chief becomes the new chief. I'm thinking of doing multiple maps based on the different spots in campaign where you face drones, with the drones spawning into man cannons and being flown into the room where the Chief is.

    And since I love creativity, any of you are free to take that idea and run with it if you think you can do it well.
  10. awsome forge friend

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    how about remakeing the part of siear 117 where there is a waterfall and all of the pelicans get shot down that may be easy just make it a dry lake bed and make the water fall out of sheild doors.
  11. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Rat's Nest is a remake of this xD.

    I love the idea of building campaign maps for multiplayer and I really hope that there are some good maps made!

    Sierra 117 - The ending section with all the buildings and stuff is probably easiest to make.

    Tsavo Highway - Maybe just make up a section of road, don't copy the campaigns section but do it in the same kind of style.

    Cortana - You could make the section near to the end where you destroy the base, that floating structure type thingy.

    Halo - You could try and remake it as a race map, or battle tracks, now that we've got kill balls we can even have explosions.

    Covenant - You could remake the section towards the end where you kill the two scarabs, put the Citadel in the citadel and a scorpion in there and it could be really cool.

    The Storm - Maybe you could make the section with the first AA wraith, that bowl like area where the skull is.

    Floodgate - You could do like the start area, the big hill with the massive artillery gun on top, or you could make like one of the city sections.

    The Ark - I reckon this one would probably be the hardest remake, but I think you should either do the part where you have a sniper and theres that big covenant gun thing in the middle. Or you could try to make the part with the scarab and actually make a scarab.

    If you would like I would try and help you make some of these but I won't have the maps until Thursday and I might have trouble with time zones depending on where your from.
    #11 Big Maxy 117, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  12. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    If you can recreate two working Scarabs like on the Covenant, I'll be your loyal servant 4evah!

    EDIT: my mind just started working: what about one of the two (three actually) barrier towers on the Covenant. Think along.

    Gametype: Assault

    As a human, you first have to conquer the main floor (where you meet the Hunters). It's a room with a pillar in the middle, and corridors at the sides (with a sniper spot where the Jackals are in campaign). And then, you have to work your way up to the second floor. Then take the grav lift to the third floor, where you have to place the bomb where the Barrier Deactivation Thing is in campaign.
    #12 TheRayzerTag, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It's worth saying that against popular belief, some of the maps are based on campaign. For example, if you look up when going through the warehouses in The Storm and Floodgate, you'll notice that Foundry is based off the map. The next DLC map-pack map Citadel will also be based on one of the towers from the Covenant, and maps such as Ghost Town resemble parts of Sierra 117.

    If you were to remake a map, what map(s) would you use?
  14. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Big Maxy thanks for those ideas. I'll try to make as many of them as I can. And if you want to help just send me a friend request on xbox live. I'm on at pretty random times so I'm sure we'll be on at the same time eventually.

    The scarabs are actually a very good idea. I've been thinking about how to recreate them and I already have some ideas. So we'll see how it works out.

    And what do you mean epic? Do you mean what campaign maps I would remake? Because I want to try to do all of them
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I was just pointing that out so that you don't accidentally, say, make a Sierra 117 remake (or w/e) on foundry, Foundry itself being a remake of The Storm in a way.

    Also, I meant: what maps are you going to use for the remakes?
  16. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    How about the barracks in Crow's Nest that would a little hard with the ladders but I think that would be a great part or the part before you go in the elevater and see all the flying brutes or you could do the scene in crows nest where the tons of flying brutes. I would attepmt the flying brute place in the sky bubble. Sorry but i don't have the maps to help you.
  17. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    I'm going to be making them all on sandbox... foundry wouldnt be big enough. And yea rexdino I think I'll probably try to do almost all of the areas on crows nest. Thats actually the first map im planning on doing.
  18. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    Im interested! hit me up yo. GT Pixie Dustttt
  19. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    how about doing previous campaign maps? like the PoA, only it would be focused on the inside only. so if the outside cant be shaped to look like it should, then thats just too bad. then you would have a custom powerup for a marine to become master chief, and the marines would spawn in the control room, and master cheif in the cryo chamber. then you could have covenant spawn in the boarding pods, and then respawn in a final pod at the end. then there would be a bomb at the end that immediately plants and arms, so you just get their and you immediately grab it and then its over. and the covenant would have shields, while marines dont. everyone starts with PP's, but marines and master chief have BR's and AR's abundant around their spawn. then the covenant would pick up needlers, carbines, PR's, and a few plasma nades. but no grenades at start so you have to be careful with the ones that spawn.

    and that would be fun as hell, just going through, rememberng old times...
  20. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Alright thats a great idea spartan. That would be so much fun. I think you really have a better picture of it then I do though so maybe you should just run with it, and if you need any help with it let me know. I'm thinking about making this into a series though and that would be a great thing to add to it if you dont have any problems with it. I'll probably use the custom powerup idea for some of the other campaign maps too lol. If you have any other ideas let me know

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