Why Hello Thar :: Intro Something me and my friends wanted for a long time now, maybe some forged SWAT maps, to take a break from the dull, boring Bungie maps like Rats Nest, Snowbound, or even Tundra. So here's a short guide, that hopefully we can use to bring Swat maps semi-popular. The Basics :: Using Cover To Enhance Map Flow: To make a good SWAT map, the players need cover, you don't want to die at a 49-49 game, just because you're caught in an empty room, with no cover (Foundry). Cover can be so important, especially to prevent spawn killing. More on spawn killing, make cover near spawn points, so as soon as the players spawn, they can take cover near the nearby cover. "Why was there no cover???" Another key factor is to make your cover part of the map geometry, or, incorporate cover into your map geometry. So don't put random walls or crates as cover, unless you want a map with random things in it, aka Onslaught. "Whats r this?" Go with the Flow :: More on Map Flow: Map flow is very important towards gameplay in Team SWAT. Because a headshot results in instant death, most people are more cautious when laying Team SWAT, and when stuck in a 2v1 Gun fight, you don't want to run into a wall while trying to get away. Hence my new topic. In terms of gameplay, a ramp is always better then a jump. So when making a map, try to avoid crate jumps as seen in the middle of Rats Nest, and try to incorporate ramps like on Cold Storage. Even though it may take longer to forge a ramp then a simple crate jumps, it makes all the difference when playing the game. Obliquity :: Use Map Geometry to Produce Viewpoints: You want to make areas of maps unable to view every section of the map. Like the top of the lift room of Blackout, there's a good view of the top of the level, and there's alot of cover and exits so it feels really safe. But because blackout is multi-floored, you can't see the bottom floor. SWAT Doesn't Mean "Team Br's" :: Incorporate Carbines into Your map! Carbines add a twist to the strategy of Team Swat, because of the one headshot, rapid fire-esque moniker on the Carbine, players always want someone on there team have control of the Carbines on a map. But placement is key. You need it in an open place, because you want to keep the risk=reward factor in mind. But wait, you said add cover to your map? Yes I did, but don't over do it. SWAT, a Deeper Perspective :: The History of SWAT Bungie originates nearly all of the SWAT maps off of MLG maps. So if you have an MLG map, all you have to do is convert the weapon set to SWAT. Though, keep in mind, the basic MLG map, which is two base boredom, is really boring to play SWAT on. The tactics is really low class, because of the symmetrical layout, there's not as much thrill when turning a corner, because everything looks the same! Bye Bye, Gotta Go Sleep :: Closing I will update this as time progresses, please comment on this thread, I will update frequently with adding more to the guide and such, so thanks! Updates: 4/6/09: Added pictures, elaborated on the cover section, added "Swat, a deeper perspective" and "Go with the flow".
i think that would be perfect swat maps to change the course of forgeing instead of mlg it will be swat i think you and you friend should go through with the plan it seems like fun
Another thing. SWAT originated off of MLG, so more MLG maps can be coverted into SWAT maps rather than creating a map just for SWAT. My advice, work on a MLG or competitive map, and when you're done save two versions - one regular and one with SWAT weapons. When you test, and the SWAT plays well, feel proud
Good guide, but kind of short. Moar pleeze. Also, the purple is slightly distracting. One thing to remember when making a SWAT map is the way it flows. So important. Don't just throw down a wall for cover. The cover should be provided by the map's geometry. Notice how none of Bungie's maps have random little walls/pillars everywhere for cover. You also need to eliminate as many jump-ups as possible. Use ramps instead. Keep it smooth!
Shouldn't this be in Forge Discussion? Anyways, nice guide, I'd love to see how it will progress over time.