This means that I finished the last mission alone with all the skulls on on legendary difficulty: Solo Legendary All Skulls On Proof It was sooo difficult. At one point near the start I sooooo nearly died... Just don't stop driving when at the last bit. Never stop.
wow nice! I've only beaten Floodgate SLASO so far. I tried doing Sierra 117 forever but I gave up after like 3 hours. (I refuse to use the guide because that ruins half the fun)
very cool how hard was it. when me and my freinds tryed it we failed so hard we just gave up after 4 hours of straight playing.
I'd never do it on Halo; I would get too worried that an auto-turret would sneak up on me and kill me. I don't remember when it might have been Bungie Day 2008...anyway, I think they said only a dozen or so players had ever beaten the entire campaign SLASO as of then. That's a goal to shoot for.
That is absolutely freaky man. What was your points at the end? If you do the entire campaign SLASO i will worship you like a God.
I didn't use the guide because it invloved grenade jumping. I had no idea how high my shields were, so I just sucked it up and went for it. Nearly died at one point, but I jumped up on Johnson's perch when I got to the top so I was safe.
I'm not even going to try the last level. I got through Sierra 117 and Tsavo Highway and wasn't excited to try anymore.
That's just ridiculous. I just don't have the patience for that kind of thing. Are you gonna do any of the other missions SLASO-style?
Might do. It was actually very fun. At one point at a jump in the warthog I thought I wouldn't make it, but the hog just made it. Another time I flipped among a mass of sentinels and flood, some of which I had just run down. I did the final jump with no shields, 6 needles in me and 4 spiker bullets. Yay! It only took me 1 hour and 5 minutes too. Just don't betray Johnson. Don't even touch Johnson... Try doing The Covenant SLASO. It's soooo hard...
Thats insane. I tried to do it for around an hour to win the mythic map pack and i couldn't even make it in the doors. I guess I could probably go back and try it again now that im not trying to speedrun it but...oh well